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E case -2 ESI-PGIMSR And Model Hospital Andheri (East), Mumbai.

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Presentation on theme: "E case -2 ESI-PGIMSR And Model Hospital Andheri (East), Mumbai."— Presentation transcript:

1 E case -2 ESI-PGIMSR And Model Hospital Andheri (East), Mumbai

2 Case history A 39 year old female patient c\o – left upper abdomen pain since one and a half years. The pain was continuous, dull aching – with lump in abdomen since 2 months. On physical examination, abdomen was distended with a tender, palpable mass in the left hypochondriac region The abdominal USG: multiloculated cystic lesion in the left hypochondriac region. Abdominal CT scan showed multiple, complex, cystic hypodense lesions in spleen. Splenectomy was done.

3 Gross.

4 Centrifuged deposits from the fluid aspirated from the cysts showed the following structures. Giemsa stain

5 Pap stain

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