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1 AAMC Final School Report 2003 Medical School Graduation Questionnaire Dartmouth Medical School Response rate:Dartmouth:48% All Schools:%
2 Table of content z1. Demographics of Students z2. Program Information z3. Premed Courses z4. Preclinical Experience z5. Special Content Areas z6. Clinical Experiences z7. Geriatrics and Gerontology Education z8. Cultural Competency Issues z9. Training at VA Medical Facility
3 Table of content z10. Electives or Volunteer Activities z11. Communications Skills z12. Technology Skills z13. Preparation for Residency z14. Summary - Overall Satisfaction z15. Future Plans z16. DMS Support Services z17. Mistreatment z18. Views of Profession z19. Average Debt of Students with Debt
4 1. Demographics of students zUnderrepresented minority category
5 2. Program Info Mean age at graduation DartmouthAll Schools 20022928 20032928 Years between matriculation and graduation - % Dartmouth 2001 Dartmouth 2002 Dartmouth 2003 All Schools 2003 4 Years 71.763.660.083.8 5 Years 20.824.228.010.1
6 3. Premedical Courses— Current Requirements How important were the following premedical courses in preparing you for medical school (Scale: 0 = not important to 4 = very important)
7 4. Preclinical experiences 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zBasic science courses were well organized zBasic science courses provided relevant preparation for clerkships zBasic science courses had sufficient illustrations of clinical relevance
8 4. Preclinical experiences (continued) 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zBasic science content objectives were made clear to students zBasic science content were sufficiently integrated/coordinated zBasic science content objectives and examination content matched closely
9 4. Preclinical experiences (continued) How well instruction in the basic science courses prepared you for clerkships? (Scale: 1 = excellent to 4 = Poor)
10 4. Preclinical experiences (continued) How well instruction in the basic science courses prepared you for clerkships? (Scale: 1 = excellent to 4 = Poor)
11 4. Preclinical experiences (continued) How well instruction in the basic science courses prepared you for clerkships? (Scale: 1 = excellent to 4 = Poor)
12 5. Special content areas Was the time devoted to your instruction in the following areas inadequate, appropriate, or excessive?
13 5. Special content areas (continued) Was the time devoted to your instruction in the following areas inadequate, appropriate, or excessive?
14 5. Special content areas (continued) Was the time devoted to your instruction in the following areas inadequate, appropriate, or excessive?
15 5. Special content areas (continued) Was the time devoted to your instruction in the following areas inadequate, appropriate, or excessive?
16 6. Clinical Experiences Rate the quality of your educational experience in the following clerkships. Scale: 1 = Excellent to 4 = Poor
17 6. Clinical Experiences Rate the quality of your educational experience in the following clerkships. (continued) Scale: 1 = Excellent to 4 = Poor
18 zI received clear learning objectives for the clerkship zMy performance was assessed against the learning objectives zI had an opportunity to follow a variety of different patients (with different medical conditions) 6. Clinical Experiences Family Medicine Clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
19 My attending faculty members: zWere adequately involved in teaching zObserved me performing physical examinations zProvided me with sufficient feedback on my performance zProvided me with feedback in a timely manner 6. Clinical Experiences Family Medicine Clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
20 6. Clinical Experiences Family Medicine Clerkship zThe clerkship employed an OSCE to evaluate my clinical skills zResidents and fellow provided effective teaching zThe teaching from residents enhanced the educational value of the clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
21 6. Clinical Experiences Internal Medicine Clerkship zI received clear learning objectives for the clerkship zMy performance was assessed against the learning objectives zI had an opportunity to follow a variety of different patients (with different medical conditions) 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
22 My attending faculty members: zWere adequately involved in teaching zObserved me performing physical examinations zProvided me with sufficient feedback on my performance zProvided me with feedback in a timely manner 6. Clinical Experiences Internal Medicine Clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
23 6. Clinical Experiences Internal Medicine Clerkship zThe clerkship employed an OSCE to evaluate my clinical skills zResidents and fellow provided effective teaching zThe teaching from residents enhanced the educational value of the clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
24 6. Clinical Experiences OB/Gyn Medicine Clerkship zI received clear learning objectives for the clerkship zMy performance was assessed against the learning objectives zI had an opportunity to follow a variety of different patients (with different medical conditions) 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
