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1 CSIT600c: Web Services Programming Workflow and BPEL4WS Dickson K.W. Chiu PhD, SMIEEE Thanks to Dr. Patrick C.K. Hung (UOIT)

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Presentation on theme: "1 CSIT600c: Web Services Programming Workflow and BPEL4WS Dickson K.W. Chiu PhD, SMIEEE Thanks to Dr. Patrick C.K. Hung (UOIT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CSIT600c: Web Services Programming Workflow and BPEL4WS Dickson K.W. Chiu PhD, SMIEEE Thanks to Dr. Patrick C.K. Hung (UOIT)

2 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-2 An Illustrative Example Many airline companies have Web sites with information about their services, e.g., flight schedules Finding flight and fare information is not simple in automatic business-to-business (B2B) applications Ref: SELVIDGE, P. 1999. Student posters: Reservations about the usability of airline web sites Paula Selvidge, CHI '99 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems

3 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-3 Proprietary protocol and interface, 3845,,00.html?WAtxn=202&fromShortCut=&language=G B&device=web&tripType=2&d_city=HKG&a_city=BOS& d_month=200502&d_day=25&r_month=200503&r_day= 29&cabins=&errorListIndex=&errorList=*itn%2Ford %3DNEWREC,itn/air/united&airline=United&persons=1& air_avail=10&air_class=coach+%28lowest+avail.%29&de part=hkg&dest.0=bos&mon_abbr.0=Feb&date.0=25&hou r_ampm.0=5+am&mon_abbr.1=Mar&date.1=29&hour_a mpm.1=5+am&ecert_num=&rt_ow=Round+Trip&best_iti ns=2&return_to=best_itins&searchby=itins Adapted from: Adapted from:

4 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-4 Proprietary result format Adapted from: http://www.cathaypacific.comAdapted from:

5 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-5 Airline C Airline AAirline B Internet Check Flight Schedules Web Service B2B Applications Travel Agency Decision Making Compare Options Check Flight Schedules Check Flight Schedules IBM WebSphere Sun Java Microsoft.Net Business Process Example (Travel Agency)

6 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-6 Roadmap to deploy Web Services Standards (e.g. travel agency)

7 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-7 Roadmap to deploy Web Services Standards (cont.)

8 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-8 Workflow and Business Process Workflow is a computer supported business process A business process contains a set of activities which represent both business tasks and interactions between Web services Can be traced from the earlier imaging solutions space – document workflow Early workflow products enabled the automation of human administrative activities very well. The need for coordinating Web services for different business processes in a loosely coupled business-to-business environment Now we need to manage end-to-end business process encompasses both human and system interactions. Business Process Management (BPM) deals with broader issues of ensuring continuous business process improvements Business process analysis and re-design Business process implementation Business process monitoring

9 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-9 Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) Non-profit, international organization of workflow vendors, users, analysts and university/research groups that promotes workflow interoperability standards. Workflow Reference Model

10 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-10 Web Service Business Process Languages Need a language to define a model and a grammar for describing the behavior of a business process based on interactions between the process and its Web service interfaces. Business process definition can be thought of as a template for creating business process instances. All of the proposed XML workflow languages are based on WSDL service descriptions with extension elements such as: Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) Web Services Flow Language (WSFL) and Web Services Endpoint Language (WSEL) XLANG Ref: Business Process Execution Language for Web Services, Version 1.1, 05 May 2003. http://www-

11 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-11 BPEL4WS Proposed by IBM and Microsoft Reference:

12 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-12 Business Process Diagram Receive Customer’s Request Reply to Customer (Results) Invoke Airline B’s Web service Invoke Airline A’s Web service Invoke Airline C’s Web service

13 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-13 BPEL4WS Listing

14 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-14 partnerLinks: It defines the different parties that interact with the business process in the course of processing the order. BPEL4WS – Partner Links

15 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-15 variables: It defines the data variables used by the process, providing their definitions in terms of WSDL message types. BPEL4WS - variables

16 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-16 flow: It specifies one or more activities to be performed concurrently. Links: It can be used within concurrent activities to define arbitrary control structures. BPEL4WS – flow and links

17 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-17 received: It allows the business process to do a blocking wait for a matching message to arrive. BPEL4WS - received

18 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-18 invoke: It allows the business process to invoke a one- way or request-response operation on a portType offered by a partner. BPEL4WS - invoke

19 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-19 assign: It can be used to update the values of variables with new data. An construct can contain any number of elementary assignments. BPEL4WS - assign

20 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-20 BPEL4WS (cont.)

21 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-21 reply: It allows the business process to send a message in reply to a message that was received through a. BPEL4WS - reply

22 Dickson Chiu 2005CSIT600c 02-22 Input Message Output Message Web Service BPEL4WS – scenerio summary Receive Customer’s Request Reply to Customer (Results) Invoke Airline B’s Web service Invoke Airline A’s Web service Invoke Airline C’s Web service The combination of a and a forms a request-response operation on the WSDL portType for the process.

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