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Foramen magnum Functions: Sensory Motor Reflexes Programs? L2 Pg 465
Cervical spinal nerves Cervical enlargement Dura and arachnoid mater Thoracic spinal nerves Lumbar enlargement L2 Conus medullaris Lumbar spinal nerves Cauda equina Filum Terminale (Pia Mater) (a) The spinal cord and its nerve roots, with the bony vertebral arches removed. The dura mater and arachnoid mater are cut open and reflected laterally. Sacral spinal nerves Pg 465
Figure 12.31a Anatomy of the spinal cord.
Epidural space (contains fat) Pia mater Arachnoid mater Spinal meninges Subdural space Dura mater Subarachnoid space (contains CSF) 1 layer Bone of vertebra Dorsal root ganglion Body of vertebra (a) Cross section of spinal cord and vertebra Pg 467
Foramen magnum Functions: Sensory Motor Reflexes Programs? L2 Pg 465
Cervical spinal nerves Cervical enlargement Dura and arachnoid mater Thoracic spinal nerves Lumbar enlargement L2 Conus medullaris Lumbar spinal nerves Cauda equina Filum Terminale (Pia Mater) (a) The spinal cord and its nerve roots, with the bony vertebral arches removed. The dura mater and arachnoid mater are cut open and reflected laterally. Sacral spinal nerves Pg 465
Dorsal median sulcus Gray commissure Dorsal funiculus Dorsal horn White columns Ventral funiculus Gray matter Ventral horn Lateral funiculus Lateral horn Dorsal root ganglion Spinal nerve Central canal (CSF) Dorsal root (fans out into dorsal rootlets) Ventral median fissure Ventral root (derived from several ventral rootlets) Pia mater Arachnoid mater Spinal dura mater (b) The spinal cord and its meningeal coverings 467
sensory motor Ascending tracts Descending tracts Fasciculus gracilis Ventral white commissure Dorsal white column Fasciculus cuneatus Lt. touch, pressure, proprioception Lateral reticulospinal tract Dorsal spinocerebellar tract Lateral corticospinal tract UMN proprioception Rubrospinal tract cerebellum Ventral spinocerebellar tract Medial reticulospinal tract Lateral spinothalamic tract Pain, temp. Ventral corticospinal tract UMN Ventral spinothalamic tract Ears Crude touch, pressure Vestibulospinal tract Tectospinal tract Corp. Quadrigemina Pg 469
Lateral spinothalamic tract (axons of second-order neurons)
Medulla oblongata Pain receptors Cervical spinal cord Axons of first-order neurons Temperature receptors Lumbar spinal cord (b) Spinothalamic pathway Pg 472
Primary somatosensory cortex Axons of third-order neurons Thalamus
Cerebrum Midbrain Cerebellum Pons (b) Spinothalamic pathway Pg 472
Axon Myelin sheath ? Endoneurium Perineurium Epineurium Fascicle Blood
vessels Sensory (afferent) Motor (efferent) Mixed (b) Pg 491
On occasion, our trusty truck acts funny, very good vehicle any how.
Filaments of olfactory nerve (I) Frontal lobe Olfactory bulb Olfactory tract Optic nerve (II) Temporal lobe Optic chiasma Infundibulum Optic tract Facial nerve (VII) Oculomotor nerve (III) Vestibulo- cochlear nerve (VIII) Trochlear nerve (IV) Trigeminal nerve (V) Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) Abducens nerve (VI) Vagus nerve (X) Cerebellum Accessory nerve (XI) Medulla oblongata Hypoglossal nerve (XII) Oh, Oh, Oh to touch and feel very green vegetable, ah heaven. (a) Pg 493
Smell Pg 494
Table 13.2 Cranial Nerves (2 of 14)
Vision Pg 494
Table 13.2 Cranial Nerves (3 of 14)
-Eye Movement (Extrinsic Eye muscles) -Intrinsic smooth muscle of eye for pupil and lens Pg 495
Table 13.2 Cranial Nerves (4 of 14)
Eye Movement Pg 495
Sensory from skin of face.
