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Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 1 Charm Physics @ LHCb Raluca Mureşan Oxford University On behalf of LHCb collaboration
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 2 Outline LHCb and its charm physics trigger RICH calibration using D*→ D 0 (K ) events Charm Physics Mixing searches Direct CPV Rare decay D 0 → Summary Unobserved phenomena
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 3 For details on the LHCb detector see Lluis Garrido’s talk VELO and RICH-es are the most important detectors for charm analysis.
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 4 LHCb D* trigger L0 hardware p t of e, h, HLT software – confirm L0, e, h, alley. 2 kHz output rate 200 Hz Exclusive B specific final states 300 Hz D* → D 0 (hh) 600 Hz Di-muon J/ b → J/ X 900 Hz Single muon trigger for b data mining For details on the LHCb trigger see talk by Eduardo Rodrigues. Estimated D* → D 0 (hh) yields, events to tape, @ 2 fb -1 from b-hadrons: D 0 → K - 50 x 10 6 ; D 0 → K - K 5 x 10 6 ; D 0 → - 2 x 10 6 ; D 0 → K + 0.2 x 10 6. Similar number of prompt D* are expected. 10 8 potentially usable D* → D 0 (hh) events per 2 fb -1, available for: Charm Physics studies RICH calibration
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 5 D* → D 0 (hh) trigger stream RICH information not used in the trigger unbiased sample for MC - independent offline RICH calibration. HLT assumes K K, KK, , masses in turn. K KK D 0 mass online/offline resolution 8.2 / 5.3 MeV GeV
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 6 HLT – D* stream Loose cuts on: hadrons p t and min IP sign, D 0 mass and (D*-D 0 ) mass Present values favour the D * coming from b hadrons.
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 7 ” Golden” kinematics easy to supress the background in order to obtain a clean sample (M D* - M D 0 )=144.5 MeV. A kaon and two pions with different momenta from each event can be used for RICH calibration. (D*-D 0 ) mass (GeV) A method to calibrate and study the performance of the RICH detector completely independent of the MC truth information using the D *+ D 0 D 0 K decay chain RICH calibration (D * -D 0 ) mass resolution online/offline 0.61/0.45 MeV
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 8 D0D0 p , K (GeV) p t , K (GeV) IP sig. , K D 0 vertex D 0 mass (GeV) p t D 0 (GeV) >2 >0.3 >2 <16 (1.84,1.89) 1.250 D*D* IP sig. slow Dist PV - D0 DVsig. D * vertex p t D * (GeV) D * mass (GeV) mass ( D*- D 0 ) (GeV) >1. >6 <16 1.250 (2.000, 2.030) (0.1449, 0.1465) Offline D* events selection cuts SELECTION WITH KINEMATIC CUTS ONLY – NO RICH. Particles are attributed in turn K mass and mass b inclusive sample, 330 s data taking; The cuts provide a very clean K and sample (over 96% purity). 95% D 0 selected are true D 0
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 9 PID performance of RICH as measured on D* sample (MC truth independent) compared with that from truth information on all tracks in b sample e e K->K, p ->K, p Kaon P (GeV) Pion P(GeV) Possible discrepancies maybe related to hidden variables (p t, multiplicity…), will be investigated with much higher MC statistics in near future.
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 10 Initial focus on D 0 → h + h - decays: Charm Physics @LHCb CP Eigenstate Lifetime Difference comparing the CP even Singly Cabibbo Suppressed (SCS) decay D 0 →K + K - ( ) with non-eigenstate Right Sign (RS) decay D 0 →K - Oscillation studies Wrong Sign (WS) decay D 0 →K + Direct CP violation SCS decays D 0 →K + K - ( ) Other interesting studies are possible: investigation of D 0 → 4h modes search for D 0 → + many others for which the potential has not yet been estimated….
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 11 mixing Indexes associated to the mass eigenstates. av. width sensitive to new particles in the box diagram loop contributions from all the energy scales, sensitive to new physics mixing through physical decay states (long range) expected to be dominated by SM contributions tagged unambiguously at production using the slow sign
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 12 mixing SM expectations imprecise, several orders of magnitude possible, independent of discovery potential of NP precise measurement desirable. |x|,|y| are expected to be small. x enhancement ( |x| » |y| ) could signify NP. Petrov hep-ph/0311371
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 13 Lifetime ratio Lifetime splitting, y CP can be measured by comparing the non-eigenstate decay D 0 → K - to CP even decay D 0 → K + K - ( ). y and y cp differ by CP violating phase y CP (%) N (K + K - ) Data set BaBar 1.5 ± 0.8 ± 0.5 2608491 fb -1 Belle 1.2 ± 0.7 ±0.4 36480158 fb -1 CLEO- 1.2 ± 2.5 ± 1.4 24639 fb -1 FOCUS 3.4 ± 1.4 ± 0.7 10331 E791 0.8 ± 2.9 ± 1.0 3200 LHCb ~ 5x10 6 potentially useful tagged D 0 → K + K - events per 2 fb -1
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 14 RICH information and D 0 → K + K - No PID With PID M KK (MeV) K+K-K+K- K+K-K+K- +K-+K- +K-+K- PID RICH information essential for eliminating the background
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 15 Oscillation Search with WS K D 0 can arrive to a WS hadronic final state (K + via: DCS decay Oscilating to +CF decay 3 contributions assuming CP Data setN( K + No CPV Belle400 fb -1 40240.72 ( -9.9, 6.8 ) BaBar57.1 fb -1 4302.0 ( -27, 22 ) CLEO9 fb -1 450.78 ( - 52, 2 ) FOCUS8.3 ( -72, 11) Strong phase difference between CF and DCS amplitudes LHCb - 0.2 x 10 6 potentially useful tagged D 0 → K + events per 2 fb -1.
