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SWITCH YOUR FOCUS TO EQUALIZATION What Nonlinear Optics Can do for You Cecilia J. Vogel research with Dr. D. Andersen University of Iowa.

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Presentation on theme: "SWITCH YOUR FOCUS TO EQUALIZATION What Nonlinear Optics Can do for You Cecilia J. Vogel research with Dr. D. Andersen University of Iowa."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWITCH YOUR FOCUS TO EQUALIZATION What Nonlinear Optics Can do for You Cecilia J. Vogel research with Dr. D. Andersen University of Iowa

2 SWITCH YOUR FOCUS TO EQUALIZATION What Nonlinear Optics Can do for You Cecilia J. Vogel research with Dr. D. Andersen University of Iowa

3 SWITCH YOUR FOCUS TO EQUALIZATION What Nonlinear Optics Can do for You Cecilia J. Vogel research with Dr. D. Andersen University of Iowa

4 SWITCH YOUR FOCUS TO EQUALIZATION What Nonlinear Optics Can do for You Cecilia J. Vogel research with Dr. D. Andersen University of Iowa

5 SWITCH YOUR FOCUS TO EQUALIZATION What Nonlinear Optics Can do for You Cecilia J. Vogel research with Dr. D. Andersen University of Iowa

6 SWITCH YOUR FOCUS TO EQUALIZATION What Nonlinear Optics Can do for You Cecilia J. Vogel research with Dr. D. Andersen University of Iowa

7 Nonlinearity Linear: The glass is half full m =  V Nonlinear : The glass is 49.999999…% full m =  V) V

8 Nonlinear Optics Linear Optics: D=  E Light is slowed in material by a factor of n, leads to refraction If very intense,  and n depend on intensity

9 Self-focusing Light has a tendency to diverge Must maintain narrow beam for laser

10 Self-focusing Light has a tendency to diverge Lens slows light with glass Light bent toward the slower region Slowed more Slowed less

11 Self-focusing Light has a tendency to diverge Solid state laser can use self-focusing Slowed most where beam is most intense Slowed more Slowed less

12 Optical switch Can a signal beam be switched from one path (0) to another (1)?

13 Optical switch Can a signal beam be switched from one path (0) to another (1)? Guide beam alters the nonlinear material Signal beam bent toward it

14 Signal beam Guide beam 0

15 Signal beam Guide beam 0

16 Signal beam Guide beam

17 Signal beam Guide beam

18 Signal beam Guide beam 1

19 Equalization Needs Single fiber -- many signals Each signal -- a different wavelength

20 Equalization Needs Single fiber -- many signals Each signal -- a different wavelength Each signal degrades independently Needs to be boosted independently

21 Equalization Easy to boost all by same factor -- not equalized

22 Equalization First dim the brightest Linear filter: transmission spectrum constant Then boost all by same factor

23 Equalization First dim the brightest to match the dimmest Nonlinear: Transmission depends on intensity Then boost all by same factor

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