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Technology Task Force - Email Information, Communication and Technology Committee March 2008 Mt. San Jacinto College.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Task Force - Email Information, Communication and Technology Committee March 2008 Mt. San Jacinto College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Task Force - Email Information, Communication and Technology Committee March 2008 Mt. San Jacinto College

2 Technology Task Force - Email Task Force Membership Student Email System (IMail) Faculty and Staff (Outlook 2003 moving to 2007)

3 Is the Email Client appropriate? Is SPAM being controlled? What type of technical oversight/management is required for the systems? Cost vs. Benefit Acceptable Use Technology Task Force - Email

4 Student Email Implemented IPSwitch in Fall 2005 Cost $ 4,999 annually for software, internally hosted on $3500 server plus cost of SAN storage and personnel

5 Student Email Usage: 70,000 users (no archive) Current: 17,000/semester 1800-3400 logins/day 3400/1700 = 20% Usage

6 Student Email Space We offer 30MB of space Function Interface Good, bad, ugly? No Calendar or other collaborative tools.

7 Proposed Solution: Live@edu Go to document.

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