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Extrasolar planets. Finding planets Finding planets around other stars is hard!  need to look for something very faint very close to something that is.

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Presentation on theme: "Extrasolar planets. Finding planets Finding planets around other stars is hard!  need to look for something very faint very close to something that is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extrasolar planets

2 Finding planets Finding planets around other stars is hard!  need to look for something very faint very close to something that is MUCH brighter! In the past 10-15 years, astronomers have gotten very clever and it has paid off!

3 I. Finding planets indirectly by gravity –Orbit can’t be seen directly –But the motion can be detected by the Doppler shift if it is oriented correctly relative to our line of sight

4 Doppler Measurements Yield Planet Mass Mass = 4.6 M

5 II. Finding planets indirectly by light If the orbit of a planet lines up just right from our perspective, it might pass in front of its parent star This makes a sort of eclipse called a transit


7 Transit Yields Planet Radius 10b Size Radius = 1.4 R

8 Transits and Kepler mission Problem: dimming is small, determined by relative size of planet and star –Very small for Earth sized planets! Has been detected for large planets Kepler mission is currently searching for Earth-sized planets!Kepler mission

9 NASA’s Kepler Mission Determining the frequency of Earth-size and larger planets in the habitable zone of Sun-like stars

10 Extrasolar planet detections Lots of planets (>500!) have been detected, all in the last 10-15 years For most of these, we don’t know what the planets are made of, but for the few we can tell, they are probably gas planets like Jupiter At least, until this week ….

11 Kepler 10-b Just announced this week! Earth-sized planet Very close to its parent star, so very hot

12 Transit and Doppler Measurements Yield Density + 10b Size Mass Volume = 8.8 g/cm 3 Density

13 Composition of Kepler-10b

14 Summary Kepler-10b is orbiting a star very much like our own Sun, but with an age greater than 8 billion years, at a distance of 560 light years. Kepler-10b is the smallest exoplanet discovered to date and the first unquestionably rocky planet orbiting a star outside our Solar System

15 Gliese 581 Multiple planet system with a planet in a habitable zone? –Low mass M star, so habitable planets are close –Seven planets have been suggested! –Gliese 581g has a period of 37 days and is predicted to be in the habitable zone! –Gl 581g is “tidally locked” to star, meaning same side always faces the stars

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