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Mandalas A Visual Metaphor of the Unseen Universe.

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Presentation on theme: "Mandalas A Visual Metaphor of the Unseen Universe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mandalas A Visual Metaphor of the Unseen Universe

2 What is this mandala representing ?

3 Circles

4 How Color Affects Your Message

5 Mandala Templates Endless Knot Seeing through to a new reality Crystal- lization Seeing through a many faceted reality Squaring the Circle Do you see direction or goals?

6 Tibetan Thangkas  Link to Rubin MuseumRubin Museum To explore a similar thangka, type in Wheel of Life in the museum gallery search  Link to Rubin MuseumRubin Museum To explore a similar thangka, type in Wheel of Life in the museum gallery search

7 Credits  Mandalas from: Fincher, Susanne F. Coloring Mandalas: For Insight, healing and Self Expression (Shambhala Publications Boston, 2000)

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