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Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 20051 OCL3 Oracle 10g: SQL & PL/SQL Session #5 Matthew P. Johnson CISDD, CUNY June, 2005.

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1 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 20051 OCL3 Oracle 10g: SQL & PL/SQL Session #5 Matthew P. Johnson CISDD, CUNY June, 2005

2 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 2 Agenda Evals Nulls Kinds of joins Set operations in SQL Grouping & Aggregation Updates Creating tables

3 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 3 New topic: Nulls in SQL If we don’t have a value, can put a NULL Null can mean several things:  Value does not exists  Value exists but is unknown  Value not applicable The schema specifies whether null is allowed for each attribute  NOT NULL if not allowed  By default, null is allowed

4 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 4 Null Values x = NULL  4*(3-x)/7 = NULL x = NULL  x + 3 – x = NULL x = NULL  3 + (x-x) = NULL x = NULL  x = ‘Joe’ is UNKNOWN In general: no row using null fields appear in the selection test will pass the test  With one exception Pace Boole, SQL has three boolean values:  FALSE=0  TRUE=1  UNKNOWN=0.5

5 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 5 Null values in boolean expressions C1 AND C2= min(C1, C2) C1 OR C2= max(C1, C2) NOT C1= 1 – C1 height > 6 = UNKNOWN  UNKNOWN OR weight > 190 = UNKOWN  (age < 25) AND UNKNOWN = UNKNOWN E.g. age=20 height=NULL weight=180 SELECT * FROM Person WHERE (age < 25) AND (height > 6 OR weight > 190) SELECT * FROM Person WHERE (age < 25) AND (height > 6 OR weight > 190)

6 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 6 Comparing null and non-nulls Unexpected behavior: Some Persons are not included! The “trichotomy law” does not hold! SELECT * FROM Person WHERE age = 25 SELECT * FROM Person WHERE age = 25

7 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 7 Testing for null values Can test for NULL explicitly:  x IS NULL  x IS NOT NULL But:  x = NULL is always null Now it includes all Persons SELECT * FROM Person WHERE age = 25 OR age IS NULL SELECT * FROM Person WHERE age = 25 OR age IS NULL

8 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 8 Null/logic review TRUE AND UNKNOWN = ? TRUE OR UNKNOWN = ? UNKNOWN OR UNKNOWN = ? X = NULL = ?

9 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 9 Example with nulls look at emp table  Select names, salaries, commissions, total salaries  What if commission is null?  nvl

10 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 10 Joins operations Variations:  Cross join (Cartesian product)  Join … On  Natural join  Outer join Apply to relations appearing in selections

11 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 11 Cross join - example NameAddressGenderBirthdate Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60 Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40 Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55 NameAddressNetworth Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Taylor456 Maple Av20M Lucas789 Oak St30M MovieStar MovieExec

12 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 12 Cross join – example MovieS tar.nam e MovieStar.add ress MovieSta r. Gender MovieStar.Birthdate MovieEx ec. Name MovieExec.Ad dress MovieEx ec. Networth Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60Taylor456 Maple Av20M Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60Lucas789 Oak St30M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40Taylor456 Maple Av20M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40Lucas789 Oak St30M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55Taylor456 Maple Av20M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55Lucas789 Oak St30M Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SELECT * FROM MovieStar CROSS JOIN MovieExec SELECT * FROM MovieStar CROSS JOIN MovieExec

13 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 13 Join … On: example MovieSt MovieStar.addr ess MovieS tar. Gender MovieStar. Birthdate MovieExec. Name MovieExec.Add ress MovieEx ec. Networth Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60Taylor456 Maple Av20M Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60Lucas789 Oak St30M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40Taylor456 Maple Av20M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40Lucas789 Oak St30M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55Taylor456 Maple Av20M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55Lucas789 Oak St30M Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SELECT * FROM MovieStar JOIN MovieExec ON MovieStar.Name <> MovieExec.Name SELECT * FROM MovieStar JOIN MovieExec ON MovieStar.Name <> MovieExec.Name

14 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 14 Natural Joins MovieStar(name, address, gender, birthdate) MovieExec(name, address, networth) Natural Join: …MovieStar Natural Join MovieExec Results in: list of individuals who are movie-stars as well as executives: (Name, address, gender, birthdate, networth)

15 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 15 Example - Natural join NameAddressGenderBirthdate Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60 Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40 Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55 NameAddressNetworth Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Taylor456 Maple Av20M Lucas789 Oak St30M MovieStar MovieExec NameAddressGenderBirthdateNetworth Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/4020M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/5530M SELECT * FROM MovieStar NATURAL JOIN MovieExec

16 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 16 Outerjoin Like L R except that dangling tuples are included, padded with nulls Left outerjoin: dangling tuples from left are included  Nulls appear “on the right” Right outerjoin: dangling tuples from right are included  Nulls appear “on the left”

