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The Clustering of AGN Using Photometric Redshifts Elias Koulouridis Antonis Georgakakis National Observatory of Athens.

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Presentation on theme: "The Clustering of AGN Using Photometric Redshifts Elias Koulouridis Antonis Georgakakis National Observatory of Athens."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Clustering of AGN Using Photometric Redshifts Elias Koulouridis Antonis Georgakakis National Observatory of Athens

2 Previous Results A. Coil et al. 2009 projected cross- correlation function (w p ) in AEGIS of 132 X-ray AGNs with 4669 galaxies from DEEP2 survey.

3 Limitations Deep2 is a unique catalogue of spectroscopic redshifts. Small number of X-ray AGN in AEGIS/DEEP2. Other studies are not possible, like the study of the Luminosity dependent evolution of the AGN clustering.

4 Limitations Log(L bol /L o ) Hopkins et al. 2007 Bias b(L)

5 Probability Density Function (PDF) of Photometric Redshifts Binned distribution with dz=0.04 from z=0 up to z=6 Our redshift bin is ±300 h -1 Mpc = 5 bins in the PDF

6 Samples 110 X-ray detected AGN galaxies in AEGIS/CFHTLS ~21000 PDFs ~10 6 random galaxies

7 Results --- spectrum z (A. Coil et al. 2009) --- photometric z

8 Future Work Possible fields : Lockman-Hole XMM-LSS CFHTLS D4 Chandra Deep Field North Chandra Deep Field South Cosmos Subaru-XMM (UDS) } CFHTLS

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