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Critical Thinking Across the Language Curriculum, Part II Cynthia Kieffer University of Oregon American English Institute

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1 Critical Thinking Across the Language Curriculum, Part II Cynthia Kieffer University of Oregon American English Institute

2 Introduction Puzzling Picture, Multiple Perspectives Topic I: Objectives of a Lesson Plan Topic 2a: Affective Strategies Topic 2b: Cognitive Strategies (Macro) Topic 2c: Cognitive Strategies (Micro) Topic 3: Recommendations Wrap Up, Q & A

3 Puzzling Pictures Multiple Perspectives Old or young woman? (Hint: old woman facing left; young woman looking back.)

4 Puzzling Pictures, Multiple Perspectives Rabbit or duck? (Duck faces left; rabbit faces right.)

5 Definitions Affective Cognitive Macro Micro

6 Topic 1: Quick Review of Bloom Knowledge: define, list, tell, describe Comprehension: explain, give examples Application: illustrate, classify Critical Thinking Level = Analysis: compare, contrast, analyze Synthesis: substitute, invent, what if? Evaluation: judge, recommend, defend

7 Topic 1: Objectives of a Lesson Plan Comprehension Ss retell the story Analysis Ss compare and contrast the two main characters’ personalities Evaluation Ss discuss and evaluate the characters’ motivation

8 Puzzling Picture Up or down?

9 Topic 2: Instructional Strategies See handout: 35 Dimensions of Critical Thought Affective Strategies Cognitive Strategies, Macro-Abilities Cognitive Strategies, Micro-Skills

10 Topic 2a: Affective Strategies Handout: “35 Dimensions of Critical Thought” S-1 through S-9 (S = Strategy) In a nutshell, these are talking about…

11 Topic 2b: Cognitive Strategies, Macro-Abilities Handout: “35 Dimensions of Critical Thought” S-10 through S-26 In a nutshell, these are talking about…

12 Topic 2b: Cognitive Strategies, Macro-Abilities S –15 developing criteria for evaluation: clarifying values and standards What would you have done? How did character X feel? Why? How do you know? How did the other characters feel? Why? How do you know?

13 Topic 2b: Cognitive Strategies, Macro-Abilities S –19 generating & assessing solutions Why did he think X was important? Do you think X was important? What were the pros and cons? How else could he have solved the problem?

14 Topic 2b: Cognitive Strategies, Macro-Abilities S –24 Socratic questioning Questions for clarification: What do you mean by...? What is your main point? How does ____ relate to ___? Could you put it another way? What is the main issue here?

15 Topic 2b: Cognitive Strategies, Macro-Abilities S –24 Socratic questioning Questions about viewpoints or perspectives: How would other groups of people respond? Why? What would someone who disagrees say? Can you see this another way?

16 Topic 2b: Cognitive Strategies, Macro-Abilities S –24 Socratic questioning Questions about viewpoints or perspectives: How would other groups of people respond? Why? What would someone who disagrees say? Can you see this another way?

17 Activity TASK: Using the story of Romeo and Juliet (or another story/movie), develop activities or discussion questions that target the Cognitive Macro Abilities. Identify the strategy (S-10 to S-26) from “35 Dimensions of Critical Thought.”

18 Topic 2c: Cognitive Strategies, Micro-Skills Handout: “35 Dimensions of Critical Thought” S-27 through S-35 In a nutshell, these are talking about…

19 Topic 2c: Cognitive Strategies, Micro-Skills S –27 comparing and contrasting ideals with actual practice Explain the rules of courtship during this time period. Compare and contrast the actions of Paris and of Romero in regard to courting and marriage.

20 Topic 2c: Cognitive Strategies, Micro-Skills S –29 noting significant similarities and differences Compare Shakespeare’s Act V (the original story) with the Leonardo Decaprio film version.

21 Activity TASK: Using the story of Romeo and Juliet (or another story/movie), develop activities or discussion questions that target the Cognitive Micro-Skills. Identify the strategy (S-27 to S-35) from “35 Dimensions of Critical Thought.”

22 Topic 3: Recommendations Create a safe and interactive environment. Integrate CT into the curriculum. Be proactive with classroom management. Practice reflective teaching and engage in professional development opportunities.

23 Wrap Up More details on the recommendations to be posted on the supporting web site. Questions?

24 Critical Thinking Across the Language Curriculum, Part II Cynthia Kieffer University of Oregon American English Institute

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