25 My attending faculty members: zWere adequately involved in teaching zObserved me performing physical examinations zProvided me with sufficient feedback on my performance zProvided me with feedback in a timely manner 6. Clinical Experiences OB/Gyn Medicine Clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
26 6. Clinical Experiences OB/Gyn Medicine Clerkship zThe clerkship employed an OSCE to evaluate my clinical skills zResidents and fellow provided effective teaching zThe teaching from residents enhanced the educational value of the clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
27 6. Clinical Experiences Pediatrics Clerkship zI received clear learning objectives for the clerkship zMy performance was assessed against the learning objectives zI had an opportunity to follow a variety of different patients (with different medical conditions) 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
28 My attending faculty members: zWere adequately involved in teaching zObserved me performing physical examinations zProvided me with sufficient feedback on my performance zProvided me with feedback in a timely manner 6. Clinical Experiences Pediatrics Clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
29 6. Clinical Experiences Pediatrics Clerkship zThe clerkship employed an OSCE to evaluate my clinical skills zResidents and fellow provided effective teaching zThe teaching from residents enhanced the educational value of the clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
30 6. Clinical Experiences Psychiatry Clerkship zI received clear learning objectives for the clerkship zMy performance was assessed against the learning objectives zI had an opportunity to follow a variety of different patients (with different medical conditions) 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
31 My attending faculty members: zWere adequately involved in teaching zObserved me performing physical examinations zProvided me with sufficient feedback on my performance zProvided me with feedback in a timely manner 6. Clinical Experiences Psychiatry Clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
32 6. Clinical Experiences Psychiatry Clerkship zThe clerkship employed an OSCE to evaluate my clinical skills zResidents and fellow provided effective teaching zThe teaching from residents enhanced the educational value of the clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
33 6. Clinical Experiences Surgery Clerkship zI received clear learning objectives for the clerkship zMy performance was assessed against the learning objectives zI had an opportunity to follow a variety of different patients (with different medical conditions) 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
34 My attending faculty members: zWere adequately involved in teaching zObserved me performing physical examinations zProvided me with sufficient feedback on my performance zProvided me with feedback in a timely manner 6. Clinical Experiences Surgery Clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
35 6. Clinical Experiences Surgery Clerkship zThe clerkship employed an OSCE to evaluate my clinical skills zResidents and fellow provided effective teaching zThe teaching from residents enhanced the educational value of the clerkship 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
36 6. Clinical Experiences Methods used to evaluate clinical skills - Final evaluation Family Medicine
37 6. Clinical Experiences Methods used to evaluate clinical skills - Final evaluation Internal Medicine
38 6. Clinical Experiences Methods used to evaluate clinical skills - Final evaluation OB/GYN
39 6. Clinical Experiences Methods used to evaluate clinical skills - Final evaluation Pediatrics
40 6. Clinical Experiences Methods used to evaluate clinical skills - Final evaluation Psychiatry
41 6. Clinical Experiences Methods used to evaluate clinical skills - Final evaluation Surgery
42 7. Geriatrics and Gerontology Education 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zI learned about the health care needs of healthy older adults during my medical training zI was exposed to expert geriatric care by the attending faculty of my medical program I am well prepared to care for: zolder adult patients in ambulatory settings zolder adult patients in long- term health care settings
43 8. Cultural Competency Issues 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zThe perspective of individuals from racial and ethnic groups different than your own were often brought into your medical training zMy knowledge or opinion was influenced or changed by becoming aware of a different perspective
44 8. Cultural Competency Issues (continued) Percentage of students who have participated in the following activities during medical school on an elective or volunteer basis: Seminar in minority health Course/workshop on cultural awareness Project with a community- based multicultural group
45 8. Cultural Competency Issues (continued) Was the time devoted to your instruction in the following areas inadequate, appropriate, or excessive?