Motor to muscles for chewing Pg 496
Table 13.2 Cranial Nerves (7 of 14)
Eye Movement Pg 497
-Motor to muscles of face for facial expression
-Motor to lacrimal and salivary glands -Taste Pg 497
Hearing & Balance Pg 498
-Motor to muscles of pharynx (throat)
-Motor to salivary glands -Sensory for taste -Sensory for blood pressure Pg 499
-Taste -Smooth, Cardiac and glands in Thoracic and Abdominal cavities Pg 499
Motor to muscles of neck for movement
Pg 500
Table 13.2 Cranial Nerves (14 of 14)
Motor to tongue for swallowing and speech Pg 500
Exit out intervertebral foramen
Cervical spinal nerves (8) Cervical enlargement Dura and arachnoid mater Thoracic spinal nerves (12) Exit out intervertebral foramen Lumbar enlargement Conus medullaris Lumbar spinal nerves (5) Cauda equina Filum terminale (a) The spinal cord and its nerve roots, with the bony vertebral arches removed. The dura mater and arachnoid mater are cut open and reflected laterally. Sacral spinal nerves (5) Pg 465
Dorsal horn (interneurons) Cell bodies of 1st order sensory Somatic
Dorsal root (sensory) Dorsal root ganglion Dorsal horn (interneurons) Cell bodies of 1st order sensory Somatic sensory neuron Visceral sensory neuron Visceral motor neuron Spinal nerve Ventral horn (motor neurons) -short -mixed Ventral root (motor) Somatic motor neuron Axons of LMN and Preg. Interneurons receiving input from somatic sensory neurons Interneurons receiving input from visceral sensory neurons Visceral motor (autonomic) neurons Somatic motor neurons Pg 468
Meningeal branch Branch = Ramus Gray matter White matter Dorsal and
ventral rootlets of spinal nerve Ventral root Dorsal root Dorsal root ganglion Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve Ventral ramus of spinal nerve Spinal nerve Rami communicantes Sympathetic trunk ganglion White Rami -T-L -Preganglionic Gray Rami -C-S -Postganglionic Anterior view showing spinal cord, associated nerves, and vertebrae. The dorsal and ventral roots arise medially as rootlets and join laterally to form the spinal nerve. Pg 502
Dorsal = sensory from skin of back and motor to muscles of back
Dorsal ramus Ventral ramus Spinal nerve Rami communicantes Intercostal nerve Sympathetic trunk ganglion Dorsal root ganglion Dorsal root Ventral root Ventral = sensory from skin of front of trunk and appendages and motor to muscles of same. Branches of intercostal nerve • Lateral cutaneous • Anterior cutaneous Sternum (b) Cross section of thorax showing the main roots and branches of a spinal nerve. Pg 502
Ventral Branches form intercostal nerves and plexuses
neck Cervical plexus Cervical nerves C1 – C8 arm Brachial plexus Cervical enlargement Thoracic nerves T1 – T12 Intercostal nerves Lumbar enlargement Lumbar nerves L1 – L5 legs Lumbar plexus legs Sacral plexus Sacral nerves S1 – S5 Cauda equina Coccygeal nerve Co1 Pg 501
Pg 504 Roots (ventral rami): C4 Dorsal scapular C5 Nerve to subclavius
Suprascapular Upper Posterior divisions C7 Middle Trunks Lateral C8 Lower Cords Posterior T1 Long thoracic Medial Medial pectoral Lateral pectoral Axillary Upper subscapular Musculo- cutaneous Lower subscapular Thoracodorsal Radial Medial cutaneous nerves of the arm and forearm Median Ulnar (a) Roots (rami C5 – T1), trunks, divisions, and cords Anterior divisions Posterior divisions Trunks Roots Pg 504
Segmental branches Hypoglossal Ventral nerve (XII) rami:
Ventral rami Segmental branches Hypoglossal nerve (XII) Ventral rami: Lesser occipital nerve C1 Greater auricular nerve C2 Transverse cervical nerve C3 Ansa cervicalis C4 Accessory nerve (XI) Diaphragm Phrenic nerve C5 Supraclavicular nerves Pg 503
Sensory Dermatomes Much overlap 510 Anterior view (b) Posterior view
Clicker Question: Which of the following statements are true. 1
Clicker Question: Which of the following statements are true? 1. Spinocerebellar tracts would convey motor information from the cerebellum down the spinal cord to send impulses out to skeletal muscles. 2. Damage to the anterior horns in the spinal cord could result in flaccid paralysis. 3. The 3 cranial nerves to control movement of the eye are the oculomotor, abducens, and the trigeminal nerves. 4. The dorsal root only carries axons of sensory neurons. A. 2,4 B. 1,2,4 C. 2,3,4 D. 1,3,4
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