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Listening 2 Experiencing Nature

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1 Listening 2 Experiencing Nature
Look at the photo. What do you see ? Do you like to in this place ? Why ? What kind of outdoor activities do you enjoy? What is your favorite kind of weather? Part 1/ Vacation plans/ p-24 Describe your perfect outdoor vacation? Where would you go ? Where would you do there? Nouns: chance of- degrees- weather forcast- Verbs: get a tan Adjectives: extra- freezing- sick of- Expressions: how come- it’s raining cats and dogs.

2 2 Previewing Vocabulary/p-26
1. A: Wow. How come you’re all wet. B. Because it’s raining cats and dogs outside. 2. In the summer, I love to lie in the sun and get a tan. 3. The weather report in the newspaper says there’s a 90% chance of snow tomorrow. Be sure to dress warm. 4. It’s 20 degrees Celsius outside. You don’t need a sweater. 5. We’ve been on the road for six hours. I am sick of driving. 6. A. Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow ? B.Yes, it’s going to be sunny and warm. A perfect day for the beach. 7. Why don’t you turn on the heater? It’s freezing in this room. It’s broken .We’ll have to sleep in our coats tonight. 8. Do you have an extra jacket? I forgot mine at home.

3 Listening for main ideas/ page 25 Listening for Details / page 26
Exercise 3 1. Where does Peter want to go on vacations soon? Peter wants to go on vacation because he’s sick of studying. 2. Where does Bruce prefer to go on vacation? Bruce wants to go to the mountains, especially in the winter. He loves snowboarding. 3. What do Jack and Peter agree about ? Jack and Peter both want to go to a warm, sunny place. Peter wants to lie on a beach and Jack wants to go swimming and snorkeling. Exercise 4 it is almost the end of the school year. Jack has never tried skiing. The weather isn’t going to be better tomorrow. Answers: F-F- T

4 Listening for stressed words /p-265
Peter: Wow. Look . It’s raining cats and dogs again. I hate this weather. When does winter break starts? Jack: Winter break? It ‘s only October. Peter: I know, but I am sick of studying. I want to go someplace warm and lie on the beach for a week. Someplace where it’s sunny and dry. Florida or Hawaii, maybe? Jack: Yeah. Where we can go swimming and snorkeling and get a great tan. Now that’s my idea of a perfect vacation. Bruce: Not mine. I can’t swim very well, and I don’t like lying in the sun. Peter: Oh, yeah? How come? Bruce: I don’t know . I just prefer the mountains, especially in winter. I love snowboarding. In fact, I’m planning to go to Bear Mountain with some friends in December. Do you want to come.?

5 Stressed words Jack: No, thanks. I went there last year. I was freezing the whole time. Anyway, I don’t know how to ski very well. Last year, I fell about a hundred times. Bruce: Peter, how about you? Peter: Sorry, I’m like Jack. I don’t want to go anyplace where it’s below 70 degrees. Jack: By the way, whát’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? Bruce: The same as today, cloudy, cold, and a 90 percent chance of rain. Jack: Oh, no! I left my umbrella at the library. Bruce: You can borrow mine. I’ve got an extra one.

6 7 .Listening for Reductions p-27
Jack: Hi, Bruce. Hi, Peter. Bruce and Peter: hey, Jack. Bruce: What’s happening? Jack: I’m going to the campus recreation center. Do you want to come? Bruce: Thanks, but I don’t want to go . I’m tired. Jack: How about you, Peter? Peter: I can’t . I ‘ve got to stay at home and study. Maybe tomorrow.

7 After you listen/ speaking / p-28
1. When you are sick of studying , what do you do to relax? If I am sick of studying 2. In you hometown, what is the coldest temperature, and what is the hottest temperature. It is ----degrees 3. What is a safe way to get a tan. To get a tan, 4. Are you afraid to drive if it’s raining cats and dogs? How much extra time do you give yourself when you drive in bad weather? Use extra in your answer.. 5. What is the chance of rain tomorrow in the area where you live? It is 1% chance to rain tomorrow here. 6. Which is worse for you: to be freezing or to be hot. Worse for me is to be

8 Talking about abilities p-29
You can use can and can’t to talk about abilities. I am not able to drive = I can’t drive. I don’t know how to drive. I wish I could drive= I can’t drive. I’m not good at driving= I don’t drive. I’m not really good at driving= I don’t know how to drive. Put the sentences above to positive= you are able= you can I am able to drive= I can drive.

9 Talking about abilities/ p-30
Tell your partner about your abilitiesThings I am good at 1. I can 2. I am able 3. I am good at 4. I know how-- Things I am not good at 1. I can’t 2. I am not able to 3. I am not good at 4. I don’t know how--

10 Part 2/ Story : Camping/ p-30 Before you listen
Have you ever gone camping? Tell about this experience . Where did you go? When? With whom? 2. Why do many people enjoy camping? 3. What unpleasant or dangerous things can happen while camping? [previewing vocabulary] Incredible: unbelievable Muddy: full of wet sand Hiking: climbing mountains Couldn’t wait: very excited Scared: afraid

11 2. Previewing Vocabulary- page 30
Sentences: 1. The view at the top of the mountain was incredible. The sunset was orange and purple. 2. Please clean your muddy shoes before you come inside the house. 3. When I’m sick of being in the city, I go hiking in the mountains. 4. After the rain stopped, the sky was clear and sunny. 5. After six months in another country, I couldn’t wait to see my family again. 6. Don’t be scared of the dog, she is very sweet and gentle. Definitions A. afraid B. walking out in nature C. wanted to do something very much D. unbelievable E. covered with wet earth F. not cloudy.

12 Taking Notes on specific information –p-31
1. Decided to go 2. weather was 3. after ½ hr started to 4. hiked back to change 5. couldn’t find 6. went back 7. saw wearing 8. felt 9.problem now

13 Listening for Main ideas
1. Decided to go 2. weather was 3. after ½ hr started to 4. hiked back to change 5. couldn’t find 6. went back 7. saw wearing 8. felt 9.problem now

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