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Lessons from Ofsted ITE Inspection overview 2009/10 WMCETT Forum Professional Dialogue seminar 1 st November 2010 Jill Hardman.

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons from Ofsted ITE Inspection overview 2009/10 WMCETT Forum Professional Dialogue seminar 1 st November 2010 Jill Hardman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons from Ofsted ITE Inspection overview 2009/10 WMCETT Forum Professional Dialogue seminar 1 st November 2010 Jill Hardman

2 ITE(FE) – What do you think? How are we doing compared to the last cycle (old framework, up to 2008)? How do we compare with schools? What are the main areas we need to pay attention to? What might be coming up for us next?

3 26 ITE(FE) providers inspected ’09-10 Greatly improved Overall Effectiveness (OE) 73%, compared to last cycle (pre 2008) 55% [6 improved a grade and 6 moved down a grade] Progress/profile - FE behind schools Main weaknesses in Capacity to improve (Cti)

4 Mind the gap! Schools & FE – OE grades GradeFE OE(%)Secondary OE(%) Primary OE(%) 14% 73% 31% 93% 53% 93% 269%62%40% 323%7%5% 44%0%2%

5 Mind the gap! Schools & FE – Cti grades GradeFE OE(%)Secondary OE(%) Primary OE(%) 18% 50% 42% 93% 55% 98% 242%51%43% 346%7%2% 44%0%

6 Problems with self evaluation 42% (10 HEIs) evaluated their OE one grade higher than inspectors 71% evaluated their CTI one grade higher None graded themselves lower than inspectors Most providers over-graded KQs in Cti 54% grades in SEDs on Cti questions higher

7 Strengths in Cti Extent to which providers anticipate change and respond to initiatives and Collaborative working This impacts positively on meeting training and development needs within the partnerships.

8 Weaknesses in Cti Providers’ self assessment and The impact of actions taken to improve Contributory factors –lack of reliable data to inform the self evaluation process –insufficient use of data available within the partnerships themselves –No TDA equivalent to support self evaluation!

9 4 ways to improve OE develop systems for tracking t’ee progress and measuring attainment Nb Don’t have to use grades to track progress ensure sufficient range in t’ees teaching - found insufficient breadth in teaching practice esp in wider sector improve individual target setting – found this lacks specificity & challenge to move t’ees up Address variation in t’ees mentoring experience – found high quality mentoring dependent on where t’ees work.

10 2 ways to improve E & D Monitor the extent to which trainees promote equality and diversity in their own practice can teach students from diverse backgrounds Nb This info impacts on 2 grades: attainment & quality of training Systematically draw on data to monitor the impact of provision on different groups of trainees - & use the info to improve outcomes Nb This info impacts grade for T’ee support – judged on the outcomes of the support.

11 6 ways to improve Cti In improvement plans Prioritise actions to improve outcomes for t’ees Clear and measurable targets linked to outcomes. In SEDs. First hand evidence - outcomes for the most recent cohorts Succinct analysis against key performance indicators relating to outcomes for trainees. Collect, analyse and use data on impact of provision on outcomes for different groups eg by age, gender etc (all 7 categories) + others eg UG/PG, workplace setting, partner college etc. Evaluate the work based element of training (ie mentoring). Include in your QA process & improvement plans

12 What’s round the corner? Ofsted wants to see more focus on outcomes for t’ees in making judgements. Focus on national priorities each year For FE??  LLUK review of teaching quals = more in future ITE progs re developing learners’ employability, personal learning & thinking skills & educn for sustainable devmnt?  Focus on training vocational teachers? (Skills Commission survey)

13 To grade or not to grade? Don’t have to use grades for progress & achievement Do have to: Give summary analysis strengths & areas for development for t’ees involved in inspection (eg pen portrait) Focus monitoring, self-evaluation & improvement planning on the impact on outcomes – therefore must evaluate t’ees’ progress & achievement

14 Using the Ofsted trainee characteristics to grade… Check! 1. Is the system clear? All involved (including t’ees and mentors) fully understand what the grades (and progress through interim grades) mean? 2.Are grades absolute? Or reflect expectations at each stage? Are expectations shared & realistic? 3.Does the system add value? e.g. improve the quality of feedback to trainees? 4. Provide the data needed to analyse t’ees’ progress and the impact of any developments – to inform self- evaluation and improvement planning? If system tries to do 3 & 4 - does it do both equally well?

15 ITE(FE) – So what do you think now? How did your inspection and outcomes match with these overall themes? What is top of your improvement plan now? Will you make any changes to the way you write your SED? Preparing for inspection What did you mainly focus on last time? What would you prioritise next time?

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