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Hope for the Future  A majority of our children are financially illiterate. In a national personal finance survey of 4,000 students taken recently 68%

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Presentation on theme: "Hope for the Future  A majority of our children are financially illiterate. In a national personal finance survey of 4,000 students taken recently 68%"— Presentation transcript:


2 Hope for the Future  A majority of our children are financially illiterate. In a national personal finance survey of 4,000 students taken recently 68% failed…These young people spend 98% of money they receive as gifts, allowance and earnings

3 When should children learn about money?  An ideal time to begin teaching your children about the basics of money is when they first begin to notice it- Bank of America Website

4 Exploratory Research  Researched Similar Products Available Board Games Monopoly, Life, and Risk Online Games ○ There were several websites that have financial games for kids of different ages

5 Exploratory Research  Conducted personal interviews with children to get an idea of what knowledge kids have with some basic financial terms

6 Questions Asked…  1) Do you know what interest is? Some responded that it meant to be “interested” in something ○ No financial knowledge of the term 2) What is credit? The kids described it as giving “credit” to someone ○ Credit for doing homework or writing a paper ○ The 6 th and 7 th graders had no financial sense of the term ○ One 8 th grader understood the financial term

7 Purpose:  Hood Rich serves as an educational tool that introduces basic financial terms and concepts to students.  Hands-on, requires both planning and on-the-spot decision making, real life scenarios.

8 Product Details:

9 About the Game  Instructions  Game cards and pieces  How to win Be the first player to purchase long term goal

10 Terms and Concepts  Terms: Stocks, Bonds, Liabilities, Interest, Allowance, Long-term Goals.  Concepts: Stock Market, Basic Mathematics, Interest, Debt.

11 Contents:

12 Distribution Strategy  At first, stick with sending out the game to school districts Aim towards middle school teachers  If successful with schools, branch out

13 Pricing Strategy  Our research and development costs were a bit high Prototype Trial and error  Factor in all costs associated with producing and distributing Dollars and Sense  $8.50 to produce and $1.00 to ship per game  Shelf price = $29.99

14 Promotion  Begin by advertising locally Send out a letter to local school board  Website  Future promotion: commercial

15 In the Letter..  Describe the idea of Hood Rich  List advantages of having the game in a classroom (Learn about stocks, bonds, assets, etc.)  Request a chance to pitch our product  State that we will contact them

16 Online Marketing  Placing an ad about Hood Rich on an already established website  A teacher’s website  Promote game to frequent site viewers

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