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FE304 GENERAL MICROBILOGY Instructer Prof. Dr. Osman Erkmen Department of Food engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Gaziantep Lab Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "FE304 GENERAL MICROBILOGY Instructer Prof. Dr. Osman Erkmen Department of Food engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Gaziantep Lab Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 FE304 GENERAL MICROBILOGY Instructer Prof. Dr. Osman Erkmen Department of Food engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Gaziantep Lab Assistant Res. Assist. Aykut Önder Barazi Department of Food engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Gaziantep

2 GRADE DETERMINATION: 40% Two midterms 20% Laboratory 40% Final

3 FE 304 General Microbiology Contents Chapter 1. Introduction and Microbial world Chapter 2. Classification of Microorganisms Chapter 3. Microscope and Microscopy Chapter 4.1. Bacterial Reproduction Chapter 4.2. Bacterial Cell Shape Chapter 5.1. Procaryotic Structures Chapter 5.2. Cell Membrane Chapter 5.3. Cell Wall Chapter 6. Bacterial Spores (1st Midterm) Chapter 7.1. Microbial Groups Chapter 7.2. Viruses and Viroids Chapter 8. Bacterial Growth Chapter 9. Microbial Nutrition Chapter 10. Culture Media Chapter 11. Culture Preservation Chapter 12.1. Conventional Microbial Counting Methods Chapter 12.2. Dilution Chapter 13. New Microbial Counting Methods Chapter 14. Control of Microbial Growth (2nd Midterm) Chapter 15. Microbial Genetics Chapter 16. Genetics of Viruses (Final)

4 Laboratory Experiments General Introduction to Laboratory

5 TEXTBOOKS 1.Erkmen, Osman and Bozoğlu, T. Faruk. Food Microbiology I: Microorganisms in Foods, Microbial Growth, Foodborne Diseases and Detection of Microorganisms and their Toxins. İlke Publishing Company, ISBN: 978-605-5983-13-0, 336 pages, 2008. 1.Erkmen, Osman. A Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology. University of Gaziantep Press, Gaziantep, ISBN: 975-7375-11-X, 120 pages, 1996. TEACHING METHODS Lectures with a novel technique that involves PowerPoint Teaching. Questions and discussions are stressed during the lecture time. Some of subjects will be pointen text book and laboratory manuel.

6 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF CLASS ACTIVITIES LectureDayDateChapterTopic TuFeb 9Add and drops ThFeb 11Add drops 1TuFeb 16--Syllabus 2ThFeb 181Introduction and Microbial world 3TuFeb 232Classification of Microorganisms 4ThFeb 253Microscope and Microscopy 5TuMar 23Microscope and Microscopy 6ThMar 44.1Bacterial Reproduction 7TuMar 94.1Bacterial Reproduction 8ThMar 114.2Bacterial Cell Shape 9TuMar 165.1Procaryotic Structures 10ThMar 185.2Cell Membrane 11TuMar 235.2Cell Membrane 12ThMar 255.3Cell Wall TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF CLASS ACTIVITIES

7 13TuMar 306Bacterial Spores 14ThApr 16Bacterial Spores (1st Mid.) 15TuApr 67.1Microbial Groups 16ThApr 87.1Microbial Groups 17TuApr 131 st Midterm 18ThApr 157.2Viruses and Viroids 19TuApr 208Bacterial Growth 20ThApr 229Microbial Nutrition 21TuApr 279Microbial Nutrition 22ThApr 2910Culture Media 23TuMay 411Culture Preservation 24ThMay 612.1Conv. Microbial Coun. Methods 25TuMay 1112.1Conv. Microbial Coun. Methods TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF CLASS ACTIVITIES (Continue)

8 26ThMay 1313New Microbial Counting Methods 27TuMay 1814 Control of Microbial Growth (2nd Mid.) 28ThMay 202 nd Midterm 29TuMay 2515Microbial Genetics 30ThMay 2716Genetics of Viruses Final. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF CLASS ACTIVITIES (Continue)

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