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Salwa Hindawi Rh-D Immunoglobulin Administration Salwa Hindawi Blood Transfusion Services KAUH.

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1 Salwa Hindawi Rh-D Immunoglobulin Administration Salwa Hindawi Blood Transfusion Services KAUH

2 Salwa Hindawi TestTiming ABO determination  All pregnancies  Other  Initial visit  Pre-transfusion testing Rh status  All pregnancies  First pregnancy  Other  Initial visit  At 26-28 weeks (unless known to be Rh positive on 2 separate occasions)  Pre-transfusion testing Antibody screen  All pregnancies  D- pregnancies  D+ pregnancies  Other  Initial visit  Before RhIg Administration  Third trimester if transfused or history of unexpected antibodies  Pre-transfusion testing Antibody identification When initially detected Recommended schedule for serological testing in pregnancy:

3 Salwa Hindawi IndicationSystemAntigens RBC antibodies that may be associated with severe HDFN  Rhesus  Kell  Duffy  Kidd  D, C, c, E  K, k  Fy a  Jk a, Jk b RBC antibodies that may be associated with mild HDFN  ABO  li  Duffy  Lutheran  A, B  i  Fy b  Lu a, Lu b RBC antibodies not associated with HDFN  Lewis  li  P  Le a, Le b  l  P 1 Common red cell (RBC) antibodies that may be associated with the hemolytic disease of the fetus or newborn (HDFN), according to blood group system and antigen specificity

4 Salwa Hindawi Rh-Immunoglobulin Administration Incidence of alloimmunization is decreased from 12-13% to 1-2% when RhIg is administered within 72 hours of a full-term delivery. The incidence is farther decreased to 0.1% if RhIg is administered at 28 weeks.

5 Salwa Hindawi IndicationDose of RhIg (WinRho) Pregnancy (28 weeks gestation) 300  g (1,500 IU) IV or IM Postpartum, if newborn is D-positive, including weak D-positive 120  g (600 IU) IV or IM* or 300  g (1,500 IU) IV or IM Threatened abortion (at any time) 300  g (1,500 IU) IV or IM Abortion before 34 weeks (including very early pregnancy loss) 300  g (1,500 IU) IV or IM Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling before 34 weeks gestation 300  g (1,500 IU) IV or IM Abortion, amniocentesis, or any other manipulation after 34 weeks gestation 120  g (600 IU) IV or IM Other indications300  g (1,500 IU) IV or IM Recommended doses of Rh immune globulins for D-negative women without anti-D during pregnancy

6 Salwa Hindawi Other Indications: ectopic pregnancies abortions ante-partum hemorrhages fetal deaths amniocentesis patients.

7 Salwa Hindawi 20 µg of RhIg neutrlizes 1 ml of D-positive RBCs or 2 mls of D-positive blood. If additional doses needed Kliehour test or flowcytometry for fetomaternal haemorrage quantitation should be done.

8 Salwa Hindawi References: 1- AABB Technical Manual 2005. 2-Clinical Guide to Transfusion, Canadian Blood Services 2006. 3-KAUH Blood Transfusion Services Policies 2006.

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