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P view has …Earth expanded …observer at Chicago (near 45 deg. North latitude) …observer upright.

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Presentation on theme: "P view has …Earth expanded …observer at Chicago (near 45 deg. North latitude) …observer upright."— Presentation transcript:

1 p view has …Earth expanded …observer at Chicago (near 45 deg. North latitude) …observer upright

2 view has …Earth expanded …observer at Chicago (near 45 deg. North latitude) …observer upright

3 View has… …cel. sph. upright …observer at 45° N latitude

4 view has …Earth expanded. …observer at Chicago (near 45 deg. North latitude) …observer upright

5 views have …Earth expanded. …observer at N. Pole (left), Chicago (center), equator (right) …observer upright


7 David Chuss NASA - Goddard Jill Prince NASA - Langley Hua-bai Li Harvard Megan Krejny U. Minnesota

8 winter-over scientist Greg Griffin, transferring liquid Helium into N.U.’s SPARO camera during the Antarctic winter of 2000

9 Photograph of Earth and Moon – taken by a departing Mars probe

10 A Solar eclipse (total)

11 A Solar eclipse (annular type)

12 A Lunar eclipse (total)

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