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1 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC FACET Review: End Station A Facility and Science ESA provides 2 nd experimental facility expands FACET’s.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC FACET Review: End Station A Facility and Science ESA provides 2 nd experimental facility expands FACET’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC FACET Review: End Station A Facility and Science ESA provides 2 nd experimental facility expands FACET’s science capabilities improves operational efficiency increases cost effectiveness of the investment

2 2 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC OUTLINE End Station A Facility Experimental Hall and Counting House Operational Modes & Beam Parameters Science Accelerator science and beam instrumentation w/ primary electron beam Activation, residual dose rates and materials damage studies w/ beam dump tests Detector R&D using secondary electrons and hadrons Particle Astrophysics Detectors and Techniques Recent Experiments ESA Program starting in 2011 → FACET-ESA provides unique science capabilities!

3 3 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC End Station A 2-Mile Linac

4 4 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC End Station A (ESA) ESA is large (60m x 35m x 20m) 50 (and 10) ton crane Electrical power, cooling water DAQ system for beam and magnet data

5 5 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC End Station A Facility and Experimental Layout in 2006-08 Primary beam experiments inside concrete bunker Beam dump experiments inside concrete bunker (or in Beam Dump East beamline) Secondary electrons for Detector Tests in open region after the concrete bunker *Dimensions given in ft

6 6 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC ANITA Payload and Ice Target in ESA T-486 (2006)  Calibrated entire ANITA balloon flight antenna array; major contribution to the experiment!  First observation of the Askaryan effect in ice  Results published in Phys.Rev.Lett.99:171101,2007  illustrates capability of ESA Test Beam Facility

7 7 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC ESA Science: Recent Experiments ILC Program 2006 – 2007 (+ 2008?) Detector R&D Particle Astrophysics Activation, Residual Dose Rates & Materials Damage Studies

8 8 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Linear Colliders → ESA Program Machine-Detector Interface at the ILC (L,E,P) measurements: Luminosity, Energy, Polarization Forward Region Detectors Collimation and Backgrounds Interaction Region (IR) Engineering: Magnets, Crossing Angle EMI (electro-magnetic interference) in IR MDI-related Experiments at SLAC’s End Station A Collimator Wakefield Studies Energy spectrometer prototypes IR background studies for IP BPMs EMI studies Beam Instrumentation Experiments in ESA RF BPM prototypes for ILC Linac Bunch length diagnostics for ILC

9 9 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC BPM energy spectrometer (T-474/491) Synch Stripe energy spectrometer (T-475) Collimator design, wakefields (T-480) Bunch length diagnostics (T-487) IP BPMs—background studies (T-488) LCLS beam to ESA (T490) Linac BPM prototypes EMI (electro-magnetic interference) ILC Beam Tests in End Station A M. Woods, SLAC + SiD KPiX Test during T-492

10 10 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC ILC Beam Tests in End Station A 50 Participants from 16 institutions at SLAC in 2006/07 for this program Birmingham U., Cambridge U., Daresbury, DESY, Dubna, Fermilab, Lancaster U., LLNL, Manchester U., Notre Dame U., Oxford U., Royal Holloway U., SLAC, UC Berkeley, UC London, U. of Oregon T-474 and EMI Test Users in ESA Counting House Wakefield Studies from MCC

11 11 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC ESA Equipment Layout 18 feet Wakefield boxWire Scannersrf BPMs blue=FY06 red=new in FY07 Dipoles + Wiggler T-487: long. bunch profile “IP BPMs” T-488 Ceramic gap for EMI studies  able to run several experiments interleaved in a compatible setup  typically rotate which experiment has priority every 2-3 shifts during a 2-3 week run

