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On-Chip Interconnect Analysis and Evaluation of Delay, Power, and Bandwidth Metrics under Different Design Goals.

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Presentation on theme: "On-Chip Interconnect Analysis and Evaluation of Delay, Power, and Bandwidth Metrics under Different Design Goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 On-Chip Interconnect Analysis and Evaluation of Delay, Power, and Bandwidth Metrics under Different Design Goals

2 Introduction Interconnect strategy, or interconnect planning has become a critical part of chip design: the growing significance of wire delay relative to gate delay. increasing power consumption of wires: could be up to 50% of the total dynamic power. Influences the ASIC design methodology

3 Our work Try to revamp the on-chip local interconnect configuration for multi-objective optimization: –Compare different objective functions. –Formulate various matrics to measure the wire performance. –Identify the optimal wire configurations.

4 Evaluation Approach and Models objective functions: – – is the wire-length normalized delay. – is the wire-length-normalized power.

5 Evaluation Approach and Models Metrics –is amount of data that can be transferred per unit area per unit time.

6 Evaluation Approach and Models Models –Elmore delay model: –Power model: –Leakage factor:

7 Minimum Delay Optimum repeater interval and size: Optimum delay and power

8 Experimental results: wire configuration Optimal inverter sizesOptimal widths

9 Optimal inverter distances in the min-dp procedure Optimal inverter distances in the min-ddp procedure Optimal inverter distances in the min-d procedure

10 Experimental results: metric evaluation


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