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Presentation on theme: "ANIMAL LIBERATION FRONT MARIELA LARA DIANA CORNEJO."— Presentation transcript:


2 HISTORY Animal Liberation Front are animal liberation activists who engage in direct action on behalf animals. Animal activists would remove animals from facilities and sabotaged facilities in protest against animal testing, fur farming and other animal based industries. Animal Liberation Front are animal liberation activists who engage in direct action on behalf animals. Animal activists would remove animals from facilities and sabotaged facilities in protest against animal testing, fur farming and other animal based industries. Animal Liberation Front began in the 19 th Century, and was re- created in 1965. Animal Liberation Front began in the 19 th Century, and was re- created in 1965. ALF’s roots can be traced back to the 19th century England, a group of the activists called the Bands of Mercy, which was set up in 1824 to thwart fox hunters. ALF’s roots can be traced back to the 19th century England, a group of the activists called the Bands of Mercy, which was set up in 1824 to thwart fox hunters. The Bands of Mercy changed their names to the Hunt Saboteurs Association. Hunt Saboteurs association would blow horns to send the hounds the wrong direction, set off smoke bombs, and members laid down between the hunters and fox. The Bands of Mercy changed their names to the Hunt Saboteurs Association. Hunt Saboteurs association would blow horns to send the hounds the wrong direction, set off smoke bombs, and members laid down between the hunters and fox.

3 HISTORY CONT’D. Animal Rights is the movement to protect non-human animals from being used or regarded as property by humans. Animal Rights is the movement to protect non-human animals from being used or regarded as property by humans. Alf attack laboratories to liberate animals used for clothing, food, testing and for sports. Alf attack laboratories to liberate animals used for clothing, food, testing and for sports. The ALF defines itself as non-violent, defining violence as acts of physical aggression directed at human and non- human animals. The ALF defines itself as non-violent, defining violence as acts of physical aggression directed at human and non- human animals.

4 Robin Webb runs the Animal Liberation Press in UK. Webb states that the ALF aims are to: 1."To liberate animals from suffering or potential suffering and place them in good permanent homes or, where appropriate, release them into their natural environment." 2. "To damage or destroy property and equipment associated with animal abuse, by taking that property out of the arena of animal abuse so it can no longer cause harm, and inflicting economic loss on the abusers with the intention of driving them out of business." 3. "To take all reasonable precautions not to endanger life of any kind." IMPORTANT PEOPLE

5 Important People Cont’d. Jerry Vlasak is an animal rights activists and press officer for the animal press office. He is also a member of the Physicians committee for responsible medicine. Jerry Vlasak is an animal rights activists and press officer for the animal press office. He is also a member of the Physicians committee for responsible medicine. Ronnie Lee was a member of the Hunt Sabotagers Association in the 1970’s. He formed an offshoot called Band of Mercy. Ronnie Lee was a member of the Hunt Sabotagers Association in the 1970’s. He formed an offshoot called Band of Mercy. Cliff Goodman was also an activists in 1972, Goodman would attack hunters vehicles. Cliff Goodman was also an activists in 1972, Goodman would attack hunters vehicles. Both would attack pharmaceutical laboratories, seal hunting boats, and would set fires. Both would attack pharmaceutical laboratories, seal hunting boats, and would set fires. Lee and Goodman were both arrested for taking part in a raid on Oxford animal Laboratory colonies. They were both sentenced to three years in prison, but only served two. Lee and Goodman were both arrested for taking part in a raid on Oxford animal Laboratory colonies. They were both sentenced to three years in prison, but only served two.

6 TERRORIST EVENTS On November 10, 1973, ALF set fire to a building in Milton Keynes, as part of a strategy to make insurance prohibitive for what they saw as exploitative industries, and thus began a campaign of arson that continues to this day. On November 10, 1973, ALF set fire to a building in Milton Keynes, as part of a strategy to make insurance prohibitive for what they saw as exploitative industries, and thus began a campaign of arson that continues to this day. Alf activists broke into laboratories used by the psychology department from the University of Iowa. ALF took 88 mice and 313 rats. They destroyed documents and computers by pouring acid on them. Members caused damage worth up to $ 450,000. Alf activists broke into laboratories used by the psychology department from the University of Iowa. ALF took 88 mice and 313 rats. They destroyed documents and computers by pouring acid on them. Members caused damage worth up to $ 450,000. ALF stole over 100 research animals and ransacked labs at University of Minnesota. Alf caused $2 million dollars worth of damages and disruption of many research projects. ALF stole over 100 research animals and ransacked labs at University of Minnesota. Alf caused $2 million dollars worth of damages and disruption of many research projects.

7 UNITED STATES REACTIONS January 2005, ALF was named as a terrorist threat in the United States by Homeland Security. January 2005, ALF was named as a terrorist threat in the United States by Homeland Security. Officials from the FBI and ATF stated that “Violent animal rights extremists and eco-terrorists now pose one of the most serious terrorism threats to the nation.” Officials from the FBI and ATF stated that “Violent animal rights extremists and eco-terrorists now pose one of the most serious terrorism threats to the nation.”

8 BRITCHES Britches a Stump tail Macaque monkey was born at the University of California at the research center in Riverside, California. Right after birth he was taken away from his mother, and his eyelids were sewn together. The stitches left him blind. Britches was deprived from any comfort and was kept in a cage with only one padded cylinder to cling to. Britches a Stump tail Macaque monkey was born at the University of California at the research center in Riverside, California. Right after birth he was taken away from his mother, and his eyelids were sewn together. The stitches left him blind. Britches was deprived from any comfort and was kept in a cage with only one padded cylinder to cling to. The University of California conducted this experiment as part of a maternal and sensory deprivation experiment The University of California conducted this experiment as part of a maternal and sensory deprivation experiment In 1985, ALF released britches from the university after having a raid. In 1985, ALF released britches from the university after having a raid.

9 INJURED ANIMALS These are some pictures of animals that were injured by laboratories. These are some pictures of animals that were injured by laboratories.

10 EARTH LIBERATION FRONT ELF is another animal activist terrorist group. ELF is another animal activist terrorist group. ELF is the collective name for anonymous and autonomous individuals or groups that according to the new ELF press office, use “Economic sabotage and guerilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the national environment” ELF is the collective name for anonymous and autonomous individuals or groups that according to the new ELF press office, use “Economic sabotage and guerilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the national environment” ELF’s guidelines require individuals or groups on its behalf “take all necessary precautions against harming any animal – human and non-human.” ELF’s guidelines require individuals or groups on its behalf “take all necessary precautions against harming any animal – human and non-human.” Elf was founded in the United Kingdom and has been active in the United States, Canada, and Greece. Elf was founded in the United Kingdom and has been active in the United States, Canada, and Greece. March 2001, ELF was classified as the top domestic terror threat in the U.S. by the FBI. March 2001, ELF was classified as the top domestic terror threat in the U.S. by the FBI. Elf has committed more than 1,200 acts of vandalism and arson in the U.S. causing more than $2 million in damage. Elf has committed more than 1,200 acts of vandalism and arson in the U.S. causing more than $2 million in damage.

11 REFERENCES American Liberation Front. Retrieved February 1, 2007. Web Site. Kaiser, Jocelyn (04/16/1999). Activists Ransack Minnesota Labs. Science, vol. 284, issue 5413. McGraw, Hill (2006). In Violence and Terrorism. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 1, 2007. Web Site.


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