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Multiple Access Techniques
CS 6910 – Pervasive Computing Spring 2007 Section 7 (Ch.7): Multiple Access Techniques Prof. Leszek Lilien Department of Computer Science Western Michigan University Slides based on publisher’s slides for 1st and 2nd edition of: Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems by Agrawal & Zeng © 2003, 2006, Dharma P. Agrawal and Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved. Some original slides were modified by L. Lilien, who strived to make such modifications clearly visible. Some slides were added by L. Lilien, and are © by Leszek T. Lilien. Requests to use L. Lilien’s slides for non-profit purposes will be gladly granted upon a written request.
Multiple Division (Access) Techniques
Chapter 7 Multiple Division (Access) Techniques
Outline 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Concept and Models for Multiple Access
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 1) Introduction 2) Spread Spectrum 3) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) 4) Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (HFSS) 5) Walsh Codes 6) Near-far Problem 7) Power Control OFDM SDMA Comparison of FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA 7.3. Modulation Techniques AM (Amplitude Modulation) FM (Frequency Modulation) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) PSK (Phase Shift Keying) QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) /4 QPSK 7.3.7.QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) QAM (Modified by LTL)
7.1. Introduction Recall Large # of traffic channels on each BS
Forward (downlink) control channel MS Reverse (uplink) control channel Forward (downlink) traffic channel Reverse (uplink) traffic channel Recall Large # of traffic channels on each BS Bec. traffic channels used by 1 MS exclusively for call duration Small # of control Bec. control channels shared by many MSs for short periods Too expensive/inefficient to assign control channnel for call duration MS gets a traffic channel assigned for call duration Once assigned, no need to compete for access to traffic channels As was the case for control channels © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
For control channels — we used contention-based protocols
Introduction – cont. For control channels — we used contention-based protocols Many MS’s competing for the same control channel For traffic channels — we use now contention-free protocols Dedicated channel for each MS (not shared with other MSs) Allocated by BS When “this” MS requests OR: When another MS tries to reach “this” MS Allocated thanks to exchange of control messages over control channels using contention-based protocols © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
7.2. Concept and Models for Multiple Access (Multiple Division)
Q: Why “multiple access”? A: Multiple MSs can share a radio channel (without interference) => we can have multiple access to the same channel Multiple traffic channels used simultaneously MS attached to a transmitter/receiver Transmission from any MS is received by all MSs within its radio range MS communicates with its BS via a traffic channel Dedicated traffic channel not shared by other MSs © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
7.2. Concept and Models for Multiple Division – cont. 1
MS can hear traffic on many channels From “foreign” BSs ‘ from other MSs MS must distinguish its own traffic from any other traffic Ignore traffic from its own BSs to other MSs Ignore traffic from “foreign” BSs Ignore traffic from other MSs Like a person picking up his conversation partner’s speech when many people have many independent conversations in a room Also BS must distinguish traffic from different MSs MS or BS can distinguish thanks to orthogonalization of signals on different traffic channels OPTIONAL details – p. 144 © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
7.2. Concept and Models for Multiple Division – cont. 2
Duplex communications = simultaneous 2-way communications Duplex communications requires Forward (downlink) channel Reverse (uplink) channel BS Forward (downlink) control channel MS Reverse (uplink) control channel Forward (downlink) traffic channel Reverse (uplink) traffic channel © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
7.2.1. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)
User n … User 2 User 1 Time Separate (unique) carrier frequency per user All 1G (first-generation) systems use FDMA
Basic Structure of a FDMA System - 1 BS and n MSs
Basic Structure of a FDMA System - 1 BS and n MSs fi’ and fi – for MS #i f1’ f1 MS #1 f2’ f2 MS #2 … … … fn’ fn MS #n BS Reverse channels (Uplink) Forward channels (Downlink)