17 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 17 Outer Join - Example NameAddressGenderBirthdateNetworth Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60NULL Spielberg246 Palm RdNULL 10M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/4020M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/5530M NameAddressGenderBirthdateNetworth Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60NULL Spielberg246 Palm RdNULL 10M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/4020M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/5530M SELECT * FROM MovieStar LEFT OUTER JOIN MovieExec ON SELECT * FROM MovieStar RIGHT OUTER JOIN MovieExec ON

18 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 18 Outer Join - Example NameAddressGenderBirthdate Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60 Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/40 Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/55 NameAddressNetworth Spielberg246 Palm Rd10M Taylor456 Maple Av20M Lucas789 Oak St30M NameAddressGenderBirthdateNetworth Hanks123 Palm RdM01/01/60NULL Spielberg246 Palm RdNULL 10M Taylor456 Maple AvF02/02/4020M Lucas789 Oak StM03/03/5530M MovieStarMovieExec SELECT * FROM MovieStar FULL OUTER JOIN MovieExec ON

19 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 19 New-style join syntax Old-style syntax simply lists tables separated by commas: New-style makes the join explicit: SELECT * FROM A,B WHERE …; SELECT * FROM A,B WHERE …; SELECT * FROM A JOIN B ON … WHERE …; SELECT * FROM A JOIN B ON … WHERE …;

20 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 20 New-style join syntax Functionally equivalent to old-style, but perhaps more elegant Introduced in Oracle 8i, MySQL 3.x/4.x Older versions / other DBMSs may only support old-style syntax

21 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 21 New-style join types cross joins (simplest):  …FROM A CROSS JOIN B Inner joins (regular joins):  …FROM A [INNER] JOIN B ON … Natural join:  …FROM A NATURAL JOIN B;  Joins on common fields and merges Outer joins

22 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 22 New-style outer joins Outer joins may be left, right, or middle  FROM A LEFT [OUTER] JOIN B;  FROM A RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN B;  FROM A FULL [OUTER] JOIN B; “OUTER” is optional If “OUTER” is included, then “FULL” is the default Q: How to remember left v. right? A: It indicates the side whose rows are always included

23 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 23 Old-style outer joins in Oracle Outer joins can also be done with the old-style syntax, but with the (+) …WHERE A.att=B.att(+) corresponds to: …FROM A LEFT JOIN B; The (+) is applied to all B attributes referred to in the WHERE clause Q: How to remember which side gets the (+)? A: The side that gets null rows “added”

24 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 24 Live examples Examples from Q: produce a list of employees and their bosses  What if no boss? Or no subordinate? Joins on emp, emp man:  Comma-based  Inner  Natural  Cross  Outer – left, right, full

25 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 25 More live examples Inner joins require an ON clause  Like a where clause  Arbitrary boolean expression  If always true (1=1), reduces to cross join New compar op: BETWEEN  a between 5 and 10  a >= 5 and a <= 10 Q: produce a list of employees with their salary grades  emp, salgrade

26 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 26 Review Examples from SELECT L FROM R 1, …, R n WHERE C SELECT L FROM R 1, …, R n WHERE C  L (  C (R 1 x … R n )

27 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 27 New topic: Set/bag ops in SQL Orthodox SQL has set operators:  UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT And bag operators:  UNION ALL, INTERSECT ALL, EXCEPT ALL These operators are applied to queries: (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE City='New York') UNION (SELECT name FROM Person, Purchase WHERE buyer=name AND store='The Wiz') (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE City='New York') UNION (SELECT name FROM Person, Purchase WHERE buyer=name AND store='The Wiz')

28 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 28 New topic: R.A./SQL Set Operators Relations are sets  have set-theoretic ops  Venn diagrams Union: R1  R2 Example:  ActiveEmployees  RetiredEmployees Difference: R1 – R2 Example:  AllEmployees – RetiredEmployees = ActiveEmployees Intersection: R1  R2 Example:  RetiredEmployees  UnionizedEmployees

29 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 29 Set operations - example NameAddressGenderBirthdate Fisher123 MapleF9/9/99 Hamill456 OakM8/8/88 NameAddressGenderBirthdate Fisher123 MapleF9/9/99 Ford345 PalmM7/7/77 R: S: NameAddressGenderBirthdate Fisher123 MapleF9/9/99 Hamill456 OakM8/8/88 Ford345 PalmM7/7/77 R  S:

30 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 30 Set operations - example NameAddressGenderBirthdate Fisher123 MapleF9/9/99 Hamill456 OakM8/8/88 NameAddressGenderBirthdate Fisher123 MapleF9/9/99 Ford345 PalmM7/7/77 R: S: R  S: NameAddressGenderBirthdate Fisher123 MapleF9/9/99

