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Ms. Dilley Exta help: Tuesday & Wednesday, 2:15-2:45.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Dilley Exta help: Tuesday & Wednesday, 2:15-2:45."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Dilley Email: Exta help: Tuesday & Wednesday, 2:15-2:45

2 Think, read, write, speak, and listen to develop articulate communication skills. Read a variety of World literature where we will reflect, infer, interpret, identify and appreciate effective use of language. Write to increase fluency, generate ideas, persuade, and analyze literature. Learn a variety of research methods. In this class we will:

3 Pen/Pencil Binder Section Dividers College ruled paper

4  Bring materials and assignments to class.  No LATE WORK will be accepted.  Adherence to school attendance policy is mandatory and will be enforced.  When absent see me to get assignments missed and to make up tests/quizzes. You have seven days to make up work.

5  Be on time.  Students should use binder and dividers to stay organized  Vocabulary quizzes will given every Friday. Reading quizzes will be given based on reading homework.  Students will have homework every night.  Citizenship grades are based on attendance, respect, effort, participation, and attitude. Student must be in class at least 60% of the class time.

6 Cell phones and walk-mans are not to be brought to class. Attentiveness, respect, a willingness to learn, participation, and grow are expected. Cokes, Skittles, Heath bars, coffee, smiles, and a good attitude are also welcome.

7 –Grades are calculated according to the following percentile scale: A100 – 94B-81 – 78D+65 -- 62 A-93 – 90C+77 – 74 D61 – 59 B+89 – 86C73 – 70 D-58 -- 55 B85 – 82C-69 -- 66F54 & Below

8 Lord of the Flies - By William Golding The Catcher in the Rye - By J.D. Salinger 1 st Quarter 4th Quarter 2 nd Quarter 3rd Quarter The Count of Monte Cristo - By Alexandre Dumas Beowulf - Author unknown “ Hamlet” - By William Shakespeare The Bean Trees - By Barbara Kingsolver Siddhartha - By Hermann Hesse The Stranger – By Albert Camus


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