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Chapter 9 Passive Remote Sensing Introduction to Remote Sensing Instructor: Dr. Cheng-Chien LiuCheng-Chien Liu Department of Earth Sciences National Cheng-Kung University Last updated: 16 December 2004
Introduction Optical range 0.3 m~14 m Landsat series SPOT series High spatial resolution High spectral resolution
Landsat satellite program overview Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) 1967 ERTS-1, 1972~1978 Nimbus weather satellite modified Experimental system test feasibility Open skies principle Landsat-2, 1975 (ERTS-2)
Landsat satellite program overview (cont.) Table 6.1: Characteristics of Landsat 1~6 Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) camera systems Multispectral Scanner system (MSS) Thematic Mapper (TM) Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) Table 6.2: Sensors used on Landsat 1~6 missions
Orbit characteristic of Landsat-1, -2, and –3 Fig 6.1: Landsat –1, -2, and –3 observatory configuration 3 m x 1.5 m, 4m width of solar panels, 815 kg, 900 km Inclination = 9 0 T o = 103 min/orbit Fig 6.2: Typical Landsat-1, -2 and –3 daily orbit pattern Successive orbits are about 2760 km Swath: 185 km Orbital procession 18 days for coverage repetition 20 times of global coverage per year
Orbit characteristic of Landsat-1, -2, and –3 (cont.) Sun-synchronous orbit 9:42 am early morning skies are generally clearer than later in the day Pros: repeatable sun illumination conditions on the same day in every year Cons: variable sun illumination conditions with different locations and seasons variations in atmospheric conditions
Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and – 3 3-Channel RBV 185 km x 185 km Ground resolution: 80 m Spectral bands: 1: 0.475 m~0.575 m (green) 2:0.580 m~0.680 m (red) 3: 0.690 m~0.830 m (NIR) Expose photosensitive surface scan video signal Pros: Greater cartographic fidelity Reseau grid geometric correction in the recording process
Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and – 3 (cont.) 3-Channel RBV (cont.) Landsat-1: malfunction only 1690 scenes Landsat-2 only for engineering evaluation only occasionally RBV imagery was obtained. Landsat-3 Single broad band (0.505~0.75 u m) 2.6 times of resolution improved: 30 m double f Two-camera side-by-side configuration with side-lap and end-lap. (Fig 6.5) Fig 6.6: Landsat-3 RBV image
Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and – 3 (cont.) 4 Channel MSS 185 km x 185 km Ground resolution: 79 m Spectral band: Band 4: 0.5 m ~ 0.6 m (green) Band 5: 0.6 m ~ 0.7 m (red) Band 6: 0.7 m ~ 0.8 m (NIR) Band 7: 0.8 m ~ 0.9 m (NIR) Band 8: 10.4~12.6 um Landsat-3, failed Band 4~7 band 1~4 in Landsat-4, -5 Fig 6.7: Comparison of spectral bands
Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and – 3 (cont.) 4 Channel MSS (cont.) Fig 6.8: Landsat MSS operating configuration Small TFOV use an oscillating scan mirror A-to-D converter (6 bits) Pixel width: 56 m x 79 m set by the pixel sampling rate (Fig 6.9) Each Landsat MSS scene 185 km x 185 km 2340 scan lines, 3240 pixels per line, 4 bands Enormous data Fig 6.10: Full-frame, band 5, Landsat MSS scene Parallelogram earth’s rotation 15 steps Tick marks Lat. Long. Annotation block Color composite: band 4 (b), band 5 (g), band 7(r) (Fig 6.7)
Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and – 3 (cont.) Data distribution Experiment transitional operational NASA NOAA NASA USGS EOSAT USGS Landsat-1,-2,-3 Landsat-4,-5,-6 Landsat-7 Department of Interior Department of Commerce Department of Defense Data receiving station Data reprocessing Data catalogue
Orbit characteristics of Landsat-4 and -5 Fig 6.20: Sun-synchronous orbit of Landsat-4 and –5 Altitude: 900 705km Retrievable by the space shuttle Ground resolutions Inclination 98.20 T=99min 14.5 orbit/day 9:45 am Fig 6.21: adjacent orbit space = 2752 km 16-day repeat cycle 8-day phase between Landsat-4 and –5 (Fig 6.22)
