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Presentation on theme: "MDOT CORS & M.H.M.P Andy Semenchuk, P.S. MSRN ADMINISTRATOR."— Presentation transcript:



3 A review of definitions  : continuously operating reference station  What is it? A permanently mounted GPS receiver.  : High Accuracy Reference Network  : Michigan Height Modernization Project  : Federal Base Network  : Cooperative Base network

4  ref er ence, n.,- 1. referred or consulted as a centering point  base, n.,- 1. the fundamental part or foundation  sta tion, n.,- 1. a place or position where something is to remain 2. a place equipped for some particular kind of work, service, or broadcasting Defined by “Webster” What is a Reference/ Base Station

5 MDOT CORS  First step in a in creating a Homogeneous 3D geodetic network in the state.  First CORS installed in Jackson, Michigan on September 2000.  CORS system was originally installed by MDOT for our own use.  Today it has become similar to a public road.  Available to everyone at no cost!!!

6 MDOT CORS BACKGROUND  Department had been using GPS for static and rapid static control work since 1991.  MDOT used to have 38 crews state wide with each crew containing 8 people.  Today there are 8 crews statewide with no more than 2 to 3 person/crew The Road budget has quadrupled in the same time frame.  We had to get the work out.

7 Behind the Eight Ball  The Survey and Photogrammetry Units were understaffed and ill prepared for the magnitude of requests we receive.  We did not possess the staff nor technology to complete the work.  The end result was the inability to deliver our product to our customer in a timely manner.

8 Search For Solutions  We needed to develop solutions for the situation.  Our goal: To produce accurate survey and photogrammetry data quicker and more efficiently.  We looked at several areas of our process:  survey request timing  Consultant contact scoping improvements  Application of new technology to improve the actual process of surveying. The Earl of Cone

9 CORS BECAME A REALITY  We investigated different methods to get the work out and realized that we were spending lots of hours bringing control to a project.  We decided to implement a reference network across the state that would assist us in the control process.  The next step was to “Sell” the idea to the management at MDOT.

10 Management’s Concerns  Management was rightly concerned with the following:  Is this technology proven?  What will be the overall costs?  What will be the costs savings to the department?  How long before we recoup our initial investment?  After satisfying managements concerns, they gave us the go ahead.

11 Jackson “UNIV” Station Lets open the door and see a bit more about this network The Michigan Spatial Reference Network (56) Fifty six GPS receivers 6 more waiting for spring thaw. Located at various MDOT and county faciltites. RTK (RTCM) Available VIA WEB All controlled by SpiderNET software.

12 Building the Monuments  We researched and consulted with Structural and mechanical engineers to try and build stable monuments for the conditions we encounter in Michigan.  We decided and a 2 part mount.  The base consisting of a reinforced concrete monument 24” in diameter by 12 feet below grade.  And the mast which is know commonly known as an “Earlconic”.


14 SITE PHOTOS Looking in the monument hole. Waiting for the concrete. Cable Trench

15 Site Selection.  The first 12 sites we had planned were selected on the following criteria.  Must be on MDOT property  Must have had an existing dedicated LAN connection.  Must have met visibility requirements and suitable soils for stability.

16 Completion of Initial stations  The initial stations were installed in a 3 month period.  During this 3 month period we decided to implement a user interface to access the data.  was born.  In its 5 years of existence we have had over 30,000 downloads for the data.  This does not include the people who get the MSRN data directly from NGS.


18 Positioning the CORS  We then decided to position the CORS relative to the HARN.  We mobilized the MDOT survey forces and discovered that we needed help.  We asked for volunteers and the response was overwhelming:  Dept. of Natural Resources  Private sector stepped up to the plate  Ferris State University Students

19 Positioning CORS  We had originally planned 2 5.5 hour sessions to position the CORS.  After discussing with NGS we revised the sessions to create a 3 rd 5.5 hour session.  This observation also served as the re-observation of the HARN.

20 Cooperation ` Local Gov. Agencies other State Agencies PRIVATE SECTOR

21 Phase Description  Phase I (Real-Time Data Acquisition and Integrity Monitoring)  Deploy network of Static Stations  Operational Testing  Public Access (User training/ Workshops/Seminars  MDOT Expansion  County Expansion  City Expansion  Emergency/ Utilitarian expansion  Phase II (Real-Time Broadcasting)  In Planning  Real-time PCS  Policy for City/ County additions to network  Phase III  The future

22 Why Height Modernization?  We already have the 2D dimensional component (MSRN) in place why not add the height component and have a 3D geodetic control network in the state?  Other Benefits  Land Surveying  Land Use Planning  Property Descriptions  Great Lakes monitoring  Floodplain Mapping  Environmental Applications  Precision Agriculture  Precision GIS base mapping  Navigation

23 MHMP  Goals  Eliminate inconsistencies in the vertical network  Result will be a homogeneous vertical network  Replace and supplement control in High growth areas where control has been destroyed.  Statewide 3D Control Network.  Further enhance RTK.

24  Phase Description  Phase 1  Define a pilot area  Secure funding through state funds and Federal highway research funds.  Complete pilot project area using consultant forces.  2 PHASES (2 separate contracts)  Monument Placement  2 nd order class 1 Leveling and GPS  Report Results.  Phase 2  Secure Congressional funding.  Can be officially called “height modernization”  Ongoing until state is completed (long term)  10 year window for completion.

25 What is involved with Monument placement  Monuments  Poured concrete 16” Diameter by 8’ in depth  Monument will be re-enforced with 4 pieces of fiberglass re- bar.  Monuments will be located Approximately 1.8km to 2 km apart along the designated route.  Monuments will be located as much as possible in areas that will give the longest monument life.  95% of monuments should be located in areas suitable for GPS purposes.  Obstructions shall be kept to a minimum  Foresight to future usage shall also be kept in mind.


27 2 nd Order Class 1 leveling  All 2 nd order class 1 specs must be followed.  Collimation performed daily  60 meter maximum backsight  Backsights and foresight must be balanced.  Double observe each section under different circumstances.  Use turning pins (turtles) and Rod supports.  The use of ATV’s are recommended where permitted to increase productivity.

28 Where are we today?  Contract for monument placement will be released in the upcoming month.  Consists of placement of monuments in Macomb, Wayne, St. Clair, and possibly Oakland Counties.  Low bid/QBS contract  Total number will be dependent on BID amount for monuments and on the number of recoveries of existing control.  50% success rate in recoveries.  Scope for leveling and GPS needs to be created.  Contract will be issued in the spring  can not commence till monument placement is complete.  IDS pre-qualified contract  Pilot Must be completed by 9/1/06

29 PARTNERS?  We need partners at local level to achieve the same level of success as with the MSRN.  Partnering does NOT mean $ commitment.  Different forms of Partners  Time  Resources  Talent  Education  Preservation  If Stakeholders participate in the process it will almost ensure a successful program.

30 Questions???

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