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Climate Science and Energy Options Wednesday 30 Jan.2008 Focus the Nation The Evergreen State College Dr. E.J. Zita

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Science and Energy Options Wednesday 30 Jan.2008 Focus the Nation The Evergreen State College Dr. E.J. Zita"— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Science and Energy Options Wednesday 30 Jan.2008 Focus the Nation The Evergreen State College Dr. E.J. Zita

2 Climate Science: IPCC and beyond UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 Fourth Assessment Report - co-winner of Nobel Peace Prize

3 IPCC: Climate Science ___ scientists, ___ countries, thousands of articles, 6 years I. Evidence: The Physical Science Basis II. Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability III. Mitigation of climate change Scientific American, Aug.2007

4 I. Evidence for climate change

5 II. Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

6 III. Mitigation of climate change: Energy Options

7 Energy options…

8 A Grand Solar Plan Provide 69% of US electricity by 2050 30,000 sq miles of PV arrays in the desert 16,000 sq miles of solar thermal Store energy with under ground compressed air 2100: 100% electricity, 90% total, total land__ Scientific American, Jan.2008

9 Solar Power - challenges

10 Solar Power - promises

11 Brief Reports

12 Thank you Chelsie Papiez, Dr. Jean MacGregor, and FTN organizers Dr. Richard Gammon, UW-Seattle Colleagues at Chautauqua Institutes Colleagues at Evergreen Faculty Summer Institutes Evergreen students, especially Energy Systems and Science Seminar

13 References

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