31 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 31 Set operations - example NameAddressGenderBirthdate Fisher123 MapleF9/9/99 Hamill456 OakM8/8/88 NameAddressGenderBirthdate Fisher123 MapleF9/9/99 Ford345 PalmM7/7/77 R: S: R - S: NameAddressGenderBirthdate Hamill456 OakM8/8/88

32 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 32 Set ops in SQL Orthodox SQL has set operators:  UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT  Oracle SQL uses MINUS rather than EXCEPT  See the Ullman page on more differencesUllman These ops applied to queries: (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE City = 'New York') INTERSECT (SELECT custname FROM Purchase WHERE store='Kim''s') (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE City = 'New York') INTERSECT (SELECT custname FROM Purchase WHERE store='Kim''s')

33 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 33 Boat examples Reserve(ssn,bmodel,color) Q: Find ssns of sailors who reserved red boats or green boats SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red' OR color = 'green' SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red' OR color = 'green'

34 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 34 Boat examples Reserve(ssn,bmodel,color) Q: Find ssns of sailors who reserved red boats and green boats SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red' AND color = 'green' SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red' AND color = 'green'

35 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 35 Boat examples Reserve(ssn,bmodel,color) Q: Find ssns of sailors who reserved red boats and green boats SELECT DISTINCT r1.ssn FROM reserve r1, reserve r2 WHERE r1.ssn = r2.ssn AND r1.color = 'red' AND r2.color = 'green' SELECT DISTINCT r1.ssn FROM reserve r1, reserve r2 WHERE r1.ssn = r2.ssn AND r1.color = 'red' AND r2.color = 'green'

36 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 36 Boat examples Reserve(ssn,bmodel,color) Q: Find ssns of sailors who reserved red boats and green boats (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red') INTERSECT(SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'green') (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red') INTERSECT(SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'green')

37 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 37 Boat examples Reserve(ssn,bmodel,color) Q: Find ssns of sailors who reserved red boats or green boats (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red') UNION (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'green') (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red') UNION (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'green')

38 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 38 Boat examples Reserve(ssn,bmodel,color) Q: Find ssns of sailors who reserved red boats but not green boats (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red') EXCEPT (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'green') (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'red') EXCEPT (SELECT DISTINCT ssn FROM reserve WHERE color = 'green')

39 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 39 (SELECT name, address FROM Cust1) UNION (SELECT name FROM Cust2) (SELECT name, address FROM Cust1) UNION (SELECT name FROM Cust2) Union-Compatibility Situation: Cust1(name,address,…), Cust2(name,…) Want: list of all customer names and addresses (if known) Can’t do: Both tables must have same sequence of types  Applies to all set ops

40 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 40 Union-Compatibility Situation: Cust1(name,address,…), Cust2(name,…) Want: list of all customer names and addresses (if known) But can do: Resulting field names taken from first table (SELECT name, address FROM Cust1) UNION (SELECT name, '(N/A)' FROM Cust2) (SELECT name, address FROM Cust1) UNION (SELECT name, '(N/A)' FROM Cust2) Result(name, address)

41 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 41 Set/bag ops in Oracle SQL Oracle SQL support uses MINUS rather than EXCEPT Oracle SQL supports bag op UNION ALL but not INTERSECT ALL or MINUS ALL See the Ullman page on more differencesUllman

42 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 42 Confession Relations aren’t really sets! They’re bags!

43 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 43 Bag theory SELECT/WHERE: no duplicate elimination Cross, join: no duplicate elimination  |R1xR2| = |R1|*|R2| Can convert to sets when necessary  DISTINCT Allowing duplicates by default is cheaper  Union  Projection How hard is removing duplicates?

44 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 44 Bag theory Bags: like sets but elements may repeat  “multisets” Set ops change somewhat when applied to bags  intuition: pretend identical elements are distinct {a,b,b,c}  {a,b,b,b,e,f,f} = {a,a,b,b,b,b,b,c,e,f,f} {a,b,b,b,c,c} – {b,c,c,c,d} = {a,b,b} {a,b,b,b,c,c}  {b,c,c,c,d} = {b,c,c}

45 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 45 Some surprises in bag theory Be careful about your set theory laws – not all hold in bag theory (R  S) – T = (R – T)  (S – T)  always true in set theory  But true in bag theory?  suppose x is in R, S and T

46 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 46 First Unintuitive SQLism Looking for R  (S  T) But what happens if T is empty? See transcript of this in Oracle on salestranscript SELECTR.A FROM R, S, T WHERER.A=S.A OR R.A=T.A SELECTR.A FROM R, S, T WHERER.A=S.A OR R.A=T.A

47 Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005 47 Labs Go over labs

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