12 12 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Prototype Energy Spectrometers For BPM spectrometer  E/E=100ppm →  x= 500nm, at BPMs 4,7 Dipole B-field ~ 1kGauss  these are same as for ILC design ILC needs precision energy measurements, 50-200 ppm, e.g. for Higgs boson and top quark mass measurements BPM & synchrotron stripe spectrometers evaluated in a common 4-magnet chicane. BPM Energy Spectrometer U. Cambridge, DESY, Dubna, Royal Holloway, SLAC, UC Berkeley, UC London, U. of Notre Dame Synch Stripe Spectrometer U. of Oregon, SLAC Energy Scan measured with Chicane BPMs D1 D2D3D4 BPM 3,5 BPM 4,7 BPM 9-11 Vertical Wiggler Wiggler synchrotron stripe Detector is downstream

13 13 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Prototype Linac RF BPMs 550nm BPM res. S-Band BPM Design (36 mm ID, 126 mm OD) y5 (mm) y4 (mm) Q~500 for single bunch resolution at ILC

14 14 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Resolution & Stability: Linking BPM Stations in ESA Run 2499-2500 → investigating long-term (hours) stability at sub-micron level; study dependence on beam parameters and environment (temperature, magnetic fields) and electronics stability → stability studies important for Linac BPM and quad magnetic center stability requirements (also of interest for system of 40 RF BPMs for LCLS undulators) BPMs 1-2BPMs 3,5BPMs 9-11 30 meters  use BPMs 1,2 and 3,5 and 9-11 to fit straight line predict beam position at BPMs 4 plot residual of BPM 4 wrt predicted position Wake- Field Box *0.5  m → 100 ppm “error” bars shown are rms resolution BPMs 4,7 Chicane region x y Run 2499-2500

15 15 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Energy Spectrometers: Future Measurements & Tests Needed BPM Spectrometer: establish BPM calibration procedure and frequency establish energy spectrometer calibration procedure and frequency (requires reversing chicane polarity) can luminosity be delivered during calibrations? establish requirements for temperature stability, vibrations from water systems Synchrotron Stripe Spectrometer: still need to demonstrate proof-of-principle with quartz fiber detectors; will need 24 GeV beam rather than 12 GeV beam study concept using visible light detection; hope to test in 2008 Both systems: want to compare results from the 2 systems; do they agree? is 50 ppm accuracy achievable? tests evolve from concepts to prototypes to qualifying production components → need tests prior to completion of ILC beam delivery system

16 16 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Collaborating Institutions: U. of Birmingham, CCLRC-ASTeC + engineering, CERN, DESY, Manchester U., Lancaster U., SLAC, TEMF TU Concept of Experiment Vertical mover BPM 2 doublets ~40m BPM Two triplets 15m Collimator Wakefields Collimators remove beam halo, but excite wakefields. Goal: determine optimal collimator material and geometry → Beam Tests address achieving design luminosity → effects determine collimation depth and radius of vertex detector

17 17 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC 1500mm Concept of Experiment Vertical mover BPM 2 doublets ~40m BPM Two triplets 15m Collimator Wakefields

18 18 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Results from 2007 Data Col. 12  = 166 mrad r = 1.4 mm Col. 6  =  r = 1.4 mm Collimator 6 was also measured in Run 1, with consistent result. Collimator 12 is identical to 6 for taper angle and gap, but it has a 2.1cm flat section A total of 15 different collimator geometries were tested in 2006 and 2007 (differing taper angles, gaps, length of flat sections, materials and surface roughness)

19 19 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Collimator Wakefields: Future Measurements & Tests Needed Comparing with Analytic Calculations and 3-d modelling: consistency with existing data varies from 10% level to a factor of 2 disagreement depending on geometry goal is to accurately model wakefield effects to 10% in some cases better modeling is needed; but also need more accurate data for some geometries as well as new data for different geometries and materials Broad interest in Wakefield tests: relevant for linear colliders, LHC, low emittance light sources Future measurements: best done with low energy beams; desire for relatively low emittance and short, well understood bunch lengths bunch lengths may be too long for FACET-ESA to be very useful; → can do these experiments at ASF later upgrade for an RF gun at the injector would enable these tests in ESA (+ in general an RF gun would add significant capability to ESA program, providing significantly smaller transverse and longitudinal emittances)