FDMA Channel Structure
Reverse channels Protecting bandwidth Forward channels f1’ f2’ fn’ f1 f2 fn … … Frequency Guard Band Wg Subband Wc … 1 2 3 4 n Frequency Total bandwidth W = N * Wc (for reverse channels or for forward channels) (Modified by LTL)
7.2.2. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
User 1 User 2 User n … Time Frequency Separate (unique) time slot per user The same carrier (frequency) split into time slots Each frequency efficiently utilized by multiple users Most of 2G systems use TDMA
Basic Structure of TDMA
MS #1 MS #2 MS #n BS … Reverse channels (Uplink) Forward channels (Downlink) t Frequency f ’ #1 Frame Slot Frequency f #2 #n
Two Duplexing Modes for TDMA
a) FDD = frequency division duplexing - Frequency for forward channels differs from frequency for reverse channels e.g., next slide: f used for all forward channels and f’ (not f) used for all reverse channel #1 b) TDD = time division duplexing - same frequency for all forward and all reverse channels e.g., slide +2 f (same) used for all reverse channels © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
a) Channel Structure in TDMA/FDD System
… t f #1 #2 #n Frame (a) All forward channels on frequency f … t f ’ #1 #2 #n Frame (a) All reverse channels on different frequency f ’
b) Channel Structure in TDMA/TDD System
f Frame Frame #1 #2 … #n #1 #2 … #n #1 #2 … #n #1 #2 … #n t Forward channel Reverse channel Forward channel Reverse channel All forward and all reverse channels on the same frequency f (1st half of each frame used for forward channels, 2nd half – for reverse channels)
TDMA Frame Structure Frequency Frame Frame Frame Time
#1 #2 … #n #1 #2 … #n #1 #2 … #n Time Notice Guard time between Time slots - Minimize interference due to propagation delays Head Data Time slot Guard time
7.2.3. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Outline: Introduction to CDMA Spread Spectrum Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) Walsh Codes Near-far Problem Power Control © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
7.2.3. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) – cont. 1) Introduction
Do not confuse CDMA (conflict-free) with CSMA (contention-based) CSMA = carrier sense multiple access User 1 Time Frequency User 2 User n Code . Separate (unique) code per user Code sequences are orthogonal => different users can use same frequency simultaneously (see Fig above) Some 2G systems use CDMA / Most of 3G systems use CDMA (Modified by LTL)
Structure of a CDMA System (with FDD)
MS #1 MS #2 MS #n BS C1’ C2’ Cn’ C1 C2 Cn … Reverse channels (Uplink) Forward channels (Downlink) Frequency f ’ Frequency f Notes: 1) FDD (frequency division duplexing) since f for all forward channels, and f’ for all reverse channels 2) Ci = i-the code 3) Ci’ x Cj’ = 0, i.e., Ci’ and Cj’ are orthogonal codes on f’ Ci x Cj = 0, i.e., Ci and Cj are orthogonal codes on f
Two Implementation Methodologies for CDMA
a) DS = direct sequence next slide b) FH = frequency hopping - same frequency for all forward and all reverse channels e.g., slide +2 f used for all forward channels and f (same) used for all reverse channels © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
2) Spread Spectrum for CDMA
Concept of spread spectrum: Pseudorandom sequence c(t) phase-modulates data-modulated carrier of s(t), producing m(t) m(t) occupies broader bandwidth and has lower peak power than s(t) where: s(t) - original signal / m(t) – xmitted signal derived fr. s(t) by spreading c(t) – code signal (a parameter for spreading) Results in better resistance to interference Original digital signal s(t) Code c(t) Xmitted spread signal m(t) Spreading Frequency Power Transmitter (Modified by LTL)
3) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
Concept of DSSS for CDMA Pseudorandom sequence c(t) phase-modulates data-modulated carrier of s(t), producing m(t) m(t) occupies broader bandwidth & has lower peak power than s(t) Original digital signal s(t) Code c(t) Xmitted spread signal m(t) Recreated Spreading De-spreading Frequency Power Transmitter Receiver c(t) is Synchronized! (Modified by LTL)
4) Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
Concept of FHSS for CDMA Pseudorand. hopping pattern sequence changes freq. of digital radio signal across broad freq. band in random way Radio xmitter freq. hops fr. channel to channel in predetermined pseudorandom way (cf. next slide) m(t) occupies broader bandwidth & has lower peak power than s(t) Original digital signal Hopping pattern Xmit spread signal Recreated (“dehopped”) Spreading De-spreading Frequency Power Transmitter Receiver Hopp. patt. Synchro-nized! (Modified by LTL)
