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Galileo – a UK Success Story
Pat Norris MRAeS, FRIN LogicaCMG Business Development Manager Chairman, RAeS Space Group
Plan of the presentation
GPS GLONASS Galileo UK in Galileo
How does GNSS Work?
Alternative satellite navigation concepts
The US Navy Transit system popularised an alternative approach to determining position using satellites this approach uses the change in the Doppler shift of a radio beacon to provide positioning information The concept is still operational in the SARSAT/COSPAS emergency location system
How Accurate is GPS? 1 m 10 m 1 cm 1 mm
Selective Availability Reduced to Zero
Increasing System Capabilities w Increasing Defense / Civil Benefit
GPS Modernization Path Increasing System Capabilities w Increasing Defense / Civil Benefit Block IIA/IIR Block IIR-M, IIF Block III IIR-M: IIA/IIR capabilities plus 2nd civil signal (L2C) M-Code (L1M & L2M) Eliminates SA for denial Anti-jam flex power IIF: IIR-M capability plus 3rd civil signal (L5) Block IIIA: Increased anti-jam power Increased security Increased accuracy Navigation surety Backward compatibility Assured availability Controlled integrity System survivability 4th civil signal (L1C) Basic GPS Std Service (16-24m SEP) Single frequency (L1) Coarse acquisition (C/A) code navigation Precise Service (16m SEP) Y-Code (L1Y & L2Y) Y-Code navigation Now in orbit II-3, IIA-17, IIR-9 To go IIR-3, IIRM-7/8, IIF-16, III-30 Explain relationship with other AF, DoD wide, or FMS programs. Also Civil Agencies. The Air Force is committed to being good stewards of GPS as a global civil utility and to maintaining the military capability GPS provides Other (provide any other relevant information AF may get “pinged on”…currently available format is acceptable). GPS II anti-jam capabilities are sufficient for warfighter needs through FY12; funding and schedule stability is focused on the deployment of already approved military and civil capabilities in the GPS II space and ground control segments Additional info to provide:
GPS Civil Signals 1st Civil 2nd Civil 3rd Civil 4th Civil L5 L2 L1
C/A 1st Civil Block II/IIA/IIR L2C C/A 2nd Civil Block IIR-M L2C C/A I5 3rd Civil Block IIF Q5 L2C C/A L1C (TBR) I5 4th Civil Block III Q5 1176 MHz 1227 MHz 1575 MHz
L2C Second Civil Signal Benefits of L2C Defined in ICD-GPS-200D
improves PNT for current scientific/commercial dual frequency users via ionospheric effect cancellation extends safety-of-life, single-frequency E-911 applications provides better protection than C/A against code cross correlation and continuous wave (CW) interference improved data structure for enhanced data demodulation provides backup link in case of local interference Defined in ICD-GPS-200D First available with IIR-M launch 21 Sep 05 configuration of signal determined via ongoing interagency process use L2C at user’s risk--configuration can change (NANU process) L2C MHz
L5 Third Civil Signal Improves signal structure for enhanced performance higher power wider bandwidth = 10x processing gain longer spreading codes (10x C/A) Aeronautical Radionavigation Services band WRC-2000 added space signal component to this aeronautical band so aviation community can manage interference to L5 more effectively than L2 Defined in IS-GPS-705 First available with first GPS IIF launch (2007) L5 MHz
New L1C Signal Improvements
Implementation will provide C/A code to ensure backward compatibility Assured of 1.5 dB increase in minimum C/A code power to mitigate any noise floor increase Data-less signal component pilot carrier improves tracking Enables greater civil interoperability with Galileo L1 First available with first GPS III launch in 2013 L1C MHz
EGNOS in Europe, WAAS in the USA, MSAS in Japan
Space-Based Augmentation Systems EGNOS in Europe, WAAS in the USA, MSAS in Japan WAAS MSAS EGNOS Related systems planned in India, China, Russia…
Plan of the presentation
GPS GLONASS Galileo UK in Galileo
History and Perspectives of the GLONASS Constellation
GLONASS deployment milestones: 18 satellites in constellation – 2007 24 satellites in constellation – Source: Glonass
The GLONASS Accuracy Improvement Program
GLONASS Performance Problems of pure present GLONASS performances new satellite – outdated ground control assets limited area for orbit tracking (Russian territory) time keeping system needs to be modernized SISRE,m GLONASS – GPS The GLONASS Accuracy Improvement Program is in implementation Source: Glonass
Results of GLONASS Program implementation for 2002-2004
12/2001: 6 SV, A=17 gap = 13.7h 12/2002: 8 SV, A=22 gap = 9.3h 12/2003: 9 SV, A=35 gap = 9.0h Since 2001 the gap in navigation with GLONASS reduced from 14 to 3 hours 12/2004: 11 SV, A=58 gap = 4.6h 03/2005: 13 SV, A=76 gap = 2.9h 12/2007: 18 SV, A=96 gap = 0.6h Source: Glonass
GLONASS Modernization Plan
