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Advancing Campus Internationalization Through an Integrated Approach: The Role of Languages and Cultures Across the Curriculum Regional Meeting of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing Campus Internationalization Through an Integrated Approach: The Role of Languages and Cultures Across the Curriculum Regional Meeting of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing Campus Internationalization Through an Integrated Approach: The Role of Languages and Cultures Across the Curriculum Regional Meeting of the Internationalization Collaborative University of Iowa, Fall 2005 Dr. Christa Olson, Associate Director of International Initiatives Center for Institutional and International Initiatives

2 What do we mean by Internationalization? Internationalization: the process for integrating international/intercultural content into the teaching, research and service functions of the institution.

3 Typology of Change Shallow Depth Deep Narrow Adjustments Isolated Change (I) (II) Pervasiveness Far-Reaching Transformational Broad (III) (IV)

4 Comprehensive Internationalization An example of transformational change Intentional, requiring leadership, strategy, and time. A long-term undertaking, involving many people, usually over at least 5 to 10 years

5 Two Complementary Approaches for Advancing Internationalization Learning Outcomes and Assessment: Establishment of desired student global learning outcomes (the outputs) › Where you want the students to be Internationalization Review: Review of existing campus international goals, strategies, activities, and programs (the inputs) › Where you are now

6 What is an Internationalization review? A process for … Taking stock of the international or global initiatives on campus Collecting and analyzing information as a basis for an internationalization plan Engaging people across the institution in a discussion of internationalization

7 Advantages of a Review Situates the institution in a broader context than the campus and its local environment Creates a structured process of review and discussion Engages a wide group of stakeholders in a discussion of internationaliation

8 Advantages (cont) Focuses attention through the institution on internationalization goals & practices Can promote synergy among dispersed international resources and activities Can be used to create a well substantiated plan for the future

9 For more information on how to conduct a review: ACE Publication: Internationalizing the Campus: A User’s Guide ACE Web Page: m?Section=IntCurrent&Template=/CM/ HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=9427

10 Why Engage in a Learning Outcomes/Assessment approach? Limitation of a focus on Inputs Demonstrating and Improving Global Learning Addressing the Needs of Students Who Attend Multiple Institutions

11 Why articulate learning outcomes (cont) To Align Internationalization Strategies with Learning Goals To set priorities when drafting internationalization plans. To demonstrate Accountability

12 What does Learning Outcomes and Assessment involve? Specifying global learning outcomes Reviewing learning opportunities to see if they are addressing these outcomes Developing and implementing a plan to assess for student achievement of outcomes Making improvements in learning opportunities based on the findings

13 Selecting an Approach for Crafting Global Learning Outcomes Striking the right balance between efficiency and inclusiveness › External experts – Adaptation of outcomes from an external source › Internal experts - Internationalization Team develops outcomes › Campus Grassroots – Team Iterative Approach

14 Ranking Document Tool Drawn from FIPSE Project on Assessing International Learning Step 1: Compile a list of global learning outcomes. Step 2: Create a ranking document tool Step 3: Invite campus faculty and administrators from a wide range of internationally disciplines and professional practice to rank the outcomes. Step 4: Compile the data and share the results.

15 Examples: Outcomes Communicates and connects with people in other language communities in a range of settings for a variety of purposes, developing skills in each of the four modalities: › speaking (productive), listening (receptive), reading (receptive), and writing (productive). Uses foreign language skills and/or knowledge of other cultures to extend his access to information, experiences, and understanding Demonstrates knowledge of other cultures (including beliefs, values, perspectives, practices, and products).

16 Applications The Role of Languages and Cultures Across the Curriculum › Practitioners - Valuable expertise to lend to advancing internationalization › Activities – Valuable Inputs to consider in an internationalization review process › Process – Valuable tools that could be proposed to advance address global learning outcomes › Demonstration– Capacity to develop powerful assessment methods to show evidence of learning

17 For more information on Learning Outcomes and Assessment See Assessing International Learning Project on ACE Web-site: Section=IntCurrent&Template=/CM/HTMLDis play.cfm&ContentID=4461 Section=IntCurrent&Template=/CM/HTMLDis play.cfm&ContentID=4461 Watch for forthcoming ACE publication: Building a Strategic Framework for Comprehensive Internationalization

18 Opportunities for Interaction Leadership Network on International education - For Presidents and Provosts  Next Meeting in DC, November 9, 2005:  Theme: Internationalizing Teaching and Learning: Institutional and Discipline Strategies  To ensure your President and/or CAO is invited, send an e-mail to:

19 Opportunities (cont) ACE Internationalization Collaborative  Invitational Network of 65 + Institutions  Forum for Campus Teams  For more info: Internationalization Laboratory  Small Cluster of Institutions engaged in internationalization review and strategic planning  For more information:

20 Advancing Campus Internationalization: Learning Outcomes & the Institutional Review CONAHEC Conference San Juan, 2005 Dr. Christa Olson, Associate Director of International Initiatives Center for Institutional and International Initiatives

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