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Comparative analysis of validation policies in France, Wallonia and Flanders Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative analysis of validation policies in France, Wallonia and Flanders Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative analysis of validation policies in France, Wallonia and Flanders Workshop

2 Five important aspects Mobility in labour market – Transition in jobs, mobility of individual Experience from different sources is important Learning outcomes are important The use of standards Quality assurance

3 Commom principles APEL is a right for each individual Quality of process and procedure is important APEL has to be a positive experience, not a punishment Context is important – Competencies are developed in a context – Geographical mobility – Social and professional recognition

4 General framework Context: life long learning Legal framework: laws, decrees; vocational training, higher education, education for adults Training providers have an important role Comparison of competencies with – Occupational standard – Training programme – Diplome

5 Reference documents Higher Education, education for adults: – Policy of exemptions in cours(es) – Diplome is reference Vocational training – Policy of certificates of competence – Occupational standard is reference in Belgium, occupational standard or diplome is reference in France

6 Legal framework Ministry of Labour Ministry of Education

7 Actors in standards Flanders: Socio-economic Council in collaboration with sectoral branch organizations Wallonia: Consortium of official training providers for adult education France: Consultative vocational comissions: training providers and social partners

8 Who is test centre? Flanders: public training providers, sectoral branch organizations, schools Wallonia: public training providers France: public training providers, sectoral branch organizations, schools, together in commissions

9 How to prove your competencies? A test centre has a double role: Composition of portfolio, or individual dossier Assessment of portfolio of dossier or practical assessment in a simulated situation

10 Process Welcoming and information of candidates Admissability of the request Guidance of candidate. France: emerging role for “centres bilan de compétences” (career guidance) Evaluation of portfolio, dossier of practical test Decision “After care”: development of a personal action plan, definitely when result was not successful

11 What can you obtain? Flanders: – Labour: certificate for the whole content of the occupational standard – Education: exemption policy Wallonia: certificate for a part (macro competencies) or the whole of the occupational standard France: – Education: exemption policy or complete diploma – Labour: professional certificate (titre professionel) or part of it

12 References Paper of Michel Feutrie: Analyse comparée des systèmes de validation des acquis de l’ expérience en France et en Belgique Flander:s Wallonia: France:

13 Results Flanders: start in 2006, nowadays standards for 15 professions, 20 test centres, 110 candidates, 100 certificates Wallonia: start in 2006, nowadays standards for 13 professions, 29 test centres, 300 candidates, 170 certificates France: long tradition, more than 90000 dossiers

14 Recommendations Certificate must be meaningful for candidate, employers, social partners, society Standards must be in realtionship with the current labour market Strong relationship with national frameworks of certification

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