46 9. Training at VA Medical Facility 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Excellent 5 = Poor zHave you ever had a clinical training experience during medical school at a VA? Dartmouth:100% All schools:69% zHow would you rate the value of your VA clinical training experience?
47 9. Training at VA Medical Facility (continued) 1 to 5 scale, 5 = Excellent 1 = Poor zHow would you compare your overall VA clinical training experiences to other non VA clinical training experiences you have had at the same or equivalent level?
48 10. Electives or Volunteer Activities Percentage of Dartmouth students participating in 2001, 2002, 2003
49 10. Electives or Volunteer Activities (continued) Percentage of Dartmouth students participating in 2000, 2001, 2002
50 11. Communication Skills 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zI am confident I have appropriate knowledge and skills to: zDiscuss a prescription error I made with the patient zDiscuss treatment options with a woman with late-stage breast cancer zInitiate discussion of DNR orders with a patient or family member zAssess the health practices of a patient using alternative therapies
51 11. Communication Skills Where in your medical education were the following issues emphasized? (select one) z1. Advocating the interest of one’s patient over one’s own interests z2. Advocating for access to health care for members of underserved populations z3. Engaging in lifelong learning to stay abreast of relevant scientific advances
52 12. Technology Skills I’m confident that I have the appropriate knowledge and skills to: zCarry out sophisticated searches of medical information databases zCritically review a published research report zUse a computer-based clinical record keeping program zUse a personal digital assistant (PDA) for clinical purposes 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
53 13. Preparation for Residency 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zI am confident that I have acquired the clinical skills required to begin a residency program zI have the fundamental understanding of basic disease mechanisms, clinical presentation, and principles of diagnosis and management the common conditions zI have the communication skills necessary to interact w/ patients and health professionals
54 13. Preparation for Residency 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zI have basic skills in clinical decision making and the application of evidence based information to medical practice zI have a fundamental understanding of the issues in social sciences of medicine (e.g. ethics, humanism, professionalism) zI have the ethical and professional values that are expected of the profession
55 13. Preparation for Residency 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zI received appropriate faculty guidance in the selection of fourth year elective experiences zAt my school, elective time in the fourth year should have been reduced zAdditional required activities or selectives (e.g. course, sessions, clerkships, etc. should be added to the 4th year at my medical school
56 14. Summary - Overall Satisfaction 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zOverall, I’m satisfied with the quality of my medical education.
57 15. Future Plans Type of Practice
58 15. Future Plans zTo what degree did your level of educational debt influence your specialty choice? zTo what degree did career planning activities at your medical school influence your specialty choice?
59 15. Future Plans Where do you plan to practice? (NNE: 28% vs 1.1% )
60 15. Future Plans Do you plan to locate your practice in an underserved area? If yes, where? (Percentage of students)
61 16. Various DMS Support Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following: 1 = very satisfied 5 = very dissatisfied
62 16. Various DMS Support Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following: 1 = very satisfied 5 = very dissatisfied
63 16. Various DMS Support Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following: 1 = very satisfied 5 = very dissatisfied
64 17. Mistreatment Have you personally been mistreated during Medical School? For 2003, 3 Dartmouth students cited clinical faculty and/or patients as source of mistreatment
65 18. Views of Profession Indicate your level of agreement with the following: 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zAccess to medical care continues to be a major problem in the United States zEveryone is entitled to receive adequate medical care regardless of his or her ability to pay zPhysicians have an opportunity to exercise greater influence on health promotion and disease prevention zAdvances in the biomedical sciences will make the practice of medicine more challenging and rewarding
66 18. Views of Profession (continued) Indicate your level of agreement with the following: 1 to 5 scale, 1 = Strongly Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree zCure of disease is the most important purpose of medicine zRelief of patient suffering is the most important pursuit of medicine zI am prepared to care for individuals from racial and ethnic backgrounds different from my own
67 19. Average debt of all students with debt
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