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The Modern Church © John Stevenson, 2008
Session Objectives To identify, analyze and critique the fortunes of Christianity and its relations to culture in both its Western and global settings in the 21 st Century. To recognize evaluate the influence that Nazism and Marxism has had upon the Christianity in the 20 th Century. To summarize, interpret and evaluate the ecumenical movement.
Session Objectives To identify and assess the value and impact of Vatican II on the Roman Catholic Church. To explain the effects of globalization on the Christian Church and the relative influence Christianity is having. To compare and contrast the interaction of Christianity and the culture in the 21 st Century with that of the Patristic era.
1000 150015002000 The Medieval Church The Reformed Church The Ancient Church
How ought the church to respond to the changing world?
18001850190019502000 Second Great Awakening American Civil War Mormons Darwin’s Origin of the Species Darby Millerites
1809-1882 Five-year voyage aboard HMS Beagle “Origin of the Species” “The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.”
Man is not a finished product incapable of further progress. He has a long history behind him, and it is a history not of a fall, but of an ascent. Sir Julian Huxley
1844-1918 Documentary Hypothesis JEPD Theory –J: Jehovah –E: Elohim –D: Deuteronomy –P: Priestly writings These original writing were collected and edited by a later redactor.
Inerrancy of Scripture Virgin Birth & Deity of Christ Substitutionary Atonement received by Grace through Faith Bodily resurrection of Jesus Second Coming of Jesus Five Major Christian Teachings
1837-1899 Worked in a shoe store Led to Christ by his Sunday School Teacher, Edward Kimball Began teaching Sunday School Traveling evangelist
1837-1899 “Someday you will read in the papers that Moody is dead. Don't you believe a word of it. At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now. I was born of the flesh in 1837, I was born of the spirit in 1855. That which is born of the flesh may die. That which is born of the Spirit shall live forever.”
1843-1921 Background in law and politics Converted to Christianity in 1879 and ordained four years later Influenced by Moody and Hudson Taylor Published Scofield Reference Bible
1862-1935 Professional Baseball player Converted to Christianity Evangelist Tent meetings “Sawdust trail”
1862-1935 “At Kansas City, Kansas, before the saloons were closed, they were getting ready to build an addition to the jail. Now the doors swing idly on the hinges and there is nobody to lock in the jails.”
Methodist Holiness Movement Entire Sanctification Second Blessing
Methodist Holiness Movement Spiritual Power for service Keswick Movement
Methodist Holiness Movement Keswick Movement Holiness Camp Meetings
Charles Parkham January 1901 Topeka, Kansas Speaking in tongues Missionaries no longer need to learn foreign languages Agnes Ozman
Charles Parkham Asuza Street Revival, Los Angeles Begun in 1906 Three services a day, seven days a week for three years Transcended racial barriers William Seymour
Methodist Holiness Movement Keswick Movement Holiness Camp Meetings Pentecostal Movement
Methodist Holiness Movement Keswick Movement Holiness Camp Meetings Pentecostal Movement Charismatic Movement
1918 Published the book, The Manhood of the Master, denying the deity of Christ
“Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” “The question is—Has anybody a right to deny the Christian name to those who differ with him on such points and to shut against them the doors of the Christian fellowship?”
1881-1937 Professor at Princeton Seminary Left to begin Westminster Seminary (1929) Independent Presbyterian Mission Board Orthodox Presbyterian Church (1936)
1881-1937 “If the liberal party really obtains full control of the councils of the church, then no evangelical Christian can continue to support the church’s work” (1923:166)
What course do you take when even the church, you believe, has tragically compromised the Gospel and been seduced by the culture?