Source: Glonass
GLONASS Performance Modernization Plan
Satellite modernization clock stability improvement dynamic model improvement (attitude accuracy, eclipse passing algorithm) Receiving monitoring stations (RMS) network extension Space Force network (3 stations) Roskosmos network (9-12 stations) international cooperation (IGS network) GLONASS time keeping system modernization new system clocks with high stability (2 distributed clocks) synchronization system modernization OD&TS software modernization based on one-way code and phase data processing GPS level accuracy for GLONASS to be achieved by 2008 Source: Glonass
Plan of the presentation
GPS GLONASS Galileo UK in Galileo
The European Galileo System
30 satellites in 3 orbital planes 120° apart 27 operational plus 3 in-orbit spares Inclination 56° Altitude ~22,900 km Period ~14 hours In-Orbit Validation (IOV): 2 prototype satellites 4 pre-op’tnl satellites
Satellite Constellation
GALILEO Architecture Worldwide Users 10 C-band Tx Uplink Stations Control Centres 30 Sensor Stations S-band Tx/Rx 5 TT&C Stations …. Satellite Constellation 2 Global Ground Segment IOV configuration: 2x TT&C 5x ULS 12x GSS 1x GCC
ESA – responsible for IOV
The Customer 17 Member States PB/Navigation 25 Member States Transport Council European Space Agency European Commission GJU Supervisory Board GSA GJU GSA = Galileo Supervisory Authority GJU = Galileo Joint Undertaking IOV = In-Orbit Validation PB = Programme Board ESA – responsible for IOV
Global, European-led under civil control
Galileo Key Features Global, European-led under civil control Independent but compatible & interoperable with GPS A wide range of services to be offered Galileo is open to international partnerships
Current Services Definition
Commercial Service (CS) added value services Open Service (OS) free of direct user charges Safety-of-Life Service (SoL) with high integrity signals & fault indication Public Regulated Service (PRS) government encrypted signals OS - service for the mass market, provided on 2 (3) frequencies. System free of direct user charge, world-wide coverage. CS - same basic performance as open service added value by additional information in the data-stream correction data Integrity information other navigation related data access is restricted via encryption for commercial exploitation of the service by service provider SOL - same basic performance as the open service additional provision of integrity information free of direct user charges may be access restricted to specific user groups by encryption PRS - Guaranteeing the continuity of public applications for European and/or national security regulated and/or critical applications in the fields of energy, transport and telecommunication economic and industrial activities of strategic interest for Europe, even in times of crisis Controlled by EU and Member State governments Dedicated frequencies Encrypted ranging codes and navigation message Access will be restricted to users authorised by Member States. SAR - Support of present COSPAR/SARSAT 406MHz beacons Support of present ground segment of COSPAR/SARSAT Feedback to beacons via the GALILEO navigation message Free of direct charges Unencrypted messages Improved localisation by TOA measurements Improved localisation by the large constellation Search and Rescue Service (S&R) for people in distress
GNSS Frequencies L2 L1 L5 GPS G2 G1 GLONASS E5 C1 E6 E4 E1 E2 GALILEO 1215 MHz 1260 MHz 1164 MHz 1300 MHz 5010 MHz 5030 MHz 1559 MHz 1610 MHz
Frequencies and Services
E5a E2 OS/SoL E1 E2 E6 E5b CS PRS E6 E1 E2 1215 MHz 1260 MHz 1164 MHz 1300 MHz 5010 MHz 5030 MHz 1559 MHz 1610 MHz
GNSS Development Schedules (at Sep 05)
FY 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Space Segment GPS IIR GPS IIR-M R&D GPS III Launches 1st IIR-M IIR-M - 8 IOC FOC GPS IIF GPS 1st IIF IIF – 19 2021 GPS III/Hi Power M Code/L1C IOC FOC New Services L5 Source: USAF Sep 2005 IOC FOC L2C/M Code/Flex Power IOC = 12 SV on orbit Provides capability to all static time transfer users Aids in acquisition and anti-jam for some users 12 M-code = 4/08; 24 = 4/12 12 L-5 = 5/11 Galileo IOV Phase 26 Galileo Launches FOC Galileo 2 Source: LD’s Best Guess GSTB V2 9 SVs (IOC) (FOC) Glonass L2 2nd Civil signal M E5B 3rd Civil signal Source: GLONASS Sep 05 Integrity K Basic
Plan of the presentation
GPS GLONASS Galileo UK in Galileo pre-development activities (including the prototype satellites) the main development phase
Galileo & the UK – 1 – the design phase
Before the main development contract began (Dec ’04) UK industry had been selected to provide >30% of Galileo: Prime-contractor of one prototype satellite, GIOVE-A: SSTL Payload contractor for the second, GIOVE-B: Astrium UK Prime-contractor for design of the ground segment: LogicaCMG Subsystem level roles for ComDev, Helios, NPL, QinetiQ, SciSys, Serco and Vega Total funding at that stage ~€150M – so UK part ~€50M
