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Disease transmission in networks: social and biological Frances Griffiths Warwick Medical School.

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1 Disease transmission in networks: social and biological Frances Griffiths Warwick Medical School

2 Emergence of ‘health’ of communities/populations Social networks are important where a biological agent of transmission is known - what about social modulation of biological transmission? - what about disease transmission with no known biological mechanism? - what about mimesis?

3 Egocentric social networks and health The number and quality of social relationships impacts on health - susceptibility to infectious disease - contraception usage - depression - premature death Increasing research on sociocentric networks and their impact on health

4 Social modulation of biological transmission Example from rural Ecuador on transmission of diarrhoeal disease (2003-2005): - increased prevalence with increased casual social contact (i.e. crowding) - reduced prevalence with increased ‘food sharing’ contact (quality of social connectedness) Are positive behaviours being mirrored in the food sharing networks?

5 Disease transmission with no known biological mechanism Three longitudinal studies in USA Obesity Social transmission v shared social environment Adolescent smoking Protective: having close circles of friends and social status among peers when one’s friends are smokers Increased risk of smoking: exposure to smokers and opportunity for interacting with them

6 Understanding cause v understanding what makes a successful intervention Friendship networks of obese people - potential for social support as part of intervention Adolescent smoking - increased ‘social competency’ as part of intervention

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