An Example of Frequency Hopping Pattern
*** SKIP *** 5) Walsh Codes
Each user in CDMA assigned ≥ 1 orthogonal waveforms derived from 1 orthogonal code Walsh Codes are an impor- tant set of orthogonal codes Wal (0, t) t Wal (1, t) Wal (2, t) Wal (3, t) Wal (4, t) Wal (5, t) Wal (6, t) Wal (7, t)
6) Near-far Problem Assume 1: xmission power of MS1 =
=> RSS of MS1 at BS > > RSS of MS2 at BS Assume 2: MS1 & MS2 use adjacent channels out-of-band radiation of MS1’s signal interferes with MS2’s signal in the adjacent channel (cf. next slide) MS2 BS MS1 RSS RSS = received signal strength D = distance D D d2 d1 MS2 BS MS1 (Modified by LTL)
Adjacent Channel Interference in CDMA
MS1 MS2 Frequency Power Adjacent channel interference can be serious => must keep out-of-band radiation small
Adjacent Channel Interference in Spread Spectrum System in CDMA
Interference baseband signals Despread signal Baseband signal Spread signal Interference signals Frequency Frequency Frequency Adjacent channel interference can be especially serious when spread spectrum technique used Cf. figure Simple solution: power control (next slide)
7) Power Control in CDMA Two alternatives:
a) Control transmit power Pt of MS2 => received power Pr of adjacent channel interference from MS2 is controlled => CCIR is controlled (CCIR = cochannel interference ratio) OR: b) Control transmit power Pt of MS1 => received power Pr of MS1 is controlled (kept strong enough) © 2007 by Leszek T. Lilien
Pr = Received power in free space
** SKIP ** 7) Power Control in CDMA –cont. Pt = Transmit power Pr = Received power in free space d = Distance between receiver and transmitter f = Frequency of transmission c = Speed of light a = Attenuation constant (2 to 4)
** SKIP** 7.2.4. OFDM ** SKIP** 7.2.5. SDMA
** SKIP ** 7.2.6. Comparisons of FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA (Example)
Operation FDMA TDMA CDMA Allocated Bandwidth 12.5 MHz Frequency reuse 7 1 Required channel BW 0.03 MHz 1.25 MHz No. of RF channels 12.5/0.03=416 12.5/1.25=10 Channels/cell 416/7=59 Control channels/cell 2 Usable channels/cell 57 8 Calls per RF channel 4* 40** Voice channels/cell 57x1= 57 57x4= 228 8x40= 320 Sectors/cell 3 Voice calls/sector 57/3=19 228/3=76 320 Capacity vs. FDMA 4 16.8 ? Delay ? ? * Depends on the number of slots ** Depends on the number of codes
7.3. Modulation Techniques
Why need modulation? “Transferring” from signal freq. to carrier frequency allows to use small antenna size Antenna size is inversely proportional to frequency E.g., 3 kHz 50 km antenna 3 GHz 5 cm antenna Limits noise and interference E.g., FM (Frequency Modulation) Multiplexing techniques (efficient use of spectrum) E.g., FDM, TDM, CDMA (Modified by LTL)
Analog and Digital Signals
Analog signal (continuous signal) Time Amplitude S(t) Digital signal (discrete signal) Time Amplitude 1 Bit + _
Hearing, Speech, and Voice-band Channels
Voice-grade Telephone channel Human hearing Human speech Frequency (Hz) Pass band Frequency cutoff point Guard band 100 200 3,500 4,000 10,000 ..
7.3.1. AM (Amplitude Modulation)
Message signal x(t) Carrier signal AM signal s(t) Time - Amplitude of carrier signal is varied as the message signal to be transmitted - Frequency of carrier signal is kept constant
7.3.2. FM (Frequency Modulation)
Message signal x(t) Time Carrier signal Time FM signal s(t) Time FM integrates message signal with carrier signal by varying the instantaneous frequency Amplitude of carrier signal is kept constant
7.3.3. FSK (Frequency Shift Keying)
1/0 represented by two different frequencies slightly offset from carrier frequency Carrier signal 1 for message signal ‘1’ Time Carrier signal 2 for message signal ‘0’ Time Message signal x(t) Time FSK signal s(t) Time
7.3.4. PSK (Phase Shift Keying)
Use alternative sine wave phase to encode bits Carrier signal 1 Time Carrier signal 2 Time Message signal x(t) Time PSK signal s(t) Time
** SKIP ** 7.3.5. QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)
Signal constellation Q I 0,0 1,1 0,1 1,0 1 (a) BPSK (b) QPSK BPSK = binary phase shift keying (p. 161/-1)
** SKIP ** /4 QPSK All possible state transitions in /4 QPSK
** SKIP ** 7.3.7. QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)
A combination of AM and PSK Two carriers out of phase by 90 deg are amplitude modulated
Rectangular constellation of 16QAM
Splitting signal into 12 different phases and 3 different amplitudes – the total of 16 different possible values Rectangular constellation of 16QAM
The End of Section 7 (Ch. 7)
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