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State of the Art in Theory and Practice of Rural Development Measures Partner 4: The University of Wales Aberystwyth.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the Art in Theory and Practice of Rural Development Measures Partner 4: The University of Wales Aberystwyth."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the Art in Theory and Practice of Rural Development Measures Partner 4: The University of Wales Aberystwyth

2 Key issues Tasks, milestones, deliverables Key dates for forward planning Initial discussion of case study area selection Beyond Month 8 (November 2006) …?

3 WP1 Tasks Task 1.1: Literature Review of Approaches to and Evaluation of Rural Development Programmes Task 1.2: Case Study Investigation of Selected Regions Task 1.3: Comparative Regional Case Study Analysis for Policy Development Measures

4 WP1 Milestones M1.1 Protocols for literature review established Month 2 (26 May 2006) M1.2 Case study regions selected Month 1 (28 April 2006) M1.3 Literature review completed Month 4 (28 July 2006) M1.4 Case study investigation completed Month 16 (25 May 2007) M1.5 Comparative analysis and policy development workshop held Month 20 (28 September 2007)

5 WP1 Deliverables D1: Overview of the Current Implementation of the CAP on EU Overall and on a Country (participated) Basis Month 6 (30 September 2006) D2: A Literature Review on the Analysis of the Effects of CAP Reform on Rural Areas Emphasizing Young People and Women Month 6 (30 September 2006) D14: A Report on the Employment Effectiveness of the Current Rural Development Measures and Suggestions for Future Amendments Month 23 (29 February 2008)

6 Task 1.1: Literature Review Pro-forma for discussion Proposed timetable: Final pro-forma and instructions circulated to partners: 14 Apr Initial country/language reports to P4: 2 Jun Response and follow up with partners completed: 16 Jun Draft Literature Review report circulated for comment: 1 Sep Comments and corrections received from partners: 15 Sep

7 Task 1.2: Case Studies NUTS2 Level Selection Geography, economic development level, subsidiarity Content Background: history, rurality, socio-economic structure. Rural Development Programme SPDs (2000-2006) Mid-Term Evaluations Key stakeholder interviews (min 6) Quantitative estimates of direct employment Subsequent use in WP2-6

8 Task 1.2 Timetable Principles of case study selection agreed (18 March) Draft guidelines circulated by P4 (14 April) Guidelines and case study areas agreed (28 April) Background desk research complete (30 Jun) Key stakeholders identified (1 Sep) Progress reports and workshop discussion at M3 (July) Draft reports complete (25 May ‘07) Comments on draft reports received from P4 (15 Jun ‘07)

9 Task 1.2: Area Selection Issues Less Favoured Area Market environment Population density Remoteness Institutional environment Networking and milieu Statistical infrastructure


11 Task 1.2: Area Selection Issues Less Favoured Area Market environment Population density Remoteness Institutional environment Networking and milieu Statistical infrastructure

12 Month 8 and beyond Workshop to explore similarities and contrasts between policy decisions, implementation and outcomes in each case-study region Scenario Analysis Final comparative report Data acquisition for WP3-6 (interaction with WP2)

13 State of the Art in Theory and Practice of Rural Development Measures Partner 4: The University of Wales Aberystwyth

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