20 20 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Detector Development ESA beamline setup KPiX Local DAQ board w/ FPGA; fiber bundle to detector, and USB to local PC w/ ethernet Future development & tests needed: 1000 channels KPiX on new sensors bump bonding sensor resolution KPiX readout chip is being developed at SLAC for SiD concept. 1000-channel ASIC design to read out entire Si wafer or pixel detector Si-W ECal, Si Outer Tracker, GEM HCal, (Muons?) 32x32=1024 channels; currently a 2x32 prototype Pulsed-power operation delivers 20μW/channel average with ILC timing 2007 beam test used 3 planes of Si (50  m width)  strip sensors (spare from CDF Layer 00)

21 21 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Other Recent Experiments Detector Tests: T-469 (ESA 2006-7): Focusing DIRC for particle ID, and very precise TOF detectors aimed at 10ps timing resolution (motivated by Super-B) Radiation Physics and Materials Damage Tests: T-489 (ESA 2007) – activation and residual dose rates of materials compare with MARS and FLUKA simulation codes T-493 (ESA 2007) – LCLS undulator beam-induced demagnetization studies Particle Astrophysics Detectors and Techniques: GLAST (ESA 2000) – LAT Tower (anti-coincidence detector, silicon tracker and calorimeter) calibration and system integration using secondary positrons, hadrons and tagged photons FLASH experiment (2002-2004 in FFTB) measured fluorescence yields in electromagnetic showers to help calibrate air shower detectors for ultra-high energy cosmic rays (used primary beam) Askaryan effect (FFTB 2002): demonstrated a radio Cherenkov signal from Askaryan effect for detectors proposed to detect ultra-high energy neutrinos; used primary electron beam ANITA (ESA 2006): calibrated the entire balloon flight array and made the first observation of the Askaryan effect in ice; used primary electron beam

22 22 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC T-489 Activation Experiment T-489 Activation Experiment (CERN, SLAC collaboration) Setup  gamma spectroscopy for many isotopes  residual dose rates versus time  tritium activity Analysis

23 23 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Future Activation and Materials Damage Studies test different target materials test different geometry configurations instrumentation tests and calibration radiation hardness for electronics and materials  broad interest for these studies in high radiation environments at different accelerators  needed for both accelerator and detector components

24 24 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC FACET-ESA Facility Operational Modes & Beam Parameters Operational Modes: ESA operation simultaneous with ASF using pulsed magnets ESA access and experimental setup while ASF in operation ASF access prevents beam to ESA, but can access ASF for experimental setup during day and run ESA beam at night Beam Parameters: Primary Beam for Accelerator Science, Beam Instrumentation and Beam Dump experiments Secondary electrons and hadrons for Detector R&D

25 25 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Primary Beam Parameters to SLAC ESA Parameter“PEP-II” operationFACET Proposal Repetition Rate 10 Hz10-30 Hz Energy 28.5 GeV12 GeV* Bunch Charge 2.0 x 10 10 up to 3.5 x 10 10 (single bunch), up to 5 x 10 11 (400ns bunch train) Bunch Length 300-1000  m (1-5) mm Energy Spread 0.2%0.4%  x,  y (mm-mrad) 300, 15150, 15 Dispersion (  and  ’) 0 (<10mm) *24 GeV possible with later upgrade, moving extraction point to Sector 18

26 26 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Secondary Electrons  Electron rates from single particle up to 10 5 per pulse  2-10 GeV momentum range  precise (0.1%) momentum analysis using A-line as a spectrometer  rms spotsize in ESA ~3mm Other possibilities: i) higher intensities of 12 GeV electrons: collimate a low intensity, large energy spread beam with A-line momentum slits (cover range from ~10 6 up to full intensity) ii) set A-line to accept positrons. (may be possible to design PPS to allow ESA occupancy during beam on operation?) Production: insert a valve in EBL for a low intensity beam of ~10 9. Insertable valve

