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Version 1.0 October 2014 Pathway To Employment in Hospitality & Catering.

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1 Version 1.0 October 2014 Pathway To Employment in Hospitality & Catering

2 © CITY & GUILDS 1. The chance to meet different people Because the hospitality industry employs millions of people from all over the world, one of the biggest perks is the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life, learn about the different cultures and lifestyles. 2. Work in a variety of roles Another advantage of working in hospitality is the variety of tasks and positions available within a company. For example, employees in the hospitality industry could work in reception, reservation offices, and restaurants and move up to management positions within a few years. Hospitality is one of the best industries to get hands on experience and a gather a broad set of skills. 3. Rewards creativity As an industry that’s constantly evolving and looking at fresher ways to advertise and market itself, employers within the hospitality are looking for jobseekers who have a creative mind. Interior design, copywriting, logistical planning, and culinary arts are just some of the ways jobseekers can put those creative juices to work. 4. Stability and flexibility no matter where you go Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of the hospitality industry is that skills are transferable irrespective of the country the job is advertised in. Every country will have some kind of hospitality industry willing to employ someone whether it’s for a casual, part-time or for a long-term career. It’s just about getting the right qualifications and/or grabbing the opportunities as soon as they arise. Here are 4 reasons that make working in hospitality attractive.

3 PATHWAY TO EMPLOYMENT A levelHE Traineeship / Vocational L1 Level 3 Apprenticeship Level 3 Advanced TechBac ® Or Technical Certificate HLAs / Employment GCSEs Level 2 TechBac ® 19 + 16 - 18 14 - 16 Level 2 Apprenticeship Level 2 TechBac ® or Technical Certificate GCSEs Level 2 TechBac ® – Technical Award

4 4 L2 SVQ – KS5 Professional Cookery Culinary Skills Professional Food & Beverage Service Professional Patisserie & Confectionery L2 Apprenticeship Cookery Food Service L3 TLQ KS5 Professional Cookery Professional Food & Beverage Service Professional Patisserie & Confectionery HEI Higher education Institute L3 Apprenticeship Cookery Food Service Patisserie Level 4 or Employment and CPD © CITY & GUILDS Pathway to Employment KS4 – 14-16

5 5 © CITY & GUILDS Educational reforms – England Only Where we are we going?  DfE - performance measures  KS4  KS5

6 © CITY & GUILDS KS4 – Key Stage 4 applies to learners aged 14-16 in year 9,10,and 11 KS5 – Key Stage 5 applies to learners studying full time 16 – 19 TA – Technical Awards, applies to KS4 qualifications only 14-16 SVQ - Substantial Vocational Qualifications applies to level 2 qualifications which meet DFE requirements for full time learners aged 16-19 TLQ – Technical Level Qualifications applies to level 3 qualifications which met DFE requirements for full time learners aged 16-19 Performance measures – GCSE or A level equivalencies Techbac® - is NOT a qualification but a wrap around offer to support the technical qualification for post 16 learners studying a full time programme Get to know the new lingo!!!

7 © CITY & GUILDS DFE requirements:  Technical Awards 120 GLH = equivalent 1 GCSE  2 new qualifications under two separate sector subject areas  included in performance measures and tables  Will not have units which cross over to KS5 qualifications  Unit sizes 30 GLHs each  Delivered to year 10 and year 11 learners  Moderation, not external quality assurance model  QAP approval needed England Only - Key stage 4

8 Version 1.0 Pathway To Employment City & Guilds offer for 14-16 City & Guilds are working with Springboard on this development. Potential to link to Futurechef content.

9 9 City & Guilds KS4 Development for delivery Sept 2015 Level 2 Technical Award in Hospitality (120 GLH) Researching the hospitality industry (30 GLH) Level 2 Technical Award in Hospitality (120 GLH) Reception and front office (30 GLH) Level 2 Technical Award in Hospitality (120 GLH) Accommodation Services (30GLH) Level 2 Technical Award in Hospitality (120 GLH) Conferences and Events (30 GLH)

10 10 City & Guilds KS4 Development for delivery Sept 2015 Level 2 Technical Award in Food Service and Cookery (120 GLH) History of food and restaurants (30 GLH) Level 2 Technical Award in Food Service and Cookery (120 GLH) Essential food service skills (30 GLH) Level 2 Technical Award in Food Service and Cookery (120 GLH) Working in professional kitchens and restaurants (30GLH) Level 2 Technical Award in Food Service and Cookery (120 GLH) Gastronomy (30 GLH)

11 © CITY & GUILDS There are many competitions that support all age groups in Hospitality & Catering. In this particular area, Springboard offer a competition called Futurechef. This competition is targeted at 14+ although there are many entries from schools at 12+. For more information go to the following link: Competitions

12 Version 1.0 Pathway To Employment City & Guilds offer for 16-19 in full time learning These qualifications are supported by: Craft Guild of Chefs Royal Academy of Culinary Arts Academy of Food & Wine World Association of Chefs

