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How can a university be globally competitive and locally engaged: the Newcastle experience. John Goddard Emeritus Professor of Regional Development Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "How can a university be globally competitive and locally engaged: the Newcastle experience. John Goddard Emeritus Professor of Regional Development Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can a university be globally competitive and locally engaged: the Newcastle experience. John Goddard Emeritus Professor of Regional Development Studies And NESTA Visiting Fellow Newcastle University

2 Lesson 1 Use international institutions (e.g. EU, OECD) experience, expertise and status to shape the national agenda

3 Lesson 2 Seize windows of policy opportunity and build on them

4 University/region value added

5 Lesson 3 Continue bottom up partnership building and insert these into top down policy initiatives

6 OECD report Higher Education and Regions: Globally Competitive and Locally Engaged Sponsored by Education AND Territorial Governance Divisions

7 The regionally engaged multi-modal and multi-scalar university (after Arbo and Benneworth) SkillsCulture National policy LM TDP IND HE S&T ‘Global’ Academic kudos ‘National’ ‘Regional’ ‘Science park Hospital Culture village Inward investors Innovation

8 Lesson 4 Use outsiders to peer review local partnerships

9 5 Roles of Universities in Innovation (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, UK) 1.Driving forward the research frontier 2.Giving people the skills for innovation 3.Knowledge exchange and people transfer 4.A node in an international network of knowledge 5.Providing regional leadership – specialisation: focussing on strengths and the needs of regions

10 Lesson 5 Universities need access to innovation policy research capacity if they are to realise their potential

11 Newcastle University: Key Business Drivers Maintaining and enhancing position as a research intensive University against strong national and international competition for staff, students and research grants and contracts Marketisation of higher education –Research Assessment Exercise –Top up fees, bursaries and scholarships –Local wage bargaining

12 University Mission “To be a world-class research intensive University, to deliver teaching of the highest quality and to play a leading role in the economic, social and cultural development of the North East of England”

13 Business Support Knowledge Transfer Knowledge Economy Research NU Business Regeneration Property Global Policy National Education Skills Newcastle University Business and Science City

14 Lesson 6 Build a common language that reveals mutual interest

15 Capital of Culture Bid – University Cultural Quarter Creating spaces (buildings) where cultural activities can take place Creating places where the university and the community can come together Combining university and non-university activities in a collectively managed zone or quarter

16 Lesson 7 Ensure that engagement is not confined to science and technology

17 Transforming Health: International Centre for Life Institute of Human Genetics (University of Newcastle) NHS Genetics Testing Service Bioscience Centre - serviced incubator units Life Knowledge Park Life! Visitor attraction (Secret of Life Theatre, Big Brain Show, Life on the Edge ride) Education resource centre Politics, Ethics and Life Science Research Institutes

18 Institute for Policy Ethics and Life Science To enhance public participation in debates around new developments in genetics and life science To undertake research on the ethical, legal and social consequences for ordinary people in their everyday life To use these public sources and research data to engage in an informed critical and evaluative development with scientists and policy makers. Key Assets: leading edge science, social science and strong regional identity

19 Lesson 8 Develop new ideas in a laboratory and then roll out across the institution and partnership

20 Lesson 9 Identify and support champions who can become boundary spanning role models

21 Lesson 10 Develop people who fill boundary spanning roles at all levels, working with local and national partners

22 Continue the Work of Building the Bridge between HEIs and Regions

23 Teaching Research Academic Societal Education relevant to work LLL, Sector Skills, prof quals, employability, workforce education (Relevance ) Translation of knowledge into innovation ( Applications) Academic education World class academic Research base Higher Education Drivers DR M.Wedgwood, Manchester Metropolitan University

24 Teaching Research Academic Societal Widening Participation/access Sector Skills Graduate Employability Employer Engagement and HE Targets Professional Quals Life Long Learning Workforce Development Foundation degrees Economic Growth Business Competitiveness Knowledge Transfer IP exploitation/spinout companies Regional Development and regeneration Graduates Post Graduates Higher Education Targets Learning programmes Intellectual Capital Academic Research International research base Discipline advancement New knowledge World Class Knowledge Base Some agendas/expectations of HE DR M.Wedgwood, Manchester Metropolitan University,

25 Teaching Research Academic Societal/employer A UK Research Intensive University? DR M.Wedgwood, Manchester Metropolitan University

26 Teaching Research Academic Societal Post 1992 University? DR M.Wedgwood, Manchester Metropolitan University,

27 Teaching Research Academic Societal A Mixed Economy University? DR M.Wedgwood, Manchester Metropolitan University,

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