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Advanced Transfer University Transfer Center. General Education Patterns Major Preparation Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGs) CSU Associate of Arts/Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Transfer University Transfer Center. General Education Patterns Major Preparation Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGs) CSU Associate of Arts/Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Transfer University Transfer Center

2 General Education Patterns Major Preparation Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGs) CSU Associate of Arts/Science for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T) Transfer to Out of State or Private Universities Important Deadlines

3 General Education (GE) Courses P rior to transferring you are strongly recommended to complete either the CSU or IGETC pattern. – Some majors like Engineering and Science-related majors discourage students from completing general education courses and would prefer that they focus on major preparation courses instead. E ach university has their own GE pattern. However, we recommend you follow either the… – CSU GE pattern (if transferring to a CSU), or – IGETC GE pattern (if transferring to either a UC or CSU)

4 CSU General Education CategorySubject AreaSample CourseUnits A1Oral CommunicationSpeech 1013 A2Written CommunicationEnglish 1014 A3Critical ThinkingEnglish 1033 B1Physical ScienceChemistry 1204 B2Life ScienceBiology 1004 B3Laboratory ActivityBiology 1001-4 B4MathematicsMath 1234 C1ArtsMusic 1003 C2HumanitiesPhilosophy 1053 C1/C2Arts or HumanitiesArt 1013 DSocial SciencePsychology 1013 DSocial ScienceHistory 1073 DSocial SciencePolitical Science 1033 ELifelong LearningPersonal Development 1013 Total units=39

5 In Addition… S tudents earning a bachelor’s degree from any CSU are required to complete the U.S. History and American Institutions requirement. You must select 1 course from each section: – History 107, 108, or 118, & – Political Science 101 or 103

6 IGETC Pattern AreaSubject AreaSample CourseUnits 1-AEnglish CompositionEnglish 1014 1-BCritical ThinkingEnglish 1033 1-COral Communication (CSU only)Speech 1023 2MathematicsMath 1313 3-AArtsFilm 1013 3-BHumanitiesHistory 1013 3-A/3-BArts/HumanitiesArt 1013 4Social and Behavioral SciencesPsychology 1013 4Social and Behavioral SciencesHistory 1073 4Social and Behavioral SciencesSociology 1013 5-APhysical ScienceChemistry 1204 5-BBiological ScienceBiology 1203 6Language Other than EnglishSpanish 1015

7 Major Preparation… N ow that you have selected your major, what classes do you have to take to prepare yourself for that major? – This website site allows you to see what courses are required for your major at all CSU’s and UC campuses.

8 For Example… H ere is an example of an agreement between AHC and Cal Poly, SLO. This information came from the ASSIST website. Business Administration (Major Prep) Accounting 1303 units Accounting 1403 units Economics 1013 units Economics 1023 units Math 1234 units Business 1103 units Math 1354 units Total= 23 units

9 BASIC REQUIREMENTS for the TAG Available at 7 of the 9 UC’s (not UCLA or UCB) Must have 30 units at time of application, 60 units total by spring prior to fall transfer GPA ( 3.o with some exceptions)  UC Davis 3.2-3.3 (depends on major)  UC Irvine 3.4  UC Merced 2.8-3.0 (depends on major)  UC Riverside 3.0-3.2 (depends on major)  UC Santa Barbara 3.2  UC Santa Cruz 3.0 UC TAGS : Transfer Admission Guarantees

10 UC Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGS) Cont. English/Math completed (varies by school) Major Preparation Process (Online Application); file TAG between Sept. 1- 30 for fall YOU MUST ALSO APPLY TO UNIVERSITY WITHIN TIME FRAME (Nov. 1-30)

11 PREPARATION FOR TAGS Make an appointment with a counselor. Meet with university representatives. Use the University Transfer Center. Attend TAG workshops. Complete English/Math GE requirements. Complete IGETC. Complete Major Prep --use Keep up your GPA!

12 California Community College students that earn a transfer associate (AA-T/AS-T) degree are guaranteed junior standing and priority admission consideration over all other transfer students when applying to a CSU baccalaureate degree program. Students will be admitted to a bachelor’s program similar to the student’s community college area of emphasis. Students will only be required to complete 60 additional prescribed units to qualify for the similar bachelor’s degree. California State University: What is a Transfer Associate Degree?

13 AA-T/AS-T: How does it work? Upper Division Major Coursework Upper Division General Education Lower Division Major Coursework Electives CSU General Ed or IGETC + 60 units @ a California Community College 60 units @ a California State University Bachelors Program

14 The AA-T/AS-T degree does not guarantee admission to a specific CSU or major, only to the CSU system. Does the Transfer Degree GUARANTEE admission to a specific school?

15 Associate of Arts/Science for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T) Make an appointment with a counselor for more information Check out the website: Majors approved for AA-T/AS-T at Allan Hancock College to date: Approved AHC AA-Ts: Anthropology AA-T Communication Studies AA-T History AA-T English AA-T History AA-T Kinesiology AA-T Political Science AA-T Sociology AA-T Spanish AA-T

16 Associate of Arts/Science for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T) Approved AS-Ts: Administration of Justice AS-T Business Administration AS-T Early Childhood Education AS-T Mathematics AS-T Physics AS-T

17 Private/Out-of-State I f you are planning to transfer to a college/university outside the CSU and UC system, see a counselor right away. S ome Private and Out-of-State schools do not recognize either the CSU or IGETC pattern, therefore you are required to follow their native GE pattern.

18 Things To Consider… I t could take longer than 2 years to meet the transfer requirements depending on factors such as… – Your assessment results in English and math – The amount of classes you take each semester – Your major requirements I t is strongly advised that you meet with a counselor in order to create a Student Education Plan (SEP). The SEP will help you stay on track. – Advise the counselor of any AP scores.

19 Things To Consider… M ake sure that the university you would like to transfer to offers your major. Not all universities offer every major. Do research. F requently meet with a counselor to help ensure a smooth transition to the university.

20 Applying to UC/CSU for Fall 2014? September 2013: Submit UC TAG October-November 2013: Submit CSU applications November 2013: Submit UC applications


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