13 © CITY & GUILDS KS5 – Level 2 and 3 The DFE are defining their qualifications for the Post 16 market as KS5 From September 2014 – Level 3 will have interim A level equivalencies From September 2015 – Level 2 will have GCSE equivalencies

14 City & Guilds Level 3 offer for TLQ Performance Measures Level 3 TLQ 601/3142/1 Level 3 Diploma In Advanced Professional Cookery 601/3140/8 Level 3 Diploma in Professional Patisserie and Confectionary 600/2078/7 Level 3 Diploma in Food and Beverage Service Supervision 601/3139/1 Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery (Kitchen and Larder)

15 City & Guilds Level 2 offer for SVQ Performance Measures 601/0717/0 Level 2 Diploma in Professional Cookery 601/0993/2 Level 2 Diploma in Professional Food and Beverage Service 600/1986/4 Level 2 Certificate in Professional Patisserie and Confectionery 601/0711/X Level 2 Diploma in Culinary Skills

16 Key Stage 5 – Post 16 – FAQ’s Q – When will C&G vocational qualifications be measured on the Performance tables for GCSE equivalencies ? A –. Level 2 first teaching is September 2015 with points claimed in the performance tables in 2017, and will count towards GCSE’s. Q – When will C&G vocational qualifications be measured on the Performance tables for A level equivalencies ? A – Level 3 the first teaching is September 2014 with points claimed in the performance tables for 2016, and will count towards A level’s. 18

17 Version 1.0 Pathway To Employment City & Guilds offer for 16-19 in full time learning These qualifications are alternatives to above or could be offered in addition to above, but do not have performance points.

18 Version 1.0 Alternative Qualifications Level 1 Level 2Level 3Level 4 7131 NVQ7103 Awards and Certificates in Food & Beverage Service 7120 Patisserie & Confectionery (General) 7148 Hospitality Management Skills 7107 Introduction to the hospitality industry 7138 Awards and Certificates 7133 NVQs 7100/7138 Professional Cookery/Culinary Skills 7132 NVQs7250 Hospitality & Supervision 7103 Food & Beverage Service 7120 Patisserie & Confectionery (General)

19 Version 1.0 CPD Opportunities (short qualifications) - full cost recovery unless stated, always check with funding manager Level 2 Level 3 7102 Barista Skills7106 Bartending7019 Sustainability & Waste 7409 Working in a Pizza Restaurant 7165 Nutrition7103 Food & Beverage Service – award size 7150 Food Safety - funding available for those in prison 7138 Culinary Skills - award size

20 Version 1.0 Pathway To Employment City & Guilds offer for 16-19 in the nations Existing qualifications will remain open for the nations subject to review.

21 Version 1.0 Pathway To Employment City & Guilds offer for 16+ - wishing to undertake a full time apprenticeship These qualifications are supported by: Craft Guild of Chefs Royal Academy of Culinary Arts

22 The Future of Apprenticeships in England - Trailblazers

23 What are the main aims of the reforms? High quality Higher expectations of English and Math's, more assessment at end of Apprenticeship and introducing grading. Employer driven Ensuring rigorous training that will support economic growth Simple Complex frameworks to be replaced by standards of around one/two page written by employers.

24 Standards designed by employers will replace existing Frameworks. New standards will be clear and concise (2 x page of A4). Typically two thirds of assessment will be at the end of the Apprenticeship. All Apprenticeships will last a minimum of 12 months Apprenticeships will be graded: Pass, Merit, Distinction. Background

25 Phase 2 and timescale Lead employers Hilton and People1st lead the project Compass BII Mitchell & Butlers Whitbread Craft Guild of Chefs Objectives  To create a set of standards to meet employer needs  Must represent small, medium and large employers  In future, Government will only fund Apprenticeships on the basis of these standards  To includes high level assessment

26 Time line Standards developed – began March – June 2014 Employer consultation– took place June 2014 Submission to BIS - June 2014 Supervisory/Management Rejected by BIS - August 2014 Culinary Chef and Production Chef approved by BIS - August 2014 L2 Commis Chef/L3 Chef De Partie and L2 Team Member routes approved for TB3 Next steps: o Re-submitted October 2014 supervisory/management professional standard o Assessment meetings took place September 2014 for the chef routes o City & Guilds meet with assessment group November 2014 – February 2015 o City & Guilds offer available February 2015 o Implementation of PS September 2015 26

27 Version 1.0 Culinary Chef – TB2 Option 1Option 2Actions and Dates Knowledge 7091 equivelant There is no existing 7091 product at level 4, this would have to be developed. Online or paperbased or both? (existing 7091 is the current technical certificate for the apprenticeship) Qualification or alternate offer No qualification available, professional log/record of achievement produced to meet PS criteria Develop lite touch NVQ model product with end included and NVQ model without. Produce professional log/record of achievement. Development of lite touch NVQ. Develop professional log. Could this be similar to the current logbook? Can this be done online and paperbased? End test Develop synoptic end test – one that can be done in a simulated environment. Use the level 3 7100 synoptic test as a model. Plus professional discussion Develop a workbased end test. Enabling employers to use their natural service. Plus professional discussion Synoptic test to be developed. Guidance on workbased assessment produced. Behaviours Workbook – generic content plus sector specific content Being developed centrally – so as generic to be used by all areas Level 4 – Implementation September 2015

