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Memory & Attention

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1 Memory & Attention

2 Action Cognition begins with action. That is why there is a psychology of animals but not a psychology of plants. Action includes Stimulus or input from world Response of organism

3 Memory Stimulus – response associations may be innate (insects) or learned (most other creatures). Learning makes it possible for an organism to survive in a more variable environment. Cats can catch mice or birds or fish. Memory makes it possible for a creature to do something better the next time.

4 Consciousness Responses to novel events, by definition, cannot be planned in advance. Consciousness makes it possible to construct and execute ad hoc responses, i.e., voluntary actions, to novel events. Searching for hiding prey.

5 Two kinds of learning Improvement in performance Dog: Catching ball Person: Walking, reading Procedural Learning Conscious recollection Dog: Recognizing master Person: Recognizing dog Declarative Learning

6 Procedural vs. Declarative Memory Procedural Memory Knowing how Getting faster and more accurate with practice Motor, Perceptual, & Perceptual-Motor Skill Learning Declarative Memory Knowing what Activating additional representations Often includes knowing that something has been encountered previously.

7 Examples of two kinds of memory: Learning to read upside down print

8 Reading speed of upside down print increases with practice The learning function is a log function.

9 Students can recognize articles they read in upside down print

10 Thatcher Illusion

11 Upright Thatcher

12 Course Outline Action & Recognition The role of procedural and declarative memory in action and attention Learning (in Declarative Memory) Retrieval (in Declarative Memory)

13 Course Outline Action & Recognition The role of procedural and declarative memory in action and attention Motor learning & apraxia Visual learning & visual agnosia Priming Language processing Verbal agnosias & aphasia Learning Retrieval

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