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Regional policy in Russia 2. Russia in the context.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional policy in Russia 2. Russia in the context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional policy in Russia 2. Russia in the context

2 Spatial contrasts: Russia and others (1)

3 Spatial contrasts: Russia and others (2)

4 Spatial contrasts: Russia and others (3)

5 Russia and USA in comparison

6 Russia, Europe and East Asia: population gradients

7 Russia and neighbours: demography (1)

8 Russia and neighbours: demography (2)

9 Russia: Shift Eastword?

10 “Russia is too cold” (1)

11 “Russia is too cold” (2) Паршев: Изотерма «-10» Гэдди, Хилл: «Температура на душу населения» в XX веке

12 “Russia is too cold” ( 3 )

13 Regional policy in past: GOELRO plan

14 Regional policy in past: “Stalin’s Trasnsforming Nature Great Plan”

15 Regional policy in past: GULAG

16 Regional policy in past: to be continued

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