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Mobil Experience Meeting Bent Flyen Senior Project Manager Opera Consumer Engineering

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Presentation on theme: "Mobil Experience Meeting Bent Flyen Senior Project Manager Opera Consumer Engineering"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobil Experience Meeting Bent Flyen Senior Project Manager Opera Consumer Engineering

2 HTML Street HTML: The normal web page, with frames, AJAX and JavaScripts Requires a Desktop PC or a Smartphone Short time to load on good connection Frames and Ajax will not work on mobile Transit Information on the mobile

3 3 XHTML HTML according to a strict format (not street HTML) Can be understood by advanced mobile phones with a modern browser (Opera, Nokia KHTML, Pocket Internet Explorer Can use graphics to make a better user experience

4 4 WML/WAP Wireless Markup Language: A strict XML document format for mobile phones Works in Opera (Mobile/Mini/Desktop) and Nokias Kimmono browsers (“Services” on most Nokia S60 phones) Support input limitations in forms Does not work in  Safari  Internet Explorer  Firefox  Nokia KHTML

5 5 WAP: Wireless Application Protocol WAP: can be the bearer of WML More common to use HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Show trip

6 6 J2ME: Java Platform, Micro Edition Light client to be run on most mobile phones  Opera Mini

7 7 Ajax: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Used to improve usability on web sites Will mostly work in the latest version of desktop browsers Can be adopted to mobile browsing Will not work in Opera Mini Examples:  Autocomplete when typing  Navigation in maps

8 8 Widgets: small program for a specific purpose Based on Ajax and web standards Will be launched on iPhone Nokia KHTML will support widgets from this fall Opera announced mobile widgets in February A widgets will remember stations without the use of bookmarks Desktop:  Yahoo widgets (Windows & Mac)  Google Gadgets  Vista Gadgets  Opera Widgets  Apple Dashboard

9 9 Demo Opera Mini Nokia browser (“Kimmono”) Hafas

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