Sensors onboard Landsat-4 and -5 Fig 6.23: Landsat-4 and –5 observatory configuration MSS, TM 2000 kg, 1.5x2.3m solar panels x 4 on one side High gain antenna Tracking and Data Relay Satellite system (TDRSS) Direct transmission X-band and S-band MSS: 15 Mbps TM: 85 Mbps
Sensors onboard Landsat-4 and –5 (cont.) MSS Same as previous except for larger TFOV for keeping the same ground resolution (79 m 82 m ) Renumber bands TM 7 bands (Table 6.3) DN: 6 8 bits Ground resolution: 30 m (thermal band: 120 m ) Geometric correction Space Oblique Mercator (SOM) cartographic projection
Sensors onboard Landsat-4 and –5 (cont.) TM (cont.) Bi-directional scan the rate of oscillation of mirror dwelling time geometric integrity signal-to-noise Detector: MSS: 6x4=24 TM: 16x6+4x1=100 Fig 6.14: Thematic Mapper optical path and projection of IFOV on earth surface Fig 6.15: Schematic of TM scan line correction process
Landsat-6 planned mission A failed mission Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) TM+ panchromatic band (0.5~0.9 m) with 15m resolution pan sharpening Monolithic detector design coregister Set 9-bit A-to-D converter to a high or low gain 8-bit setting from the ground. Low reflectance water high gain Bright region deserts low gain
Landsat-7 Launch: 1999 Web site: Landsat 7 handbook Landsat 7 handbook Landsat 7 handbook Landsat 7 in orbit Landsat 7 in orbit Landsat 7 in orbit Depiction of Landsat 7 Depiction of Landsat 7 Depiction of Landsat 7
Landsat-7 (cont.) Landsat 7 Orbit Orbital paths Swath Swath pattern Landsat data
Landsat-7 (cont.) Payload Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) Dual mode solar calibrator Data transmission TDRSS or stored on board. GPS subsequent geometric processing of the data High Resolution Multi-spectral Stereo Imager (HRMSI) 5 m panchromatic band 10 m ETM bands 1~4 Pointable revisit time (<3 days) Stereo imaging. 0 0 ~38 0 cross-track and 0 0 ~30 0 along-track
Landsat-7 (cont.) Application Monitoring Temperate Forests Mapping Volcanic Surface Deposits Three Dimensional Land Surface Simulations
Landsat TM Image interpretation Pros: Spectral and radiometric resolution Ground resolution Fig 6.26: MSS vs TM Fig 6.27: All seven TM bands for a summertime image of an urban fringe area Lake, river, ponds: b1,2 > b3 > b4=b5=b7=0 Road urban streets: b4 min Agricultural crops: b4 max Golf courses
Landsat TM Image interpretation (cont.) Fig 6.27 (cont.) Glacial ice movement: upper right lower left Drumlins, scoured bedrock hills Band 7 resample from 120 m to 30 m Plate 12 + Table 6.5: TM band color combinations (a): normal color mapping of water sediment patterns (b): color infrared mapping urban features and vegetation types (c)(d): false color
Landsat TM Image interpretation (cont.) Fig 6.28: Landsat TM band 6 (thermal infrared) image Correlation with field observations 6 gray levels 6T Plate 13: color-composite Landsat TM image Extremely hot blackbody radiation thermal infrared TM bands 3, 4 and 7
Landsat TM Image interpretation (cont.) Fig 6.29: Landsat TM band 5 (mid- infrared) image Timber clear-cutting Fig 6.30: Landsat TM band 3, 4 and 5 composite Extensive deforestation. Fig 6.31: Landsat TM band 4 image map 13 individual TM scenes + mosaic
SPOT Satellite Program Background French+Sweden+Belgium 1978 Commercially oriented program SPOT-1 French Guiana, Ariane Rocket 1986 Linear array sensor+pushbroom scanning+pointable Full-scene stereoscopic imaging
SPOT Satellite Program (cont.) SPOT-2 1990 SPOT-3 1993
Orbit characteristics of SPOT-1, -2 and -3 Orbit Circular, near-polar, sun-synchronous orbit Altitude: 832 km Inclination: 98.7 0 Descend across the equator at 10:30AM Repeat: 26 days Fig 6.21: SPOT revisit pattern at latitude 45 0 and 0 0 At equator: 7 viewing opportunities exist At 45 0 : 11 viewing opportunities exist
