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Learning takes the “Cupcake” in room 2-1-8! Procedures! Morning Arrival.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning takes the “Cupcake” in room 2-1-8! Procedures! Morning Arrival."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning takes the “Cupcake” in room 2-1-8! Procedures! Morning Arrival

2 1. Say Good Morning 2. Take your attendance 3. Read your morning agenda 4. Work and eat

3 1. Push your chair under your desk. 3.Use self-control while the rest of the class lines up. 2.Walk safely and quietly to your line order.

4 Stack & Pack 1.Take out all supplies and materials that are needed to complete homework and to study. 2. Stack all books and folders in order by height. 3. Pack all supplies and materials in your book sack.

5 1. Stack and Pack 2. Follow the lining up procedure 3. Line up in front of Mr. Weerts’ door 4. Use self-control while standing in line

6 Writers Workshop 1. Focus on Mini Lesson 2. Quiet 10- write the entire time without talking 3. Continue Writing and Conference Time 4. Author’s Chair- listen to the speaker

7 Choosing a Just Right Book 1.Choose a book you might like and use your schema 2. Read the back cover or book jacket 3. Find a full page with words 4.While you are reading aloud, hold up five fingers 5.As you stumble on a word, put down a finger 6.Match how many fingers you have up with the finger chart on the wall

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