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Grasshopper Management Strategies for Crop Protection Scott P. Schell & Alexandre V. Latchininsky UW Extension Entomologists Las Cruces, NM April 11, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Grasshopper Management Strategies for Crop Protection Scott P. Schell & Alexandre V. Latchininsky UW Extension Entomologists Las Cruces, NM April 11, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grasshopper Management Strategies for Crop Protection Scott P. Schell & Alexandre V. Latchininsky UW Extension Entomologists Las Cruces, NM April 11, 2006

2 Grasshopper Crop Pests The major pest species Migratory Differential Twostriped Redlegged

3 Grasshopper Crop Pest Nymphs note the “swoosh” on their body MigratoryDifferential TwostripedRedlegged

4 1 2 3 4 5 Clear-Winged Grasshopper in NW NM Adult Nymphal development: 26-40 days (~ 1 wk/instar)

5 How much do they eat? Ten adult two-striped grasshoppers per sq. yd can defoliate a corn crop. Most grasshoppers can eat and destroy about 6 times its own weight of vegetation daily. Thirty adult two-striped grasshoppers per square yard equals 200 lbs of grasshopper per acre! Grasshoppers

6 Adult twostriped females ganging up on a sunflower plant

7 Crop Pest Grasshopper Reproduction Redlegged egg pods avg. 20-26 eggs Density 40/yd 2 20 females out of 40 Each female – 1 egg-pod = 460 eggs/yd 2 Egg density in field borders can be VERY HIGH!

8 Pest grasshoppers often lay their eggs in un-tilled field borders Protect the crop before grasshoppers get into it by treating these areas early!

9 Diflubenzuron (Dimilin ® 2L) Labeled for non-crop areas Long Residual >28 days (matches the extended hatch for some species) Treat Early Lower impact on non-targets and bees! Use maximum label rate for border areas Benzoyl-Urea; IGR (chitin synthesis inhibitor)

10 Other Options: Carbaryl spray and baits Labeled for non-crop areas Will kill adults if label max. rates are used! Multiple applications of carbaryl baits may be necessary but safer for bees and non-target insects.

11 ATV Bait Application

12 Boomless nozzle spray pattern

13 New Version 4.0 with Crop Protection Module

14 Under the Consultation Menu Choose New

15 Take Grasshoppers on Cropland Option



18 A Guide to Grasshopper Control in Cropland bulletin NF97-328 included in your packet Most up to date, May 2003, chemical control bulletin we could find.

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