28 Version 1.0 Production Chef – TB2 Option 1Option 2Actions and Dates Knowledge 7091 qualification – current technical certificate for the apprenticeship. content to be reviewed to ensure meets PS Qualification or alternate offer Re-develop 7133 qualification, to be NVQ lite with separate end test as knowledge. Plus professional log/record of achievement. Re-develop 7133 qualification, to be NVQ lite with end test included to cover the knowledge. Plus professional log/record of achievement. Development of lite touch NVQ from 7133 qualifications. Develop professional log. Could this be similar to the current logbook? Can this be done online and paperbased? End test Develop synoptic end test – one that can be done in a simulated environment. Plus professional discussion Develop a workbased end test. Enabling employers to use their natural service. Plus professional discussion Synoptic test to be developed. Guidance on workbased assessment produced. Behaviours Workbook – generic content plus sector specific content Being developed centrally – so as generic to be used by all areas Level 3 – Implementation September 2015

29 Current frameworks Will continue until a replacement professional standard developed Will continue in the nations Frameworks likely to be withdrawn in September 2015 are the level 3 frameworks NVQs likely to remain as stand alone qualifications 29

30 Digital and Publications The following publications are available to support learners through their learner journey: NVQ 1. Level 2 Professional Cookery7132 2. Level 2 Professional Food & Beverage Service7132 3. Level 3 Hospitality & Supervision7250 VRQ 1. Level 2 Professional Cookery7100 2. Level 2 Professional Food & Beverage Service 7103 Content Exchange The Content Exchange is the learning marketplace for teachers, learners and professionals looking to find and share a professional blend of high quality content. We work with partners and individuals to facilitate a content community that caters for all training and development needs, whatever role you play or stage you are at of the learner journey - from pre-qualification careers information and exploration to CPD for the experienced professional. Find it all here! The Content Exchange is a collaboration between the UFI Trust and City & Guilds, and is open for all to use.UFI Trust City & Guilds 30

31 © CITY & GUILDS There are many competitions that support all age groups in Hospitality & Catering. Below are just some that can be entered either individually or by college. Royal Academy of Culinary Arts Annual Awards of Excellence in cooking, service and pastry open to those between 20 and 26 in employment Academy of Food & Wine – generally open to all age groups UK Sommelier of Year - UK Restaurant Manager of Year - Sake Sommelier of the year - Competitions

32 © CITY & GUILDS There are many competitions that support all age groups in Hospitality & Catering. Below are just some that can be entered either individually or by college. Nestle Toque d’Or – Open to all Hospitality & Catering colleges providing a unique experience of learning and competition. Craft Guild of Chefs Tabasco Student Street Food Brunch Challenge – aimed at students in college Graduate Awards – aimed at those under 23 Competitions

33 © CITY & GUILDS Craft Guild of Chefs Major Series – open to all The competition includes live and static display classes as well as the hot live culinary challenge and the restaurant skills class. Young National Chef of the Year – open to under 23 Young National Chef of the Year in partnership with Knorr is open to chefs aged 18-23 years and sits alongside The National Chef of The Year. Competitions

34 © CITY & GUILDS There are many exhibitions that are recommended to attend to meet and network with those from the sector. 1.Hotelympia 2. The Restaurant Show 3. Café Culture 4. Hospitality Show Exhibitions

35 © CITY & GUILDS WORLDCHEFS in partnership with City & Guilds, has launched the first global culinary certification in the world. Chefs, cooks and culinary educators are now able to get all the skills and experience they have gained while working in the industry certified, at nine different levels. Only global certification of its kind Recognised and supported by industry Accessible online anytime anywhere Compliments formal education and industry experience The program reflects the entire industry career path WHY BECOME A GLOBAL CERTIFIED CHEF? GLOBAL RECOGNITION OF SKILLS AND INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE Certificate represents global recognition of national qualifications, up-to-date skills, proven industry experience and international expertise. STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD This is the only global certification in the world, which allows applicants to place themselves at the forefront of the culinary industry. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYABILITY Successful candidates have the opportunity to seek employment anywhere in the world and demonstrate their skills, proven experience and develop their international expertise. PROFESSIONAL CAREER ADVANCEMENT With 9 professional levels available, the program is designed to support your continuous professional development, thus reflecting the complete career path within the industry. BECOME PART OF WORLDCHEFS NETWORK Get your culinary skills and experience globally recognized, honour the profession and personal achievements, express ambition,distinguish oneself, climb the career ladder and become a WORLDCHEF. World Associations of Chefs Global Culinary Certification

36 I have a Job! Yes I have a job! But learning doesn’t stop there, always look for many CPD opportunities that City & Guilds provides through short qualifications. 36

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