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Models of Ecological Rationality: The Recognition Heuristic Daniel G. Goldstein and Gerd Gigerenzer Psychological Review 2002, Vol. 109, No. 1, 75–90.

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Presentation on theme: "Models of Ecological Rationality: The Recognition Heuristic Daniel G. Goldstein and Gerd Gigerenzer Psychological Review 2002, Vol. 109, No. 1, 75–90."— Presentation transcript:

1 Models of Ecological Rationality: The Recognition Heuristic Daniel G. Goldstein and Gerd Gigerenzer Psychological Review 2002, Vol. 109, No. 1, 75–90

2 What are Heuristics?  Heuristics are poor replacements for computations that are too demanding for ordinary minds.  The assumption is that the man in the street, the naive psychologist, uses a naive version of the method used in science. Undoubtedly, his naive version is a poor replica of the scientific one—incomplete, subject to bias, ready to proceed on incomplete evidence, and so on. ( Kelley, 1973, p. 109)

3 Computational Models of Heuristics 1. ecologically rational 2. founded in evolved psychological capacities such as memory 3. fast, frugal, and simple 4. precise 5. powerful

4 Recognition Heuristics  Can a Lack of Recognition Be informative? (Gigerenzer & Hoffrage, 1995)— (Ayton & Önkal, 1997).  If one of two objects is recognized and the other is not, then infer that the recognized object has the higher value with respect to the criterion.

5 Recognition Heuristics  The effectiveness of a recognition heuristic depends on its ecological validity.  The Capacity for Recognition: Recognition memory often remains when other types of memory become impaired. Example of R.F.R., a 54-year old policeman

6 The ecological rationality of the recognition heuristic

7 Recognition Heuristics The recognition validity : α = R / (R+W)  Accuracy of the Recognition Heuristic:  β is the knowledge validity

8 The Less-Is-More Effect

9 The Less-Is-More Effect: A Computer Simulation

10 Does the Recognition Heuristic Predict People’s Inferences?  22 students from the University of Chicago  They were given all the pairs of cities drawn from the 25 or 30 largest cities in Germany.  The task was to choose the larger city in each pair.

11 Recognition Heuristic Accordance

12 Test Size Influences Performance  According to the given equation:  The number of correct inferences depends on N, for constant α and β

13 Test Size Influences Performance

14 Noncompensatory Inferences  Will Inference follow the recognition heuristic despite conflicting evidence?  The recognition heuristic is a noncompensatory strategy.

15 Noncompensatory Inferences  Participants learned an alternative to the recognition heuristic (Bundesliga).  Which would participants choose as larger: an unrecognized city or a recognized city that they learned has no soccer team?


17 Will a Less-Is-More Effect Occur Between Domains?  American participants were tested on German and American cities.  Same criterion: Population  Recognition Heuristics vs. Knowledge

18 Will a Less-Is-More Effect Occur Between Domains?  52 students took two tests each: one on the 22 largest cities in the United States, and one on the 22 largest cities in Germany.  Participants scored a mean 71.1% correct on their own cities. On the German cities, the mean accuracy was 71.4%

19 Will a Less-Is-More Effect Occur as Recognition Knowledge Is Acquired?  Equation predicts that accurate inference will decrease because of diminishing applicability of the recognition heuristic.  Participants gained an “experimentally induced” sense of recognition.  Will participants use recognition information acquired during the experiment?

20 Will a Less-Is-More Effect Occur as Recognition Knowledge Is Acquired?  Participants were 16 residents of Munich, Germany,  In the first session, they were shown the names of the 75 largest American cities in random order.  They were then given a test consisting of 300 pairs of cities. This was repeated three times.


22 The Ecological Rationality of Name Recognition  What is the origin of the recognition heuristic as a strategy?  Role of evolution  The recognition validity can be explained as a function of the ecological and the surrogate correlations

23 The Ecological Rationality of Name Recognition

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