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Principles of Immunology Cells of the Immune System 1/26/06 “Those who have health, have hope. Those who have hope have everything.” Arabian proverb.

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1 Principles of Immunology Cells of the Immune System 1/26/06 “Those who have health, have hope. Those who have hope have everything.” Arabian proverb

2 Word List  Apoptosis  Granulocyte  Hematopoiesis  Homeostasis  Kupffer cells  Necrosis  Pluripotent

3 Hematopoiesis  Formation and development of blood cells Begins in yolk sac Moves to liver and spleen Moves to bone marrow


5 PLuripotent Stem Cells  Able to renew at constant rate  Have capacity to differentiate into myeloid or lymphoid progenitor cells



8 Myeloid Lineage  Granulocytes  Eosinophils  Basophils  Megakaryocytes  Erythrocytes  Dendritic cells

9 Lymphoid Lineage  T Lymphocytes  B Lymphocytes  Natural Killer Cells

10 Neutrophils  60-70% of WBCs  Multi-lobed nucleus  Granulated cytoplasm  Life span is 2-3days  Prominent in inflammatory response  Leukocytosis is marker for infectious process  Actively phagocytic


12 Eosinophils  ~2% of WBCs  Bi-lobed nucleus  Granulated cytoplasm  Stains with acid dye (eosin)  Prominent in response to parasitic infections  Phagocytic


14 Basophils  <1% of WBCs  Lobed nucleus  Heavily granulated cytoplasm  Stains with basic dye  Prominent in allergic responses  Non-phagocytic


16 Monocytes and Macrophages  Large WBCs  Monocytes are circulating precursors  Macrophages Phagocytic “Fixed” throughout the body, e.g. Liver (Kupffer) Activated by cytokines and gamma interferon APC Secretes numerous immune response factors




20 Mast Cells  Found in many different tissues  Contains granules which release histamine  Play role in allergic reactions

21 Dendritic Cells  Have long “dendrites”  Major role as APC  Stimulated by innate response  Have co-stimulatory molecules constitutively  Have constitutive MHC II expression  Phagocytic and endocytic

22 Lymphocytes  ~30-40% of WBCs T Lymphocytes  Mature in thymus  Have TCRs  Recognize Ag on cells only  Two subpopulations

23 Lymphocytes  B Lymphocytes Mature in bone marrow Have membrane-bound Ab(~10,000 per cell) Go from “naive” to activated. Plasma cells are Ab secretors  ~1-2 week life span

24 Natural Killer Cells  Detected for anti-tumor activity  Lack T and B cell markers  Lack Ag receptors  Involved with Ab-dependent cell- mediated cytotoxicity

25 Homeostasis  Apoptosis vs. Necrosis Apoptosis  Programmed cell death  Genetically controlled  Macrophages engulf apoptotic bodies Necrosis  Results from cell injury  Cell contents released  Can trigger inflammation  Genetically controlled  Macrophages engulf apoptotic bodies



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