27 27 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC A-Line Hadron Production Facility Be Target: 0.43 r.l; 1.5-deg production angle PC28: 6  sr geometric acceptance C37: up to 11% momentum acceptance; adjustable Q38: corrects dispersion at detector in ESA Q29,Q30: control spotsize in ESA (ongoing studies indicate need for additional 2 quads in ESA; use Q29,Q30 for waist at C37). Expect to achieve ~1cm rms spotsize at detector location in ESA

28 28 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Secondary Hadron Yields Measured and predicted (curves) particle fluxes of secondary beams from SLAC Report 160. (pulse length is 1.6  s, so 1mA corresponds to 10 10 electrons/pulse) SLAC-R-160FACET-ESA Beam Energy19.5 GeV12 GeV Production Target0.87 r.l. Be0.43 r.l. Be Production Angle1.5deg Acceptance 30  sr, 4%  p/p 6  sr, 11%  p/p

29 29 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Secondary Hadron Yields Measured and predicted (curves) particle fluxes of secondary beams from SLAC Report 160. (pulse length is 1.6  s, so 1mA corresponds to 10 10 electrons/pulse) SLAC-R-160FACET-ESA Beam Energy19.5 GeV12 GeV Production Target0.87 r.l. Be0.43 r.l. Be Production Angle1.5deg Acceptance 30  sr, 4%  p/p 6  sr, 11%  p/p → expect rates up to ~10 pions/pulse per 10 10 electrons on target → rates for kaons and protons x10-50 less 3.7 6 8 10 Naïve scaling for FACET (+ yields should be reduced by ~x2.5)

30 30 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC ESA Science Program starting in 2011 1. Linear Colliders, Accelerator Science & Beam Instrumentation  primary beam experiments  need to evaluate both cold (ILC) and warm (ex. CLIC) linear colliders; ex. demonstrate beam instrumentation capabilities to resolve beam parameter time dependence along a 200-300ns train Experiments BPMs + other typical accelerator instrumentation such as toroids MDI components and instrumentation: energy spectrometers, polarimeters, forward region detectors, luminosity detectors, beam halo detectors tests requiring large amount of space: mockups of IR components, long baseline BPM or quad tests for vibration and stability studies tests that don’t require ultra-small or ultra-short beams

31 31 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Comparing Beam Parameters for FACET-ESA and Linear Colliders ParameterILC (cold) X-band (warm) CLIC (warm) FACET Proposal Repetition Rate 5Hz120 Hz100 Hz10-30 Hz Energy 250 GeV 12 GeV* Bunch Charge 2.0 x 10 10 0.75 x 10 10 0.37 x 10 10 (0.2 – 2.0) x 10 10 rms Bunch Length 300  m110  m30  m1000  m rms Energy Spread 0.1%0.2%0.35%0.4% Bunches/Train 26701923121 (up to 1200**) Bunch spacing 300ns2.8ns0.5ns- (0.3ns**) Train length 1ms300ns150ns- (up to 400ns**) *24 GeV possible with later upgrade, moving extraction point to Sector 18 ** long pulse operation can give 400-ns train with 0.3ns bunch spacing and total charge up to 5 x 10 11 (other bunch spacings may also be possible)  only place in the world to do this!

