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Log Analysis and Intrusion Detection By Srikrishna Gudavalli Venkata Naga Vamsi Krishna Ravi Kiran Yellepeddy.

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Presentation on theme: "Log Analysis and Intrusion Detection By Srikrishna Gudavalli Venkata Naga Vamsi Krishna Ravi Kiran Yellepeddy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Log Analysis and Intrusion Detection By Srikrishna Gudavalli Venkata Naga Vamsi Krishna Ravi Kiran Yellepeddy

2 Log Analysis (Windows And linux) What is log analysis? Describes an event (or) process activity in detail on the system. Examples : user authentication event log ftp authentication.

3 Setup for LogAnalysis Application Log Specific to particular application. eg:MS word,Windows Media Player Security Log Specifically logs all the security features. System Log Logs all the system related activities.

4 Linux Auditing Sysklog Metalog LogRotater Basic Linux Auditing Syslogd: Gives information about the general activities about the Kernel,Mails,Process and Remote logins.

5 Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) What is an intrusion Detection System (IDS)? Intrusion Detection Systems look for attack signatures, which are specific patterns that usually indicate malicious or suspicious intent Example : Snort

6 Steps to setup IDS Installation of snort Creation of Snort configuration files Creation of rules Testing of rules

7 Operation of Snort

8 Using Snort in Different Scenarios Ping nmap Scan Utility Subseven Trojan Telnet Internet Explorer


10 Starting snort to sniff the data on the network.

11 Pinging the server from the client and sniffing data on server by snort.

12 Traffic dump for Linux using snort

13 Output for the snort sniffed data

14 Adding preprocessor to the config files of Snort to filter port scanner.

15 Xmas scan using nmap

16 Alerts in Snort log files for Xmas Stealth activity.

17 Preprocessor to sniff Trojans activity (ettercap)

18 Creating snort config file to use detection engine

19 Starting the snort service with detection engine

20 Using Internet Explorer to detect directory traversal attack by snort

21 Alert for the Directory Traversal attack in snort alerts file

22 Creating the rules in snort to detect the subseven Trojan

23 Adding subseven rules to config file of snort

24 Starting the snort service with new subseven rule

25 Attacking the server with subseven Trojan

26 Alert log for the subseven Trojan detection

27 Subseven Trojan scenario on Linux

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