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 16 WS is the more challenging channel to pick out: BR ( K + ) = ( 1.43 0.04 ) x 10 -4 BR ( K + ) / BR ( K - ) = 3.76 x 10 -3. D 0, tagged using slow pion sign. Work in progress to further suppress the background peaking in m Kπ : right sign decays mistagged by combination with a random pion. RICH particle ID effectively eliminates the background peaking in Δm: double misidentification of right sign decay Preliminary Monte Carlo lifetime fitting and sensitivity studies are underway WS decay time dependent mixing - K +
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 17 D 0 production and decay vertices D 0 lifetime measurement necessary input for mixing studies. Need good resolution for both the production and the decay vertex D 0 lifetime = 0.4101 0.0015 ps D 0 flight distance 60 GeV c mm D 0 decay vertex resolution 0.225 mm
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 18 D 0 production and decay vertices Poor resolution of the D 0 production vertex = 4.270 mm to be compared to 4 mm Proper time resolution = 0.591 ps to be compared to 0.410 ps Slow pion – very low momentum → D 0 and s almost colinear
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 19 D 0 production vertex reconstruction D0D0 D*B parent x22.825017 Y19.116015 z2254270137 Vertex resolutions ( m) Use additional tracks at production vertex 1. Prompt D* for primary vertex 2. Partially reconstruct parent B parent Preliminary work on 2 promising, for 1 MC not yet available. 70% of D* from B’s have at least one charged sister, 45% have sister tracks which are reconstructed and pass some basic criteria Proper time resolution = 0.059ps
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 20 Direct CPV in D 0 → K + K - ( ) Occurs when the absolute value of the D decay amplitude to a final state is not equal to the CP conjugate amplitude. D 0, tagged using the slow pion sign SCS decay, easy to modify its topology to get a penguin
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 21 Direct CPV in D 0 → K + K - ( ) A cp (K + K - )A cp - )N (K + K - )Data set CDF 2.0 ± 1.2 ± 0.6 1.0 ± 1.3 ± 0.616220123 pb -1 BaBar -1.3 ± 0.8 ± 0.2 0.3 ± 1.1 ± 0.22608491 fb -1 Belle- 0.2 ± 0.6 ± 0.336480158 fb -1 Cleo 0.0 ± 2.2 ± 0.8 1.9 ± 3.2 ± 0.830239 fb -1 FOCUS- 0.1 ± 2.2 ± 1.5 4.8 ± 3.9 ± 2.53330 E791- 1.0 ± 4.9 ± 1.2-4.9 ± 7.8 ± 3.0609 In SM A CP ≤ 10 -3 for SCS decays. Possible NP enhancements to 1% from, e.g., penguin diagram LHCb ~ 5x10 6 potentially usable flavour tagged D 0 →K + K - events per 2 fb -1. Statistical precision ~10 -3. Normalize against initial state asymmetries through K mode. Baseline measurement requires no lifetime estimation → all D* from B can be used.
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 22 Oscillation Search with WS K A possible implementation of D* + → D 0 (→4h) in the HLT is under study. Large branching fraction B (K ~ 2 x B (K Important sample for complementing K + mixing study Sample for calibrating D decay model for 4-body Dalitz analyses in B → DK measurement (see Yuehong Xie’s talk). LHCb large potential sample ~ 25 x 10 6 tagged K events to tape per 2 fb -1 Rare decay D 0 → D 0 → strongly suppressed in SM -- 10 -18 - 10 -13. In some SUSY models, enhancements up to 10 -6 possible. Current best branching ratio limit BaBar: BR < 1.3 x 10 -6 (122 fb -1 ). LHCb BR(D 0 → ) < 5 x 10 – 8
Beauty 2006 R. Muresan – Charm Physics @LHCb 23 Summary The LHCb experiment has an exciting potential for charm physics studies. A dedicated D* trigger will provide 10 8 flavour tagged D 0 →hh per 2 fb -1, giving unprecedented sensitivity in searches for D 0 mixing, CP violation and rare decays. The same sample provides an invaluable calibration signal for LHCb performance, in particular the RICH detector. We have only begun to tap LHCb’s potential for charm physics. Our beauty is also charming
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