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Wundt Voluntarism and Introspection. Voluntarism, not volunteerism FVoluntarism: the power of the will to organize the mind’s content into higher-level.

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Presentation on theme: "Wundt Voluntarism and Introspection. Voluntarism, not volunteerism FVoluntarism: the power of the will to organize the mind’s content into higher-level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wundt Voluntarism and Introspection

2 Voluntarism, not volunteerism FVoluntarism: the power of the will to organize the mind’s content into higher-level thought processes. FAn associationist model, from simple elements to larger compounds, but it does not simply progress mechanically, the will has an organizing effect. FVoluntarism: the power of the will to organize the mind’s content into higher-level thought processes. FAn associationist model, from simple elements to larger compounds, but it does not simply progress mechanically, the will has an organizing effect.

3 The contents of the mind FBasic immediate experience (ex: the experience of “redness” or “discomfort”) FWundt wanted to catalog all possible basic immediate experiences, and form a “periodical table of elements” as chemistry did. FThe way to observe consciousness is through the method of introspection. FBasic immediate experience (ex: the experience of “redness” or “discomfort”) FWundt wanted to catalog all possible basic immediate experiences, and form a “periodical table of elements” as chemistry did. FThe way to observe consciousness is through the method of introspection.

4 The method of introspection FIntrospection or internal perception (intro = inside, spectare: looking) FObservation of simple processes under very careful conditions that can be replicated FObservers were extensively trained (10,000 observations before they were considered trained) FIntrospection or internal perception (intro = inside, spectare: looking) FObservation of simple processes under very careful conditions that can be replicated FObservers were extensively trained (10,000 observations before they were considered trained)

5 The Method of mental Chronometry FInvented by Donders FMakes use of reaction time FThe more complex mental operation takes more time. FInvented by Donders FMakes use of reaction time FThe more complex mental operation takes more time.

6 Elements of conscious experience FSensations: the result of the stimulation of a sense organ. Classified by: FIntensity, duration, sense modality FFeelings: the affective tone of a sensation FSensations: the result of the stimulation of a sense organ. Classified by: FIntensity, duration, sense modality FFeelings: the affective tone of a sensation

7 Sensations (1) FGeneral sense: FPressure, heat, cold FSound FSimple noise, simple tone FSmell and taste FSmell: hard to categorize FTaste: sour, sweet, bitter, salty FGeneral sense: FPressure, heat, cold FSound FSimple noise, simple tone FSmell and taste FSmell: hard to categorize FTaste: sour, sweet, bitter, salty

8 Sensations (2) FLight FAchromatic (black/white) FChromatic (colors) FDimensions: tone, saturation, brightness FLight FAchromatic (black/white) FChromatic (colors) FDimensions: tone, saturation, brightness

9 Feelings FPleasant /unpleasant FExcitement/depression FTension/relaxation FPleasant /unpleasant FExcitement/depression FTension/relaxation

10 Psychical compounds FIdeas (composed of several sensations) FComposite feelings (several feelings mixed together) FEmotions (typical form in which affective processes occur). Emotions have a temporal quality: beginning, middle, end. FVolitions (changes in ideas and feelings that bring an emotion to a close) FIdeas (composed of several sensations) FComposite feelings (several feelings mixed together) FEmotions (typical form in which affective processes occur). Emotions have a temporal quality: beginning, middle, end. FVolitions (changes in ideas and feelings that bring an emotion to a close)

11 General consciousness FInterconnects the psychical compounds FWhen connections are broken, unconsciousness or sleep results FThe process of synthesis is creative, growth oriented, and leading toward the development of opposites FInterconnects the psychical compounds FWhen connections are broken, unconsciousness or sleep results FThe process of synthesis is creative, growth oriented, and leading toward the development of opposites

12 The field of consciousness FEverything that is in the field of consciousness at one time. FIncludes:  What is subject to apperception, and is perceived clearly  What is subject to Apprehension, and is not seen clearly --background material, existing as a potential for apperception. FEverything that is in the field of consciousness at one time. FIncludes:  What is subject to apperception, and is perceived clearly  What is subject to Apprehension, and is not seen clearly --background material, existing as a potential for apperception.

13 Apperception FApperception is a volitional process, i.e. it has to do with the will. FIt is the will that directs the attention and is at the basis of the creative synthesis that leads to the construction of knowledge FApperception is a volitional process, i.e. it has to do with the will. FIt is the will that directs the attention and is at the basis of the creative synthesis that leads to the construction of knowledge

14 Apperception and clinical psychology FProjective tests such as the Rorschach and the TAT are based on the concept of apperception. FTAT: Thematic Apperception Test FWhy is it that we perceive reality this or that way? FProjective tests such as the Rorschach and the TAT are based on the concept of apperception. FTAT: Thematic Apperception Test FWhy is it that we perceive reality this or that way?

15 The End

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