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Reuse Basic concepts. Rationale for reuse  Save calendar time  Save person hours  Reduce process risk  Increased quality  Standards compliance.

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Presentation on theme: "Reuse Basic concepts. Rationale for reuse  Save calendar time  Save person hours  Reduce process risk  Increased quality  Standards compliance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reuse Basic concepts

2 Rationale for reuse  Save calendar time  Save person hours  Reduce process risk  Increased quality  Standards compliance

3 What is re-used?  Software:  Application reuse  Component reuse  Object and function reuse  Test cases  Test data  Document content  Experience:  Design patterns  Architectural styles  Processes  Documents  Conventions and standards

4 Classification of reuse  Product  Scope  Vertical  Horizontal  Mode  Planned  Opportunistic  Intention  Black-box  Clear-box  Technique  Compositional  Generative

5 Techniques  Program libraries  COTS  Design patterns  Middle-ware integration frameworks  Legacy system wrapping  Service-oriented systems  Software product lines  Commonalities  Variation points  Program generators  Software/Experience Factory

6 Cost of reuse  Development for reuse  Long-term increased maintenance costs  Lack of tool support  Non-invented-here (NIH)-syndrome  Creating and maintaining a repository  Finding, understanding and adapting reusable components  Conflict project and line management

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