Northern Presbyterian Church Machen left in 1933 to form the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) Southern Presbyterian Church Ministers left in 1973 to form the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Civil War
1881-1937 “Seventy-five years ago, Western civilization, despite inconsistencies, was still predominantly Christian; today it is predominantly pagan” (1923:65)
1925 Clarence Darrow William Jennings Bryan
1886-1968 Trained in German theological liberalism Known as the “father of neo-orthodoxy” God makes Himself known as we encounter the Scriptures
Theological Liberalism Theological Orthodoxy Bible is merely a man-made book Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God
Theological Liberalism Theological Orthodoxy Neo-Orthodoxy Bible is merely a man-made book Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God Bible becomes the word of God as I receive it in faith
Orthodoxy The Bible is the Word of God Neo-Orthodoxy The Bible contains the Word of God Verbal Plenary Inspiration Authors interpreted events and words of God Truth is absoluteTruth is relative
1906-1945 German theologian Received his doctorate at the age of 21 Traveled to America Returned to Hitler’s Germany Involved in the Confessing Church
1906-1945 Involved in a plot to assassinate Hitler Funds used to aid escaping Jews traced back to him Concentration camp Execution
1906-1945 “To endure the cross is not tragedy; it is the suffering which is the fruit of an exclusive allegiance to Jesus Christ.”
1906-1945 “Only he who believes is obedient and only he who is obedient believes.”
How does a Christian committed to peace come to assist violence in combating unrestrained violence?
What do you do when patriotism and Christian faith collide?
What is the responsibility of a Christian when others are being persecuted and even executed?
Why is Christianity experiencing new vitality in parts of the Third World yet declining in the West?
Course Evaluations
Machen 18001850190019502000 Billy Graham Second Great Awakening American Civil War WW1 WW2 Mormons Jehovah’s Witnesses Darwin’s Origin of the Species Vatican II Darby Millerites Jesus Movement
Christian Ecumenism versus Religious Pluralism. Ecumenism and Vatican II. –Anathemas rescinded (1965) –Pope John Paul II visits Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (1999) A move toward religious unity
How important do you think the visible unity of the church is, or should be?
How should the church reconcile these two values? TruthUnity
Formed in 1948 Made up of Protestant, Independent, and Orthodox Churches. Political Issues. –Israel, Arab, and Palestinian rights –Support of Communist rebels Facilitation of dialog between different denominations.
1912-1984 Established a Christian study center in L’Abri, Switzerland Spoke on the issue of relativist thinking Brought people to see Christianity as “true truth.”
1910-1997 Born Agnes Bojaxhiu in Macedonia Roman Catholic Nun in India Felt a call to serve the poor outside the convent Malcom Muggeridge: Something Beautiful for God William Cook
1910-1997 Love begins at home with family and friends Begin by loving the outcast you know Love is not defined by extraordinary deeds, but in the daily giving of yourself to another William Cook
A Theology of Liberation Notre Dame Professor of Theology Salvation in terms of liberation from social and economic injustice A Marxist approach to Christianity 1973
Born 1927 Founded Calvary Chapel Pentecostal Jesus People Movement Rolling commentary style of preaching
In what ways have churches reacted to the “me” generation?
Narcissistic Children Self-Esteem Parenting
…side by side with material prosperity, a spiritual desert is spreading: an interior emptiness, an unnamed fear, a quiet sense of despair (Pope Benedict XVI, 2008).
Over 2000 attending Suburban areas Functionally nondenominational Something for everyone One highly gifted spiritual leader Scott Thumma, PhD
1970 0 199020032006 250 500 750 1000 1250
What are the biggest challenges and opportunities that the Church faces at the beginning of the new millennium?
De-emphasis on Doctrine Openness to new ideas Seeking Community Participatory Worship Oriented toward Postmodernism
Shaping theology to suit culture Adapting methods to reach culture
“When I say I'm a universalist, what I really mean is that I don't believe you have to convert to any particular religion to find God. A I see it, God finds us, and it has nothing to do with subscribing to any particular religious view.” – Spencer Burke
“It may be advisable in many (not all!) circumstances to help people become followers of Jesus and remain within their Buddhist, Hindu, or Jewish contexts.” – Brian McLaren
“The old paradigm taught that if you had the right teaching, you will experience God. The new paradigm says that if you experience God, you will have the right teaching.” – Dan Kimball
What makes you most hopeful about the future of the Church?
ALP due next week
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