Sensors onboard SPOT-1, -2 and -3 Configuration (Fig 6.34) 2 2 3.5m, 1750 kg, solar panel: 15.6 m Modular design High Resolution Visible (HRV) imaging system 2-mode 10m-resolution panchromatic mode (0.51~0.73 m) 20m-resolution color-infrared mode. (0.5~0.59 m, 0.61~0.68 m, 0.79~0.89 m)
Sensors onboard SPOT-1, -2 and –3 (cont.) HRV (cont.) Pushbroom scanning No moving part (mirror) lifespan Dwell time Geometric error 4-CCD subarray 6000-element subarray panchromatic mode, 10 m Three 3000-element subarrays multi-spectral mode, 20 m 8-bit, 25 Mbps Twin-HRV instruments IFOV (for each instrument) 4.13 0 Swath: 60 km 2 - 3 km = 117 km (Fig 3.36) TFOV (for each instrument) 27 0 =0.6 0 45 (Fig 3.35)
Sensors onboard SPOT-1, -2 and –3 (cont.) HRV (cont.) Data streams Although 2-mode can be operated simultaneously, only one mode data can be transmitted limitation of data stream Stereoscopic imaging Off-nadir viewing capability (Fig 6.37) Frequency revisit schedule (Fig 6.33) Base-height ratio latitude 0.75 at equator, 0.5 at 45 0 Control Ground control station Toulouse, France observation sequence Receiving station Tordouse or Kiruna, Sweden Tape recorded onboard Transmitted within 2600 km -radius around the station
SPOT HRV image interpretation Fig 6.38: SPOT-1 panchromatic image 10 m -resolution Cf: Landsat MSS 80 m Cf: Landsat TM 30 m (Fig 6.26) Cf: Landsat ETM 15 m (Fig 6.32) Fig 6.39: SPOT-1 panchromatic image Plate14: merge of multispectral & panchromatic data Fig 6.40: SPOT-1 panchromatic image stereopair Plate 15: Perspective view of Alps SPOT stereopair + parallax calculation Plate 23 Fig 6.41: before and after the earthquake
SPOT –4 and –5 SPOT –4 Launched 1998 Vegetation Monitoring Instrument (VMI) Swath: 2000 km daily global coverage Resolution: 1 km Spectral band: b(0.43~0.47 m), g(0.5~0.59 m), r(0.61~0.68 m), N-IR(0.79~0.89 m), mid-IR(1.58~1.75 m)
SPOT –4 and –5 (cont.) SPOT – 5 Launched 2002 Vegetation Monitoring Instrument (VMI) Swath: 2000 km daily global coverage Resolution: 1 km Spectral band: b(0.43~0.47 m), g(0.5~0.59 m), r(0.61~0.68 m), N-IR(0.79~0.89 m), mid-IR(1.58~1.75 m)
Earth Observing System Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) Aims: providing the observations, understanding, and modeling capabilities needed assess the impacts of natural events and human-induced activities on the earth’s environment Data and information system: acquire, archive and distribute the data and information collected about the earth Further international understanding of the earth as a system
Earth Observing System (cont.) EOS (Table 6.19) ASTER CERES MISR MODIS MOPITT MODIS (Table 6.20) Table 6.20 Terra: 2000 Aqua: 2002 ASTER (Table 6.21)
Hign-resolution satellite system CORONA 1960 – 1972, declassified in 1995 KH-1 ~ KH-4B ~ KH-5 Camera + film Band and resolution Web site: http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov Impacts
Hign-resolution satellite system (cont.) IKONOS IKONOS 1999 by Space imaging Bands and resolution 1 m -resolution 0.45 – 0.90 m 4 m -resolution 0.45 – 0.52 m 0.52 – 0.60 m 0.63 – 0.69 m 0.76 – 0.90 m Orbit: sun-synchronous Repeat coverage: 1.5 (1 m ) ~ 3 (4 m ) days
Hign-resolution satellite system (cont.) OrbView–3 and –4 OrbView-2: SeaWiFS Will be launched soon! Similar bands and resolution as IKONOS OrbView–4 200 spectral channels in the range 0.45 – 2.5 m at 8 m resolution
Hign-resolution satellite system (cont.) QuickBird QuickBird 2001 by EarthWatch Inc. Bands and resolution 61 cm -resolution 0.45 – 0.89 m 2.44 m -resolution 0.45 – 0.52 m 0.52 – 0.60 m 0.63 – 0.69 m 0.76 – 0.89 m
Hyperspectral satellite system (cont.) Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) NASA + USGS 21 November 2000 One-year technology validation/demonstration mission Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Hyperion ALI
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