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Community Tales: An Infrastructure for the Collaborative Construction of Digital Theses Repositories Lourdes Fernandez, J. Alfredo Sánchez Libraries Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Tales: An Infrastructure for the Collaborative Construction of Digital Theses Repositories Lourdes Fernandez, J. Alfredo Sánchez Libraries Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Tales: An Infrastructure for the Collaborative Construction of Digital Theses Repositories Lourdes Fernandez, J. Alfredo Sánchez Libraries Division Universidad de las Américas, Puebla México ETD 2003, Berlin, Germany, May 2003

2 Agenda Context: Libraries and DLs ETD setting Design issues Tales functionality Status and ongoing work

3 University of the Americas, Puebla (UDLA) Private university in central México (City of Cholula, State of Puebla) About 8,000 students 39 bachelor’s, 21 master’s, 2 PhD thesis-requiring programs 600-800 theses per year Library has received graduate theses Departments handle undergraduate theses

4 Digital Libraries Program University Digital Libraries for All Goals : –To transform our libraries by creating virtual spaces for facilitating knowledge access, dissemination and generation –To build collections and services for wide user communities –To conduct R&D in DLs

5 Digital Libraries Architecture for Digital Collections (theses, images, videos, etc.) Physical Level DBMSs, File Systems, MG, etc. Data mgmt. level XML, Dublin Core, DTDs, OpenGIS, etc. Abstraction levels Data Retrieval Services Speech Proc. Services IR Services Interop. Services... Digital Library Client Virtual Reference 2D & 3D Viewers Personal & Group Spaces... Mobile Agents Digital Library Server Service Level User interface Level Multi- media Interfaces Video Server Image Proc. Services


7 Design of Tales: Original Setting studentregistrar profs library department draft annotate d draft thesis grade graduating students thesis Issues: Costs, space, availability, searchability,...

8 Design of Tales New Setting shared working space published theses approved theses committees thesesprofs restricted docs open docs

9 Tales Functionality: Academic Department


11 Tales Functionality: Student


13 Tales Functionality: Advisor


15 Tales Functionality: Navigation

16 Tales Functionality: Search

17 Tales Functionality: Viewing


19 Related Components: Digital Annotations

20 Related Components: IR Server

21 Related Components: Personal Spaces

22 Related Components: Digital Publishing House

23 Federation U-DL-A / VT / ITESM / OAI

24 Tales: Status Operating since 2000 with one pilot department Graduate programs joined in 2001 University-wide ETD requirement approved starting Spring 2003 Theses being uploaded as we speak Work practices being changed

25 U-DL-A: Ongoing Work Migrating to XML database Access from mobile devices Content-based image retrieval Detection of plagiarism Group spaces Ontological agents Integration


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