GSTB-V2 Programme Overview
ESA GIOVE-A Precursor to European Galileo programme Objective secure frequency filing measure MEO environment demonstrate key payload technologies provide Signal-in-Space for experimentation Requirements two year mission lifetime low cost, rapid schedule …within ESA’s Galileo programme The GEMINI bus is the basis for our offer to ESA to build first Galileo test satellite: meets ESA’s 4 key requirements, in particular is being built in a 2 year programme including the NRE Is low cost – 28 Meuro vs. 72 Meuro by the big primes Sir Martin Sweeting, SSTL (R) Claudio Mastracci, ESA (L)
GIOVE-A Schedule Schedule driven by Winter ’05 launch Design
QSR: Q3 03 PDR: Q4 03 CDR: Q2 05 IRR : Q3 04 TRR : Q3 05 FRR : Q4 05 LW : Dec 05 Schedule driven by Winter ’05 launch CDR QSR PDR MR Design IRR Manufacture TRR Integration FRR Environmental Test Launch KO
A Modular Design Modular design allows short duration programmes
by permitting parallel manufacture and test Propulsion Bay Avionics Plate Payload Frame
GIOVE-A: First Integration
Delivered to ESTEC, NL, for environmental tests - summer 2005 Antenna Payload Bay Avionics Propulsion Bay
GIOVE-A Solar Arrays
Launch – 26 December 2005 (1) Jettison of Soyuz/Fregat fairing
Images Courtesy ESA
Launch – 26 December 2005 (2) Satellite/Fregat composite separates from Soyuz third stage Images Courtesy ESA
Launch – 26 December 2005 (3) Satellite separates from Fregat upper stage Images Courtesy ESA
Galileo Industries Formation & Heritage
A political agreement was reached that called for the development of Galileo to be undertaken by an international consortium called Galileo Industries Galileo Industries S.A. founded May 2000 as a Belgian company mission to become industrial prime contractor Galileo Industries SA Alcatel-Alenia (F) 25%21.5% 19% Alcatel-Alenia (I) 25%21.5% 19% Astrium GmbH (D) 25%21.5% 19% Astrium Ltd (UK) 25%21.5% 19% F o u n d i n g S h a r e h o l d e r s GSS (E) 14%12% Thales (F/D/UK) 12% joined June 2003 joined April 2004
Lead Roles within Galileo Industries
Prime Mgt System Eng & Procurement Security Engineering Thales Level N Level N-1 Level N-2 Level N-3 GSTB V1 Alcatel GSTB V2 Astrium G Space Segment & Satellite Astrium G Ground Control Segment Astrium UK Ground Mission Segment Alcatel Test User Segment Thales System AIV Alenia Satellite AIT Alenia Launcher (CFI) Payload Astrium UK Clocks SSPA NSGU PLSU etc
Galileo & UK – 2 – the development phase
For the main development contract, political arrangements assure each country of contracts in ~proportion to funding UK highlights in addition to the Galileo Industries roles: Space Segment Optical multiplexer, €1M, ComDev Power amplifiers, €10M, Astrium Space qualified components, IGG Navigation signals Amplification of signals COM DEV filters Navigation antenna E2 channel E5 channel E6 channel Filter OMUX E2 E5 + E6
UK Roles - continued Ground Segment
Key management facilities, €20M, LogicaCMG Elements of Galileo receiver, €7M, QinetiQ Satellite control facility, €6M, LogicaCMG Algorithms & real-time hardware, €6M, LogicaCMG Test & integration tools, €6M, Vega Simulation & automation tools, €5M, SciSys ESA’s main control centre
Galileo Key Management Facilities
Principal functions: generation of encryption keys distribution, management & revocation of keys monitoring & control of the security module in each element COMSEC for the Galileo Services service denial & over-the-air-rekeying (OTAR) for the PRS Galileo Services Supported: PRS (Public Regulated Service) C-band (mission segment monitoring & control) CS (Commercial Service) SoL (Safety of Life service) S-Band (Control segment monitoring & control)
Algorithms and real-time hardware
EGNOS has been created to make GPS compatible with aviation standards LogicaCMG supplied the €10M check set that validates the EGNOS signal: establishes GPS integrity similar processing hardware and software is designed into Galileo: facilitates certification for aviation and other safety related uses specialist support from Sigma Associates & Ian McAnany The LogicaCMG check set currently installed at Swanwick and other EGNOS centres across Europe
Concluding remarks The operational phase of Galileo will be the responsibility of a concession contractor under a private finance initiative arrangement with the Galileo Supervisory Authority two short-listed bidders now merged Inmarsat is the UK shareholder in the resulting consortium UK industry roles in the exploitation aspects of Galileo include: Helios/NPL/Thales: time service provider LogicaCMG: location based services Spirent: signal simulator Operational date ~2012 Hydrogen Maser clock for Galileo
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