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Tips, Tricks, and What Not To-Do.  The Final Plan of Study describes how the student has satisfied the requirements for the degree.  You cannot graduate.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips, Tricks, and What Not To-Do.  The Final Plan of Study describes how the student has satisfied the requirements for the degree.  You cannot graduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips, Tricks, and What Not To-Do

2  The Final Plan of Study describes how the student has satisfied the requirements for the degree.  You cannot graduate or receive your diploma without submitting your Final Plan of Study.  Students must submit a Final Plan of Study form to Lisa during the first four weeks of the semester in which the student expects to graduate.  The advisor and the department head will sign the form before it is sent to the Dean’s Office.  The signatures indicate that the advisor and department head believe that the program meets degree requirements. The student’s program is still subject to audit by the degree auditor to insure the student has met all requirements. The degree auditor will notify the student if a problem is discovered with the final Plan of Study.  Go to to print the Final Plan of Study form for your catalog year.  Go to “Steps to a Successful Graduation” at for information on applying for graduation.

3  Use your Unofficial Transcript from Peoplesoft to accurately list courses taken and exact number of credits earned. NOTE: you may view your Advising Report in Peoplesoft but it may not include substituted or waived courses and can be misleading.  Your most recent BME Course Advising Sheet may be helpful when completing your Final Plan of Study form.  Do not cross out anything on the form; if you have approved substitutions for any course, Lisa will note in the “Comments Section”.  Check your math! Make sure to get accurate totals for UConn and Transfer credits. You need to list at least 128 credits to graduate.  Put a superscript “T” next to the catalog name/# of any Transfer courses. Make sure to list the credits under the Transfer Credits column.




7  This is the easy part and should be self-explanatory.

8  Content Areas ◦ You need only fill in the blanks and record the credits for each course. ◦ If you have a double-counter, record in each Content Area (1 & 4 or 2 & 4) but only give yourself 3 credits, not 6! Record your 3 credit Free Elective under “Additional Courses”.

9  Competencies ◦ 2 nd Language  If you met your 2 nd language requirement in high school (3 years of the same language), circle High School.  If you met your language requirement at UConn, record the course(s) taken and credit(s) earned to meet the requirement. ◦ Information Literacy  Circle the ENGL course taken and record the credits. ◦ Quantitative  Record the credits for the MATH courses. ◦ Computer Technology  List the credits for this course. If you have a substitution, list the credits anyway and Lisa will note the substitution in the Comments Section. ◦ Writing  Do not record any ‘W’ courses here--leave the credit field blank (the ‘W’ courses are included in the School of Engineering Major Requirements on the next page as ECE 2001W and BME 3600W).

10  SoE Requirements ◦ Required  Record the credits next to each separate line. If you have a substitution, do NOT cross out the course. Lisa will note the substitution under Comments Section.  Life and Math/Science Electives: fill in the blanks and record the credits. ◦ Biomedical Engineering Electives  Fill in the blanks and record the credits.  If you are using BME 4999 Independent Study and/or BME 4985 Special Topics, please record the topic of the course or research under the catalog name/number. For example: BME 4999-”Image Recognition for Micro-Fluidics” or BME 4985 “Drug Delivery”. ◦ Engineering (Track) Electives  List your Track next to Dept/Track:_______________  List the three Track electives taken and record the credits.

11  Additional Courses ◦ You need only record additional courses to get to the minimum 128 credits; you do not need to list every course you have ever taken.

12  Minor Field ◦ If you have completed a minor, record the name of the minor. ◦ You will need to submit your approved (i.e. signed) Minor Final Plan of Study form with your Major Plan of Study form to Lisa, or submit directly to Brian Schwarz.  Totals ◦ Total your UConn and Transfer credits in each column.  Your signature and date ◦ Self-explanatory ◦ Do not complete any of the information below this point.

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