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Land Use Near Freeways: Exposure Risk to Mobile Source Pollutants Gail Sandlin, Alon Bassok & Christine Bae University of Washington Department of Urban.

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Presentation on theme: "Land Use Near Freeways: Exposure Risk to Mobile Source Pollutants Gail Sandlin, Alon Bassok & Christine Bae University of Washington Department of Urban."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Use Near Freeways: Exposure Risk to Mobile Source Pollutants Gail Sandlin, Alon Bassok & Christine Bae University of Washington Department of Urban Design & Planning

2 Research question: Is there a disparate impact on low income and minority populations for exposure to mobile source pollutants? Examine the hypotheses that: populations live or attend schools within proximity to freeways socioeconomic demographics of populations within proximity to freeways indicates a high concentration of low income and minority

3 Freeway Air Pollution Sheds (FAPS) in King County, WA, Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)

4 FAPS and Portland UGB

5 Trends in Vehicle Miles Traveled - Seattle area 1981-1992Seattle & Portland 1990-1997

6 -2000 Traffic Volume- Limited Access Freeways Seattle Area AADT(x1000) I-5100-244 I-9046- 141 I-405135-244 SR 16791-107 SR 52064-101 SR 99 (Alaskan Way Viaduct) 110 Portland Area AADT(x1000) I-557-146 I-8495-150 I-20579-150 I-40591-125 US 3091-125 SR 9957-146 SR 21792-118


8 Mobile Source Pollutants Ambient Air Regulatory Limits Adverse Health Effects Traffic / Environmental Health Studies 1 hour8 hour24 hour Annual Mean PM 2.5 15 ug/ m 3 65 ug / m 3 * aggravation of asthma * depressed lung function in children *aggravation of acute respiratory symptoms * increased risk of wheezy bronchitis in infants van Vliet et al. 1997 Gehring et al 2002 English et al 1999 Wjst et al. 1993 PM 10 50 ug /m 3 150 ug /m 3 Ultrafines Ozone0.12 ppm0.08 ppm *aggravation of asthma *reduced lung function CO35 ppm9 ppm *increased cardiac ischaemia NO 2 0.11 ppm (WHO).053 ppm * increased respiratory morbidity *aggravation of asthma * reduced rate of lung function Nitta et al 1993 Delfino et al 2003 VOC's urban air toxics: e.g. benzene, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde etc. * increased response to allergens *increased risk of lung cancer * increased risk of childhood leukemia Janssen et al. 2003 Crosignani et al. 2004

9 Environmental Health Traffic Studies Germany: Wjst et al. 1993 Netherlands: Brunekreef’s collaborations 1997 to present United States: –New York City & Boston (community based studies) –Upstate New York: Lin et al –Los Angeles: English et al. 1999 Korenstein et al. 2002 Zhu et al. 2002 Gunier et al. 2003 Green et al. 2004 Italy: Crosignani et al. 2004

10 Traffic & Adverse Health Effects 1. Proxy Exposure Methods Distance ( 100 - 400 m) –Dispersion modeling –Monitoring studies Traffic volume (AADT) Traffic Density (road segments in buffer) Percent Truck Traffic 2. Acute Short Term Exposure v. Long Term Low Level Exposure Adverse health effects below regulatory levels 3. Cumulative and / or Synergistic Effects

11 Dispersion of Ultrafine Particles Zhu et al. (2002)


13 I-5 northbound Mile PostDescriptionADTVSchoolComments 156.29After ramp Interurban Ave2050008% Truck Traffic 158.32After ramp Boeing Access214000 161.21At Albro Place203000Cleveland High(0.18 mile from Cleveland High) 164.80At S King St Bridge158000 165.29After JCT Express Lanes135000NB Reversible traffic not included 165.30Before Ramp Seneca St135000NB Reversible traffic not included 165.67After Ramp Cherry St196000NB Reversible traffic not included 165.91After Ramp Union St-7 th 227000NB Reversible traffic not included 166.20At Olive Way203000NB Reversible traffic not included 166.66After ramp Stewart St*Denny W202000NB Reversible traffic not included 167.35After ramp Mercer St240000NB Reversible traffic not included 167.39After ramp Boylston Ave E226000NB Reversible traffic not included 168.06At SR 520 WB166000TOPS ElementaryNB Reversible traffic not included 169.18At Lk WA Ship Canal Bridge185000NB Reversible traffic not included 169.71After ramp NE 45 St179000NB Reversible traffic not included 170.04After ramp NE 45 ST*NE 50 St195000NB Reversible traffic not included Traffic Volume: 2002 Annual Traffic Report WA DOT

14 RAMMET Meteorological pre-processor – –prepares National Weather Service data for use in dispersion modeling Scram Surface Met data –Seattle-Tacoma, 1991 Scram Upper Air data –Quillayute Airport, 1991 Created –.met output file –Wind Rose

15 Wind Rose: 37% of time from southwest ~37% ;19% of time from northeast

16 Maple Hill area Georgetown Cleveland playfieldCleveland High

17 Cleveland High School

18 Freeway Air Pollution Sheds (FAPS) in King County, WA, Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)

19 School Demographics

20 FAPS and Portland UGB

21 School Demographics

22 Methodology Residential Units in FAPS Residential Units in Block Groups Ratio =

23 Residential Land Use in FAPS King UGB SF units 6892 King UGB MF units 15274 Portlandarea UGB SF units 2676 Portlandarea UGB MF units 4685

24 Relative Concentration (RC) of the Vulnerable Pop. Population X in FAPS Y Total population in FAPS Y ----------------------------------- Population X in UGB Total population in UGB LQ =

25 LQ ratio: FAPS to UGB


27 Residential infill within King FAPS 1990-2000: 981 SF homes 81 Apartment complexes (5,846 units) 1980 -1989: 357 SF homes 66 Apartment complexes (1,165 units)


29 Conclusion Populations live within proximity to major traffic freeways; with an increasing trend With respect to area demographics, there is a higher concentration of minorities and low income populations living within proximity to major traffic freeways Schools are located within proximity to major freeways and preliminary data indicate these schools are predominately low-income and minority

30 Next Steps Pierce County UGB Senior facilities Hot Spot analysis –Traffic volume, fleet composition –Dispersion modeling Temperature, wind direction, topography Microscale monitoring

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