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SDW2005, 19-25 juin, Taormina The Corot Space instrument.

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Presentation on theme: "SDW2005, 19-25 juin, Taormina The Corot Space instrument."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDW2005, 19-25 juin, Taormina The Corot Space instrument

2 SDW2005, 19-25 juin, Taormina Description of the Corot mission Corot is a small mission of the CNES integrated on the PROTEUS spacecraft, launched by a Soyuz in mid-2006. Mass : 300kg / Power : 300W / Polar Orbit : 896km / Life Time : 2.5 years 3 French laboratories involved : LESIA, LAM and IAS With collaborations : Belgium, Spain, Austria, Brazil,… Two scientific objectives : Asteroseismology : studying the internal structure of stars Exoplanet search (transit). The instrument : Afocal telescope (2 parabolic mirrors off axis). Camera : dioptric objective, focal plane with 4 E2V CCDs 4280. Electronics : CCD readout, thermal control, data processing… On board software.

3 SDW2005, 19-25 juin, Taormina The Camera of Corot. Main components of the Camera : The Dioptric Objective, made of 6 lens, images the FOV on the CCDs. The Focal-Box contains the CCDs, the prism and the active thermal control of the CCDs The front End Electronics generate the clocks and the bias voltages for the CCDs. The thermal drains allow the cooling of the CCDs and the front end electronic (to dedicated radiators). The mechanical interface sets the CCDs to achieve the optimal de-focus. The Shield protects the CCDs against protons and cosmic rays. Thermal components like MLI, thermal probes and heaters allow the thermal control.

4 SDW2005, 19-25 juin, Taormina Tests performed. Thermal : * Validation of the internal and external interfaces. * Validation of the active thermal control of the Focal-Box. * Validation of the passive thermal control of Electronic. * House-Keeping reference. Optical : * Validation of the CCDs positions inside the focal-box and gap between the two parts of the field. * Effect of DO temperature on the shape of the PSF. * Dispersion of prism. * Absolute transmission of the camera at different wavelengths. Electrical : * Readout noise of and cross-talking between two CCD outputs. * Electro-Magnetic-Compatibility test with all the flight electronics. Calibration : long term experiment. Status : flight model delivered and integrated on the telescope for final optical set-up.

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