32 32 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC 2. Advanced Detector R&D with secondary electrons and hadrons Linear Colliders, LHC detectors, Super-B, … large scale mockups and integration tests possible  precise momentum definition for electrons  precise timing  multiple particles coincident in time, and high-density electron rates possible 3. Activation, Residual Dose Rates and Materials Damage Studies additional data needed for accelerator and detector components at linear colliders, LHC and light sources data needed to tune and validate simulation codes such as MARS and FLUKA data needed for environmental impact in high radiation environments 4. Tests for Particle Astrophysics Detectors and Techniques calibrating instruments and testing new detector concepts with test beams will continue to be essential for experiments in high energy particle astrophysics The FACET-ESA facility will attract and service a wide range of users! ESA Science Program starting in 2011

33 33 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Summary of ILC Detector R&D Test Beam Needs (from “Roadmap for ILC Detector R&D Test Beams” document)  CERN and Fermilab have the most capability for energy range and particle species  FACET-ESA at SLAC can provide an important additional U.S. facility + significant test beam needs for LHC upgrade, Super-B if it proceeds, …

34 34 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC 2007: Beam time requests from 47 groups, O(1500) users PS test beams: 28 weeks requested ~43% LHC & LHC upgrade ~12% external users SPS test beams: 23.5 weeks requested ~52% LHC & LHC upgrade ~35% external users PS: 4 Test Beamlines SPS: 4 Test Beamlines CERN PS/SPSTest Beams CERN PS/SPS Test Beams C. Rembser, CERN

35 35 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Typically 3 phases of testbeam activities: prototype tests quality control + validation of performance requirements full calibration of final calorimeter; wedge tests  Phase 2 hardware (read-out electronics, cabling, calibration) and software (reconstruction algorithms, calibration modes) should be close as possible to final  Phase 3 hardware and software have to be final versions  Transition regions – cracks between calorimeters, dead material, etc. – important: optimize correction procedures, validate MC geometry + hadronic shower models LHC Test Beam Experience (from P.Schacht at IDTB2007 Workshop) ATLAS wedge test

36 36 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC ~6 m Fermilab M-Test Beamline Fermilab M-Test Beamline (from E. Ramberg at IDTB2007 Workshop) Energy (GeV)Present Hadron Rate MT6SC2 per 1E12 Protons Estimated Rate in New Design (dp/p 2%) 1---~1500 2---~50K 4~700~200K 8~5K~1.5M 16~20K~4M Tail Catcher ECAL HCAL Electronic Racks Beam Plans for CALICE Setup one (1-4)s spill every 2 minutes possibility for 1ms “pings” at 5Hz during spill 3MHz bunch structure possible Spill structure

37 37 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC ESA capabilities for Detector Beam Tests ESA satisfies many of the desired capabilities for a test beam facility ESA strength

38 38 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Summary FACET provides unique capabilities w/ a high energy, high intensity electron beam ESA provides a large flexible facility with excellent infrastructure to accommodate a wide range of experiments: accelerator science and beam instrumentation tests that do not require spotsizes below 100 microns or bunch lengths below 1mm advanced detector R&D with high quality secondary electron beams and a general purpose pion beam; good applicability for a linear collider, for LHC upgrades or for Super-B beam dump experiments for activation, dose rate and materials damage studies detector R&D for high energy astrophysics instruments variable flux of electrons available from single particles to moderate intensities for high rate detectors (ex. very forward BeamCAL detectors at a linear collider) to full primary beam power  Inclusion of ESA in the FACET proposal broadens the science capabilities. interleaved experiments in 2 facilities improve efficiency and cost effectiveness choice to do experiments in ASF or ESA FACET can build on a long, rich history of successful test beam and small experiments in End Station A.

39 39 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Additional Material

40 40 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Transverse Beam Emittance to ESA no radiation (chromatic) input level (from DR) At 12 GeV, expect  x = 150 mm-mrad  y = 15 mm-mrad

41 41 DOE FACET Review, Feb. 19, 2008 M. Woods, SLAC Longitudinal Emittance to ESA LiTrack simulation results for bunch length and energy spread: rms Energy Spread (%) rms Bunch Length (mm) N e = 0.75∙10 10 E = 12 GeV Large R56 (=0.465m) for A-line and relatively large energy spread at low energy result in large bunch lengths in ESA.

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