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The Effect of Non-Composted and Composted Soil on Nutrient Concentrations in Green Beans By Nicol, Scott, and Jenn.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of Non-Composted and Composted Soil on Nutrient Concentrations in Green Beans By Nicol, Scott, and Jenn."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of Non-Composted and Composted Soil on Nutrient Concentrations in Green Beans By Nicol, Scott, and Jenn

2 Hypotheses There is no difference between non-composted and composted soils There is no difference between the green beans grown in non-composted and composted soils

3 Procedure SOILS pH Total C and N, NH 4 +, NO 3 - Total and Available Elemental Analysis Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Zn, Si, Ag CEC

4 Procedure GREEN BEANS Total C and N Total Elemental Analysis Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Zn, Si, Ag

5 Statistical Analysis Paired T-test 95% confidence interval 99% confidence interval

6 Soil pH pH CaCl 2 Non-compostCompost

7 % Non-compostCompost Soil C and N Concentrations

8 Soil C/N Ratios Non-compostCompost

9  g/g Non-compostCompost Soil NH 4 + and NO 3 - Concentrations NH 4 + * NO 3 - *

10 Green Bean C and N Concentrations % Non-compostCompost

11 Non-compostCompost Green Bean C/N Ratios

12 Soil Cation Exchange Capacity Non-compostCompost cmol c /kg

13 Significant Total Soil Element Concentrations Log  g/g Non-compostCompost

14 Non-Significant Total Soil Element Concentrations Log  g/g Non-compostCompost

15 Significant Available Soil Element Concentrations Log  g/g Non-compostCompost Mg

16 Log  g/g Non-Significant Available Soil Element Concentrations Non-compostCompost

17  g/g Non-compostCompost Significant Total Green Bean Element Concentrations

18 Log  g/g Non-compostCompost Non-Significant Total Green Bean Element Concentrations CaCuK MgNaP

19 Total C and N were significantly greater in composted soil, but not in green beans Total and available Na were greater in composted soil, but Na was greater in non-composted green beans Si was not different between non-composted and composted soils, but was greater in non- composted beans Summary

20 Total and available Ca, Cu, K, Na, and P were greater in composted soil, but were not different in green beans Total Mg was not different in soil or green beans, but available Mg was greater in composted soil Summary (cont.)

21 Conclusion Plant genetics may control green bean nutrient concentrations rather than soil nutrient concentrations

22 Future Research Uniform treatments for composted and non- composted soil (e.g. turning both soils not just compost) Account for the mass of green beans grown in composted and non-composted soil Compare different varieties of green beans grown in both composted and non-composted soil

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